R code for removing Bias in Covid-19 data Using Econometric Tools

A version of our detailed paper with all the theory is submitted to a journal called Econometrica. It is entitled “A Novel Solution to Biased Data in Covid-19 Incidence Studies” and is available at vinod/virus1.pdf and also at ssrn.com/abstract=3637682 The paper solves the bias in data arising from non-random testing of entire population for Covid-19. A two-equation model overcomes the bias by using the inverse Mills ratio and improves forecasts of new deaths in all nine out of nine weekly out-of-sample comparisons. We identify the political party of the governors of states with desirable negative and undesirable positive trends.
##Pull Data
Cumulative_Deaths=read.csv("Cumulative Deaths.csv")
Cumulative_Infections=read.csv("Cumulative Infections.csv")
##clean data
2020/06/15: First Step Probit Model

myprobit<-glm(TI~HES+CPT+UI+HR+HI, family=binomial(link="probit"),data=Data)
##TI is Testing Indicator (i.e. 1 for tested and 0 for not tested)
##HES is Hospital Employee Share
##CPT is portion of population that Commutes on Public Transit
##UI in Uninsured Population
##HR is Hypertension Rate (one of the leading comorbidities)
#HI is Household Income

## Call:
## glm(formula = TI ~ HES + CPT + UI + HR + HI, family = binomial(link = "probit"), 
##     data = Data)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -0.7296  -0.3849  -0.3553  -0.3376   2.5180  
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept) -2.4319390  0.0636110 -38.231  < 2e-16 ***
## HES          0.0663127  0.0081659   8.121 4.64e-16 ***
## CPT          0.0193450  0.0004345  44.523  < 2e-16 ***
## UI          -0.0070335  0.0009966  -7.058 1.69e-12 ***
## HR           0.0198518  0.0011021  18.012  < 2e-16 ***
## HI           0.0021614  0.0004608   4.690 2.73e-06 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 254187  on 499999  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 250590  on 499994  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 250602
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5
2020/06/15: Probit Model Marginal Effects

#Marginal Effects of probit model
effects_pro=margins(myprobit) #print(effects_pro)

1   CPT 0.0025685341    5.801388e-05    44.274475   0.000000e+00    0.0024548290    0.0026822392
2   HES 0.0088046672    1.084429e-03    8.119170    4.693813e-16    0.0066792246    0.0109301098
3   HI  0.0002869787    6.119577e-05    4.689519    2.738481e-06    0.0001670372    0.0004069203
4   HR  0.0026358250    1.465264e-04    17.988742   2.387156e-72    0.0023486386    0.0029230114
5   UI  -0.0009338730   1.323531e-04    -7.055923   1.714593e-12    -0.0011932802   -0.0006744657
5 rows
2020/06/15: Extract inverse Mills ratio from probit model

##Compute inverse Mills ratio from probit model usine 'invMillsRatio' command from the 'sampleSelection' package.
##create table of IMR values by state
2020/06/15: Second Step Heckman Equation (i.e. with IMR)

##GLM with Poisson distribution to estimate cumulative deaths based on the log of cumulative infections from the previous week, as well as the IMR. 
##Use 'glm' command with 'family=poisson(link="log")'
##Only ran the model on individuals who were tested (i.e. TI = 1).
##CD is "Cumulative Deaths"
##CI is "Cumulative Infections"


#Compute fitted values for each state


#Pull fitted value for each state

Assessing Nation-wide Forecast

#Compare fitted values with in-sample (2020/06/15) and out-of-sample (2020/06/22) actual deaths




##                                       [,1]
## Actual_Deaths_In_Sample       1.098220e+05
## In_sample_per_diff_CD_IMR     4.064085e-03
## In_sample_per_diff_CD_no_IMR -4.705036e-02
print(rbind(Actual_Infections_Out_Sample,Actual_Deaths_Out_Sample,Predict_Deaths_no_IMR, Out_of_sample_per_diff_CD_IMR,Out_of_sample_per_diff__CD_no_IMR))
##                                            [,1]
## Actual_Infections_Out_Sample       2.290489e+06
## Actual_Deaths_Out_Sample           1.139440e+05
## Predict_Deaths_no_IMR              1.046548e+05
## Out_of_sample_per_diff_CD_IMR     -3.225860e-02
## Out_of_sample_per_diff__CD_no_IMR -8.152394e-02

