labourR 1.0.0: Automatic Coding of Occupation Titles

Occupations classification is an important step in tasks such as labour market analysis, epidemiological studies and official statistics. To assist research on the labour market, ESCO has defined a taxonomy for occupations. Occupations are specified and organized in a hierarchical structure based on the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO). labourR is a new package that performs occupations coding for multilingual free-form text (e.g. a job title) using the ESCO hierarchical classification model.

The initial motivation was to retrieve the work experience history from a Curriculum Vitae generated from the Europass online CV editor. Document vectorization is performed using the ESCO model and a fuzzy match is allowed with various string distance metrics.

The labourR package:

  • Allows classifying multilingual free-text using the ESCO-ISCO hierarchy of occupations.
  • Computations are fully vectorized and memory efficient.
  • Includes facilities to assist research in information mining of labour market data.


You can install the released version of labourR from CRAN with,

    corpus <- data.frame(
      id = 1:3,
      text = c("Data Scientist", "Junior Architect Engineer", "Cashier at McDonald's")
    Given an ISCO level, the top suggested ISCO group is returned. num_leaves specifies the number of ESCO occupations used to perform a plurality vote,

    classify_occupation(corpus = corpus, isco_level = 3, lang = "en", num_leaves = 5)
    #>    id iscoGroup                                          preferredLabel
    #> 1:  1       251       Software and applications developers and analysts
    #> 2:  2       214 Engineering professionals (excluding electrotechnology)
    #> 3:  3       523                              Cashiers and ticket clerks
    For further information browse the vignettes.

    Preview data with either head or heaD

    R is a case sensitive programming language, which sometimes creates unusual and yet annoying problems for users. A common mistake that I often make when using R is to press the shift button too early when I use the head() function – which results in heaD(). However, this returns an error message (not surprisingly) rather than printing the first six rows of the data. 
    > head(mtcars)
                       mpg cyl disp  hp drat    wt  qsec vs am gear carb
    Mazda RX4         21.0   6  160 110 3.90 2.620 16.46  0  1    4    4
    Mazda RX4 Wag     21.0   6  160 110 3.90 2.875 17.02  0  1    4    4
    Datsun 710        22.8   4  108  93 3.85 2.320 18.61  1  1    4    1
    Hornet 4 Drive    21.4   6  258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44  1  0    3    1
    Hornet Sportabout 18.7   8  360 175 3.15 3.440 17.02  0  0    3    2
    Valiant           18.1   6  225 105 2.76 3.460 20.22  1  0    3    1
    > heaD(mtcars)
    Error in heaD(mtcars) : could not find function "heaD"
    At the beginning, this didn’t bother me since I could easily fix this typo but over time it has become a bit annoying. The faster I typed in R, the more I repeated this mistake. Then I thought creating a heaD() function that does the same job as head() would be the ultimate solution to my problem. Because I would need this “new” function every time I open R, I decided to add it into my .Rprofile file. The .Rprofile file contains R code to be run when R starts up. Typically .Rprofile is located in the user’s home directory. In my computer, I place it under: C:\Users\okanb\OneDrive\Documents

    To create a new .Rprofile file, you can simply create a text file using a text editor, add the content to be used when R starts up, and save it as .Rprofile (i.e., no file name and the file extension is .Rprofile).  If you already have this file in your computer, you can simply run usethis::edit_r_profile() to open and edit the file in R. In the file, I added the following line: 
    # Create a heaD function
    heaD <- function(x) head(x) # or just: heaD <- head
    After editing and saving .Rprofile, you need to restart R. From this point on, R will recognize both head() and heaD().

    > heaD(mtcars)
                       mpg cyl disp  hp drat    wt  qsec vs am gear carb
    Mazda RX4         21.0   6  160 110 3.90 2.620 16.46  0  1    4    4
    Mazda RX4 Wag     21.0   6  160 110 3.90 2.875 17.02  0  1    4    4
    Datsun 710        22.8   4  108  93 3.85 2.320 18.61  1  1    4    1
    Hornet 4 Drive    21.4   6  258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44  1  0    3    1
    Hornet Sportabout 18.7   8  360 175 3.15 3.440 17.02  0  0    3    2
    Valiant           18.1   6  225 105 2.76 3.460 20.22  1  0    3    1

    Creating custom neural networks with nnlib2Rcpp

    For anyone interested, this is a post about creating arbitrary, new, or custom Neural Networks (NN) using the nnlib2Rcpp R package. The package provides some useful NN models that are ready to use. Furthermore, it can be a versatile basis for experimentation with new or custom NN models, which is what this brief tutorial is about. A warning is necessary at this point:

    Warning: the following text contains traces of C++ code. If you are in any way sensitive to consuming C++, please abandon reading immediately.