In all nine cases using IMR bias correction improves out-of-sample forecasts of Covid-19 deaths in US as a whole

##       Week IMR_Perc_Diff Without_IMR_Perc_Diff
##  [1,]    1        -25.27                -26.96
##  [2,]    2        -21.61                -22.50
##  [3,]    3        -17.66                -18.73
##  [4,]    4        -12.14                -13.78
##  [5,]    5         -9.38                -11.28
##  [6,]    6         -7.25                 -9.70
##  [7,]    7         -5.53                 -9.01
##  [8,]    8         -3.94                 -8.03

Tidy Visualization of Mixture Models in R

We are excited to announce the release of the plotmm R package (v0.1.0), which is a suite of tidy tools for visualizing mixture model output. plotmm is a substantially updated version of the plotGMM package (Waggoner and Chan). Whereas plotGMM only includes support for visualizing univariate Gaussian mixture models fit via the mixtools package, the new plotmm package supports numerous mixture model specifications from several packages (model objects).

This current stable release is available on CRAN, and was a collaborative effort among Fong Chan, Lu Zhang, and Philip Waggoner.

The package has five core functions:

  • plot_mm(): The main function of the package, plot_mm() allows the user to simply input the name of the fit mixture model, as well as an optional argument to pass the number of components k that were used in the original fit. Note: the function will automatically detect the number of components if k is not supplied. The result is a tidy ggplot of the density of the data with overlaid mixture weight component curves. Importantly, as the grammar of graphics is the basis of visualization in this package, all other tidy-friendly customization options work with any of the plotmm’s functions (e.g., customizing with ggplot2’s functions like labs() or theme_*(); or patchwork’s plot_annotation()).

  • plot_cut_point(): Mixture models are often used to derive cut points of separation between groups in feature space. plot_cut_point() plots the data density with the overlaid cut point (point of greatest separation between component class means) from the fit mixture model.

  • plot_mix_comps(): A helper function allowing for expanded customization of mixture model plots. The function superimposes the shape of the components over a ggplot2 object. plot_mix_comps() is used to render all plots in the main plot_mm() function, and is not bound by package-specific objects, allowing for greater flexibility in plotting models not currently supported by the main plot_mm() function.

  • plot_gmm(): The original function upon which the package was expanded. It is included in plotmm for quicker access to a common mixture model form (univariate Gaussian), as well as to bridge between the original plotGMM package.

  • plot_mix_comps_normal(): Similarly, this function is the original basis of plot_mix_comps(), but for Gaussian mixture models only. It is included in plotmm for bridging between the original plotGMM package.
Supported model objects/packages include:

  1. mixtools
  2. EMCluster
  3. flexmix
Supported specifications include mixtures of:

  1. Univariate Gaussians
  2. Bivariate Gaussians
  3. Gammas
  4. Logistic regressions
  5. Linear regressions (also with repeated measures)
  6. Poisson regressions

Take a look at the Github repo for several demonstrations.

Note that though plotmm includes many updates and expanded functionality beyond plotGMM, it is under active development with support for more model objects and specifications forthcoming. Stay tuned for updates, and always feel free to open an issue ticket to share anything you’d like to see included in future versions of the package. Thanks and enjoy!

Epidemiologists should consider GLM & IMR for better Covid death predictions and overcome testing bias

Social science research network (SSRN) reviewer has posted our “A Novel Solution to Biased Data in Covid-19 Incidence Studies” written by myself (H D Vinod) and K Theiss.  It uses a new two-equation generalized linear model (glm) with Poisson link for forecasting Covid-19 deaths in the US and individual states. The first equation explicitly models the probability of being tested. It helps build an estimate of the bias using inverse mills ratio (IMR) Detailed paper is available for free download at:

ssrn.com/abstract=3637682 It uses open-source R software.  A supplement to the paper entitled “State-by-state Forecasts of Covid-19 Deaths” is available for free download at http://www.fordham.edu/economics/vinod/WeeklyCovid.pdf Our bias-corrected out-of-sample death forecasts for future weeks should help state governors and mayors decide on limits to opening local economies.  One can compare the performance of democratic versus republican governors using the information tabulated.

Basic data analysis with palmerpenguins


In June 17, nice article for introducing new trial dataset were uploaded via R-bloggers.

iris, one of commonly used dataset for simple data analysis. but there is a little issue for using it. 

Too good.

Every data has well-structured and most of analysis method works with iris very well.

In reality, most of dataset is not pretty and requires a lot of pre-process to just start. This can be possible works in pre-process

Remove NAs.
Select meaningful features
Handle duplicated or inconsistent values.
or even, just loading the dataset. if is not well-structured like Flipkart-products

However, in this penguin dataset, you can try for this work. also there’s pre-processed data too.

For more information, see the page of palmerpenguins

There is a routine for me with brief data analysis. and today, I want to share them with this lovely penguins. 


0. Load dataset and library on workspace.
library(palmerpenguins) # for data
library(dplyr) # for data-handling
library(corrplot) # for correlation plot
library(GGally) # for parallel coordinate plot
library(e1071) # for svm

data(penguins) # load pre-processed penguins 
palmerpenguins have 2 data penguins, penguins_raw , and as you can see from their name, penguins is pre-processed data.  

1. See the summary  and plot of Dataset

It seems speciesisland  and sex is categorical features.
and remaining for numerical features.

2. Set the format of feature
penguins$species <- as.factor(penguins$species)
penguins$island <- as.factor(penguins$island)
penguins$sex <- as.factor(penguins$sex)

and see summary and plot again. note that result of plot is same. 

There’s unwanted NA and . values in some features.

3. Remove not necessary datas ( in this tutorial, NA)
penguins <- penguins %>% filter(sex == 'MALE' | sex == 'FEMALE')
And here, I additionally defined color values for each penguins to see better plot result
# Green, Orange, Purple
pCol <- c('#057076', '#ff8301', '#bf5ccb')
names(pCol) <- c('Gentoo', 'Adelie', 'Chinstrap')
plot(penguins, col = pCol[penguins$species], pch = 19)

Now, plot results are much better to give insights.

Note that, other pre-process step may requires for different datasets.

4. See relation of categorical features

My first purpose of analysis this penguin is species
So, I will try to see relation between species and other categorical values

4-1. species, island
table(penguins$species, penguins$island)
chisq.test(table(penguins$species, penguins$island)) # meaningful difference

ggplot(penguins, aes(x = island, y = species, color = species)) +
  geom_jitter(size = 3) + 
  scale_color_manual(values = pCol) 

Wow, there’s strong relationship between species and island

Adelie lives in every island
Gentoo lives in only Biscoe
Chinstrap lives in only Dream

4-2 & 4.3.
However, species and sex or sex and island did not show any meaningful relation.
You can try following codes. 
# species vs sex
table(penguins$sex, penguins$species)
chisq.test(table(penguins$sex, penguins$species)[-1,]) # not meaningful difference 0.916

# sex vs island
table(penguins$sex, penguins$island) # 0.9716
chisq.test(table(penguins$sex, penguins$island)[-1,]) # not meaningful difference 0.9716
5. See with numerical features

I will select numerical features. 
and see correlation plot and parallel coordinate plots.
# Select numericals
penNumeric <- penguins %>% select(-species, -island, -sex)

# Cor-relation between numerics

corrplot(cor(penNumeric), type = 'lower', diag = FALSE)

# parallel coordinate plots

ggparcoord(penguins, columns = 3:6, groupColumn = 1, order = c(4,3,5,6)) + 
  scale_color_manual(values = pCol)

plot(penNumeric, col = pCol[penguins$species], pch = 19)

and below are result of them.

lucky, every numeric features (even only 4) have meaningful correlation and there is trend with  their combination for species (See parallel coordinate plot)

6. Give statistical work on dataset.

In this step, I usually do linear modeling or svm to predict

6.1 linear modeling

species is categorical value, so it needs to be change to numeric value
idx <- sample(1:nrow(penguins), size = nrow(penguins)/2)