    The NN models in nnlib2Rcpp are created using a collection of C++ classes written for creating NN models called nnlib2. A cut-down class-diagram of the classes (and class-templates) in this collection can be found here . The most important class in the collection is “component” (for all components that constitute a NN). Objects of class “component” can be added to a NN “topology” (hosted in objects of class “nn”) and interact with each other. Layers of processing nodes (class “layer”), groups of connections (class “connection_set”), and even entire neural nets (class “nn”) are based on class “component”. When implementing new components, it is also good to remember that:

    – Objects of class “layer” contain objects of class “pe” (processing elements [or nodes]).

    – Template “Layer” simplifies creation of homogeneous “layer” sub-classes containing a particular “pe” subclass (i.e. type of nodes).

    – Objects of class “connection_set” contain objects of class “connection”.

    – Template “Connection_Set” simplifies creation of homogeneous “connection_set” sub-classes containing a particular “connection” subclass (i.e. type of connections).

    – Customized and modified NN components and sub-components are to be defined based on these classes and templates.

    – All aforementioned classes have an “encode” (training) and a “recall” (mapping) method; both are virtual and can be overridden with custom behavior. Calling “nn” “encode” triggers the “encode” function of all the components in its topology which, in turn, triggers “encode” for “pe” objects (processing nodes) in a “layer” or “connection” objects in a “connection_set”. Similarly for “recall”.

    The NN to create in this example will be based on Perceptron, the most classic of them all. It is not yet implemented in nnlib2Rcpp, so in this example we will play the role of Prof. Rosenblatt and his team [6] and implement a simple multi-class Perceptron ourselves. Unlike, Prof Rosenblatt, you -instead of inventing it- can find information about it in a wikipedia page for it [1]. We will implement a simplified (not 100% scientifically sound) variation, with no bias, fixed learning rate (at 0.3) and connection weights initialized to 0.

    Let’s add it to nnlib2Rcpp.

    Step 1: setup the tools needed.

    To follow this example, you will need to have Rtools [2] and the Rcpp R package [3] installed, and the nnlib2Rcpp package source (version 0.1.4 or above). This can be downloaded from CRAN [4] or the latest version can be found on github [5]. If fetched or downloaded from github, the nnlib2Rcpp.Rproj is a project file for building the package in RStudio. I recommend getting the source from github, unpacking it (if needed) in a directory and then opening the aforementioned nnlib2Rcpp.Rproj in Rstudio. You can then test-build the unmodified package; if it succeeds you can proceed to the next step, adding your own NN components.

    Step 2: define the model-specific components and sub-components.

    Open the “additional_parts.h” C++ header file found in sub-directory “src” and create the needed classes. Much of the default class behavior is similar to what is required for a Perceptron, so we will focus on what is different and specific to the model. We will need to define (in the “additional_parts.h” file) the following:

    (a) a “pe” subclass for the Perceptron processing nodes. All “pe” objects provide three methods, namely “input_function”, “activation_function”, and “threshold_function”; by default, each is applied to the result of the previous one, except for the “input_function” which gathers (by default sums) all incoming values and places result on the internal register variable “input”. The sequence of executing these methods is expected to place the final result in “pe” variable “output”. You may choose (or choose not) to modify these methods if this fits your model and implementation approach. You may also choose to modify “pe” behavior in its “encode” and/or “recall” functions, possibly bypassing the aforementioned methods completely. It may help to see the “pe.h” header file (also in directory “src”) for more insight on the base class. In any case, a C++ implementation for Perceptron processing nodes could be:
    class perceptron_pe : public pe
    DATA threshold_function(DATA value)
     if(value>0) return 1;
     return 0;
    (b) Next you may want to define a class for layers consisting of “perceptron_pe” objects as defined above; this can be done quickly using the template “Layer”:

    typedef Layer< perceptron_pe > perceptron_layer;
    (c) Moving on to the connections now. Notice that in Perceptron connections are the only elements modified (updating their weights) during encoding. Among other functionality, each connection knows its source and destination nodes, maintains and updates the weight, modifies transferred data etc. So a C++ class for such Percepton connections could be:
    class perceptron_connection: public connection
    // mapping, multiply value coming from source node by weight
    // and send it to destination node.
    void recall()
     destin_pe().receive_input_value( weight() * source_pe().output );
    // training, weights are updated:
    void encode()
     weight() = weight() + 0.3 * (destin_pe().input - destin_pe().output) * source_pe().output;
    for simplicity, during training learning rate is fixed to 0.3 and the connection assumes that the desired output values will be placed in the “input” registers of the destination nodes before updating weights.
    Note: for compatibility with nnlib2Rcpp version 0.1.4 (the current version on CRAN)- the example above assumes that the desired values are placed as input to the processing nodes right before update of weights (encoding); version 0.1.5 and above provides direct access from R to the “misc” variables that nodes and connections maintain (via “NN” method “set_misc_values_at”, more on “NN” below). It may have been more elegant to use these “misc” variables for holding desired output in processing nodes instead of “input”.