# as. numeric
speciesN <- as.numeric(penguins$species)
penguins$speciesN <- speciesN

train <- penguins[idx,]
test <- penguins[-idx,]

fm <- lm(speciesN ~ flipper_length_mm + culmen_length_mm + culmen_depth_mm + body_mass_g, train)


It shows that, body_mass_g is not meaningful feature as seen in plot above ( it may explain gentoo, but not other penguins )

To predict, I used this code. however, numeric predict generate not complete value (like 2.123 instead of 2) so I added rounding step.
predRes <- round(predict(fm, test))
predRes[which(predRes>3)] <- 3
predRes <- sort(names(pCol))[predRes]

test$predRes <- predRes
ggplot(test, aes(x = species, y = predRes, color = species))+ 
  geom_jitter(size = 3) +
  scale_color_manual(values = pCol)

table(test$predRes, test$species)

Accuracy of basic linear modeling is 94.6%

6-2 svm

using svm is also easy step.
m <- svm(species ~., train)

predRes2 <- predict(m, test)
test$predRes2 <- predRes2

ggplot(test, aes(x = species, y = predRes2, color = species)) +
  geom_jitter(size = 3) +
  scale_color_manual(values = pCol)

table(test$species, test$predRes2)
and below are result of this code.

Accuracy of svm is 100%. wow.


Today I introduced simple routine for EDA and statistical analysis with penguins.
That is not difficult that much, and shows good performances.

Of course, I skipped a lot of things like processing raw-dataset.
However I hope this trial gives inspiration for further data analysis.


Outliers and Domain Knowledge

by Jerry Tuttle
      I would like to share some thoughts about outliers and domain knowledge.
      One of the common steps during the data exploration stage is the search for outliers. Some analysis methods such as regression are very sensitive to outliers. As an example of sensitivity, in the following data (10,10) is an outlier. Including the outlier produces a regression line y = .26 + .91x, while excluding the outlier produces the very different regression line y = 2.

x <- c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,10)
y <- c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,10)
df <- data.frame(cbind(x,y))
lm(y ~ x, df)
plot(x,y, pch=16)
abline(lm(y ~ x, df)

      Statistics books sometimes define an outlier as being outside the range of Q1 ± 1.5IQR or Q1 ± 3IQR, where Q1 is the lower quartile (25th percentile value), Q3 is the upper quartile (75th percentile value), and the interquartle range IQR = Q3 – Q1.
      What does one do with an outlier? It could be bad data. It is pretty unlikely that there is a graduate student who is age 9, but we don’t know whether the value should be 19 (very rare, but possible), or 29 (likely), or 39 or more (not so rare). If we have the opportunity to ask the owner of the data, perhaps we can get the value corrected. More likely is we can not ask the owner. We can delete the entire observation, or we can pretend to correct the value with a mode or median value or a judgmental value.
      Perhaps the outlier is not bad data but rather just an unusual value. In a portfolio of property or liability insurance claims, the distribution is often positively skewed (mean greater than mode, a long tail to the positive side of the mode). Most claims are small, but occasionally there is that one enormous claim. What does one do with that outlier value? Some authors consider data science to be the Venn diagram intersection among math/statistics, computer science, and domain knowledge (see for example Drew Conway, in drewconway.com/zia/2013/3/26/the-data-science-venn-diagram). If the data scientist is not the domain expert, he or she should consult with one. With insurance claims there are several possibilities. One is that the enormous claim is one that is unlikely to reoccur for any number of reasons. Hopefully there will never be another September 11 type destruction of two World Trade Center buildings owned by a single owner. Another example is when the insurance policy terms are revised to literally prohibit a specific kind of claim in the future. Another possibility is that the specific claim is unlikely to reoccur (the insurance company stopped insuring wheelchairs, so there won’t be another wheelchair claim), but that claim is representative of another kind of claim that is likely to occur. In this case, the outlier should not be deleted. One author has said it takes Solomon-like wisdom to discern which possibility to believe.
      An interesting example of outliers occurs with sports data. For many reasons, US major league baseball player statistics have changed over the years. There are more great home run seasons nowadays than decades ago, but there are fewer great batting average seasons. Baseball fanatics know the last .400 hitter (40% ratio of hits divided by at bats over the entire season) was Ted Williams in 1941. If we have 80 years of baseball data and we are predicting the probability of another .400 hitter, we would predict close to zero. It’s possible, but extremely unlikely, right? Actually no. Assuming there will still be a shortened season in 2020, a decision that may change, this author is willing to forecast that there will be a .400 hitter in a shortened season. This is due to the theory that batters need less time in spring training practice to be at full ability than pitchers, and it is easier to achieve .400 in a small number of at bats earlier in the season when the pitchers are not at full ability. This is another example of domain expertise as a lifetime baseball fan.

Netflix vs Disney+. Who has more fresh titles?

“Let`s shift to Disney+”, said my wife desperately browsing Netflix on her phone. “Netflix has much more fresh content” I argued. And…I realized I need numbers to close these family debates…

I choose “2018 and later” criteria as “fresh” and “1999 and earlier” as “old”. Those criteria are not strict but I needed certainty to have completely quantified arguments to keep my Netflix on the family throne.

Since I did not find such numbers on both streaming services websites I decided to scrape full lists of movies and TV shows and calculate % of “fresh” / “old” movies in entire lists. Likely, there are different websites listing all movies and TV shows both on Disney+ and Netflix and updating them daily. I choose one based on popularity (I checked it both with Alexa and Similar Web) and its architecture making my scraping job easy and predictable.
library (tidyverse)
library (rvest)
disney0 <- read_html("https://www.finder.com/complete-list-disney-plus-movies-tv-shows-exclusives/")
Locate proper CSS element using Selector Gadget
disney_year_0 <- html_nodes(disney0, 'td:nth-child(2)')
disney_year <- html_text (disney_year_0, trim=TRUE)
# list of release years for every title
length (disney_year) #1029
Now, let`s create frequency table for each year of release
disney_year_table <- as.data.frame (sort (table (disney_year), decreasing = TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames (disney_year_table) <- c('years', 'count') 

glimpse (disney_year_table)
Rows: 89 Columns: 2 $ years  "2019", "2017", "2016", "2018", "2015", "2011", "2014", "2012", "2010", "200... $ count  71, 58, 48, 40, 36, 35, 35, 34, 31, 28, 28, 27, 27, 25, 24, 24, 23, 23, 21,
Finally, count ‘fresh’ and 'old' % in entire Disney+ offer

disney_year_table$years <- disney_year_table$years %>% as.numeric () 

fresh_disney_years <- disney_year_table$years %in% c(2018:2020) 
fresh_disney_num <- paste (round (sum (disney_year_table$count[fresh_disney_years]) / sum (disney_year_table$count)*100),'%') 

old_disney_years <- disney_year_table$years < 2000
old_disney_num <- paste (round (sum (disney_year_table$count[old_disney_years]) / sum (disney_year_table$count)*100),'%') 
So, I`ve got roughly 14% “fresh” and 33% “old” movie on Disney+. Let`s see the numbers for Netflix.
For Netflix content our source website does not have single page so I scraped movies and TV shows separately.

netflix_mov0 <- read_html("https://www.finder.com/netflix-movies/")
netflix_mov_year_0 <- html_nodes(netflix_mov0, 'td:nth-child(2)') 
netflix_mov_year <- tibble (html_text (netflix_mov_year_0, trim=TRUE))
colnames (netflix_mov_year) <- "year" 

#TV shows 
netflix_tv0 <- read_html("https://www.finder.com/netflix-tv-shows/")
netflix_tv_year_0 <- html_nodes(netflix_tv0, 'td:nth-child(2)')
netflix_tv_year <- tibble (html_text (netflix_tv_year_0, trim=TRUE))
colnames (netflix_tv_year) <- "year" 
Code for final count of the at Neflix ‘fresh’ and ‘old’ movies / TV shows portions is almost the same as for Disney
netflix_year <- rbind (netflix_mov_year, netflix_tv_year)
nrow (netflix_year)
netflix_year_table <- as.data.frame (sort (table (netflix_year), decreasing = TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) colnames (netflix_year_table) <- c('years', 'count')

glimpse (netflix_year_table)
Rows: 68
Columns: 2
$ years  2018, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2020, 2013, 2012, 2010,
$ count  971, 882, 821, 653, 423, 245, 198, 184, 163, 127, 121, 108, 
Count 'fresh' and 'old' % in entire offer
netflix_year_table$years <- netflix_year_table$years %>% as.numeric ()

fresh_netflix_years <- netflix_year_table$years %in% c(2018:2020)
fresh_netflix_num <- paste (round (sum (netflix_year_table$count[fresh_netflix_years]) / sum (netflix_year_table$count)*100),'%') 

old_netflix_years <- netflix_year_table$years < 2000
old_netflix_years <- na.omit (old_netflix_years)
old_netflix_num <- paste (round (sum (netflix_year_table$count[old_netflix_years]) / sum (netflix_year_table$count)*100),'%') 
So, finally, I can build my arguments based on numbers, freshly baked and bold

Version 0.1.4 of nnlib2Rcpp: a(nother) R package for Neural Networks

For anyone interested, a new version (v.0.1.4) of nnlib2Rcpp is available on GitHub. It can be installed the usual way for packages on GitHub:

nnlib2Rcpp is an R package containing a number of Neural Network (NN) implementations. The NNs are implemented in C++ (using nnlib2 C++ class library) and are interfaced with R via Rcpp package (which is required). The package currently includes versions of Back-Propagation, Autoencoder, Learning Vector Quantization (unsupervised and supervised) and simple Matrix-Associative-Memory neural networks. Functions and modules for directly using these models from R are provided.

Furthermore, a new “NN” module (NN-class) has been added to version 0.1.4, that allows the creation of custom NNs using predefined components, and manipulation of the network and its components from R. It also provides a fixed procedure for defining new NN component types (layers, nodes, sets of connections etc) which can then be used in the module (some familiarity with C++ is required).

The  “NN” (aka NN-class)   provides methods for handling the NN, such as: add_layer, add_connection_set, create_connections_in_sets, connect_layers_at, fully_connect_layers_at, add_single_connection, input_at, encode_at, encode_all, recall_at, recall_all, get_output_from, get_input_at, get_weights_at, print, outline.

A (rather useless and silly) example of using the “NN” module follows:
# (1.A) create new 'NN' object:
n <- new("NN")

# (1.B) Add topology components:
# 1. add a layer of 4 generic nodes:
# 2. add (empty) set for connections that pass data unmodified:
# 3. add another layer of 2 generic nodes:
# 4. add (empty) set for connections that pass data * weight:
# 5. add a layer of 1 generic node:
# Create actual connections in sets,w/random initial weights in [0,1]:
# Optionally, show an outline of the topology:

# (1.C) use the network.
# input some data, and run create output for it:
# the final output:

# (1.D) optionally, examine the network:
# the input at first layer at position 1:
# Data is passed unmodified through connections at position 2,
# and (by default) summed together at each node of layer at 3.
# Final output from layer in position 3:
# Data is then passed multiplied by the random weights through
# connections at position 4. The weights of these connections:
# Data is finally summed together at the node of layer at position 5,
# producing the final output, which (again) is:
The next example, creates a simple MAM using the "NN" (NN-class) module: 
# (2.A) Create the NN and its components:

m <- new( "NN" )
m$add_layer( "generic" , 4 )
m$add_layer( "generic" , 3 )
m$fully_connect_layers_at(1, 2, "MAM", 0, 0)

# (2.B) Use it to store iris species:

iris_data    <- as.matrix( scale( iris[1:4] ) )
iris_species <- as.integer( iris$Species )
for(r in 1:nrow( iris_data ) )
    x <- iris_data[r,]
    z <- rep( -1, 3 )
    z [ iris_species[r] ] <- 1
    m$input_at( 1, x )
    m$input_at( 3, z )
    m$encode_all( TRUE )

# (2.C) Attempt to recall iris species:

recalled_ids <- NULL;
for(r in 1:nrow(iris_data))
    x <- iris_data[r,]
    m$input_at( 1, x )
    m$recall_all( TRUE )
    z <- m$get_output_from( 3 )
    recalled_ids <- c( recalled_ids, which.max ( z ) )

plot(iris_data, pch=recalled_ids)
Hopefully the collection of predefined components will expand (and any contribution of components is welcomed).

MultiNav: anomaly detection and interactive visualization with multivariate data.

In statistical process control (SPC), a.k.a. anomaly-detection, one compares some statistic to its “in control” distribution.  Many statistical and BI software suits (e.g. Tableau, PowerBI) can do SPC. Almost all of these, however, focus on univariate processes, which are easier to visualize and discuss than multivariate processes.
The purpose of our Multinav package is to ingest multivariate data streams, compute multivariate summaries, and allow us to query the data interactively when an anomaly is detected.

In the following example we look into an agricultural IoT use-case, and try to detect sensors with anomalous readings. The data consists of hourly measurements, during 5 days, of the girth of 100 avocado trees. For each such tree, an anomaly score is computed using four variation of Hotelling’s T2 statistic. The full details are available in the official documentation.

This one line of code will produce the following dashboard:
MultiNav(data, type = "scores", xlbl="Date id")

Crucially for our purposes, this dashboard is interactive. Charts are linked so that one may hover over a particular point, and it will light in all panels (JMP and S+ style). Hovering over a point will also draw the raw evolution of the measurement in time and compare it to the group via a functional boxplot.

There is a lot more that MultiNav can do. The details can be found in the inline-help, and the official documentation. For the purpose of this blog, we merely summarize the reasons we find Multinav very useful:

1. Interactive visualizations that link anomaly score with raw data.
2. Functional boxplot for querying the source of the anomalies.
3. Out-of-the-box multivariate scoring functions, with the possibility of extension by the user.
4. The interactive component are embeddable in Shiny apps, for a full blown interactive dashboard.

How to measure movies vocabulary and display results in nice tables using tidytext and gt packages. Movies text analysis. Part 2.

My primary goal was to research popular movies vocabulary – words all those heroes actually saying to us and put well known movies onto the scale from the ones with the widest lexicon down to below average range despite possible crowning by IMDB rating, Box Office revenue or number / lack of Academy Awards.

Main unit of analysis is Number of unique words per 1000 which says about how WIDE the vocabulary of each movie / TV show is. I saw and personally made similar analysis for literature, music or web content but never for real top movies texts, not scripts. This post is the 2nd Part of the Movies text analysis and covers analysis itself and displaying results in nice looking tables using gt package. Part 1, previously published on R-Bloggers, covers preparation stage and movie texts cleaning using textclean package. I created CSV file featuring movies:  
Movies_prep <- read_csv("R/movies/Movies_prep.csv")
Movies_prep [1:5,]

Resulting table will be plugged with three more parameters needed to be calculated.
  1. Number of words (for entire movie).
  2. Words per minute (Number of words / Movie length).
  3. Vocabulary (Number of unique words per 1000 words).

library (tidyverse)    
library (tidytext)
library (textstem)
library (gt)
Bind clean text (described in Movies text analysis. Part 1) to the titles  
movies_ <- select (Movies_prep, title = title)
movies_bind <- cbind (movies_, text)
Let`s use tidytext package to Unnest text to words  
 movies_words  <- unnest_tokens (movies_bind, word, text) 
Simply calculate nwords and words per minute for each movie  
title_ <- movies_bind$title
movies_nword <- function (i){movies_nwords1<- movies_words %>% filter (title==i) %>% nrow ()
movies_nwords <- sapply (title_, movies_nword)

Movies_prep1 <-  Movies_prep %>% mutate (words = movies_nwords, wpminute = round (movies_nwords/duration))
Let`s look at the Words per minute parameter first.

wpm_summary <- Movies_prep1$wpminute %>% summary () 
wpm_summary    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.   37.00   66.00   80.00   85.89  104.00  182.00   Let`s check ten most wordy movies in our dataset  
Movies_prep1_GT <- Movies_prep1 %>% select (title, wpminute, genre, type) 
Movies_preptop_GT <- Movies_prep1_GT %>% arrange (desc(wpminute)) %>% slice (1:10) %>% gt ()
I added tiny command gt () from gt package and my slice became nice looking table:

The same for ten least wordy movies
Movies_prepbot_GT <- Movies_prep1_GT %>% arrange (wpminute) %>% slice (1:10) %>% gt () 

Only Reality Show I added as control value is obvious outlier. While the most silent are well known epic movies.   We will explore gt package more deep a later. Now, let`s check the range for Total Number of words  
words_summary <- Movies_prep1$words %>% summary ()
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
5981 8619 10311 10815 12467 18710

I wish all of them were exact 10,000 words length. Or any other but equal length for all movies. Real life is not so round. Unlike music vocabulary, we cannot take "99.7 songs" to have the same length for every peer. Why we need that? We cannot properly compare Number of unique words within different pieces of text unless they all are the same length. Any one sentence has up to 100% words uniqueness, 100 sentences - up to 50%. Any entire movie – much less due to marginal saturation e.g. usage the words we already used.
Before we solve this problem we should lemmatize clean text.  
movies_lem<- lemmatize_words (movies_words$word)
movies <- movies_words %>% mutate (word = movies_lem)
And, vocabulary unique words per 1000 for each movie (I use minimal length along the all movies in dataset with sampling all movies text the same size = length of the shortest (N of words) movie.  
nwords_min <- min(movies_nwords)
vocab1 <- function (z) {vocab2<- movies_words %>% filter (title==z)
vocab3<- as.data.frame (replicate (5, sample (vocab2$word, nwords_min, replace = FALSE)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
vocab4 <- round (mean (sapply (sapply (vocab3, unique), length))/nwords_min *1000)
vocab <- sapply (title_, vocab1)

Summary (vocab)
Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
152.0   176.0   188.0   188.7   200.0   251.0 

Movies_final <-  Movies_prep1 %>% mutate (vocabulary = vocab)
I plan to compare and visualize how wide vocabulary is within iconic movies, different genres, Movies vs TV Shows, IMDB TOP 100 vs Box Office All Time Best etc. in my next post (Movies text analysis. Part 3.) For this part I want to explore further gt package and display movies ranking by its vocabulary:  
Movies_final_GT <- Movies_final %>% select (title, vocabulary, genre, type, feature) %>%
  top_n (20, vocabulary) %>% mutate (N = seq (20))
Movies_final_GT <- Movies_final_GT [,c(6,1,2,3,4,5)] %>% gt() %>%
  title = "Number of Unique Words Used in Movie / TV Show (per each 1000 words)")
Using gt package we put top 15 movies by number of unique words in table. This time with header.

And we can easily save the table as graphical output.

gtsave(Movies_final_GT, filename = 'Movies_final_GT.png')
gtsave(Movies_final_GT, filename = 'Movies_final_GT.pdf')
Let`s format the table a bit.

Movies_final_GTT <- Movies_final_GT %>%
    style = list(
      cell_text(weight = "bold")),
    locations = cells_column_labels(
      columns = vars(N, title, vocabulary, genre, type, feature))) %>% 
  style = list(
      cell_text(weight = "bold")),
locations = cells_body(
  columns = vars(title, vocabulary))) %>%
    style = list(
      cell_text(style = "italic")),
locations = cells_body(
        columns = vars(title, type))) 

We can change cells and text colors and even make it conditional (for instance, only ‘type == TV’).

Movies_final_GTT <- Movies_final_GTT %>%
    style = list(
      cell_text(color = "blue")),
locations = cells_body(
      columns = vars(vocabulary))) %>%
    style = list(
      cell_fill(color = "#F9E3D6")),
locations = cells_body(
      columns = vars(type),
      rows = type == "TV"))

That`s it for tables and for Part 2 of my Movies text analysis. In Part 3 I plan to use ggplot2 to visualize and compare how wide vocabulary is within iconic movies, different genres, Movies vs TV Shows, IMDB TOP 100 vs Box Office All Time Best etc. See ya.