    (d) Next, you may want to define a class for groups of such connections, which can be done quickly using the template “Connection_Set”:
    typedef Connection_Set< perceptron_connection > perceptron_connection_set;
    Step 3: Add the ability to create such components at run-time.

    Again in the “additional_parts.h” C++ header file found in directory “src” add code that creates Percepron layers and groups of connections when a particular name is used. Locate the “generate_custom_layer” function and add to it the line:
    if(name == "perceptron") return new perceptron_layer(name,size);
    (you will notice other similar definitions are already there). Finally, locate the “generate_custom_connection_set” function and add to it the line:
    if(name == "perceptron") return new perceptron_connection_set(name);
    (again, you will notice other similar definition examples are already there).
    Note: as of July 15, 2020 all the aforementioned changes to “additional_parts.h” C++ header are already implemented as an example in the nnlib2Rcpp version 0.1.5 github repo [5].

    That is it. You can now build the modified library and then return to the R world to use your newly created Perceptron components in a NN. The “NN” R module in nnlib2Rcpp allows you to combine these (and other) components in a network and then use it in R.

    It is now time to see if this cut-down modified Perceptron is any good. In the example below, the iris dataset is used to train it. The example uses the “NN” R module in nnlib2Rcpp to build the network and then trains and tests it. The network topology consists of a generic input layer (component #1) of size 4 i.e. as many nodes as the iris features, a set of connections (component #2) whose weights are initialized to 0 (in create_connections_in_sets) below, and a processing layer (component #3) of size 3 i.e. as many nodes as the iris species:

    # create the NN and define its components
    p <- new("NN")
    # show the NN topology
    # prepare some data based on iris dataset
    data_in <- as.matrix(iris[1:4])
    iris_cases <- nrow((data_in))
    species_id <- unclass(iris[,5])
    desired_data_out <- matrix(data=0, nrow=iris_cases, ncol=3)
    for(c in 1:iris_cases) desired_data_out[c,species_id[c]]=1
    # encode data and desired output (for 30 training epochs)
    for(i in 1:30)
    for(c in 1:iris_cases)
    # show the NN
    # Recall the data to see what species Perceptron returns:
    for(c in 1:iris_cases)
    cat("iris case ",c,", desired = ", desired_data_out[c,], " returned = ", p$get_output_from(3),"\n")
    Checking the output one sees that our Perceptron variation is not THAT bad. At least it recognizes Iris setosa and virginica quite well. However, classification performance on versicolor cases is rather terrible.

    iris case 1 , desired = 1 0 0 returned = 1 0 0
    iris case 2 , desired = 1 0 0 returned = 1 0 0
    iris case 3 , desired = 1 0 0 returned = 1 0 0

    iris case 148 , desired = 0 0 1 returned = 0 0 1
    iris case 149 , desired = 0 0 1 returned = 0 0 1
    iris case 150 , desired = 0 0 1 returned = 0 0 1

    Anyway, this example was not about classification success but about creating a new NN type in the nnlib2Rcpp R package. I hope it will be useful to some of you out there.

    Links (all accessed July 12, 2020):

    [1] Perceptron:

    [2] RTools:

    [3] Rcpp package:

    [4] nnlib2Rcpp package on CRAN:

    [5] nnlib2Rcpp package on github:

    [6] Frank Rosenblatt:

    PS. Time permitting, more components will be added to the collection (and added to nnlib2Rcpp), maybe accompanied by posts similar to this one; these will eventually be available in the package. Any interesting or useful NN component that you would like to contribute is welcomed (credit, of course, will go to you, its creator); if so, please contact me using the comments below. (Another project is to create parallel-processing versions of the components, if anyone wants to help).

    A single loop is not enough. A collection of hello world control structures

    As the post on “hello world” functions has been quite appreciated by the R community, here follows the second round of functions for wannabe R programmer.

    # If else statement:
    # See the code syntax below for if else statement
    print(“x is greater than 1”)
    print(“x is less than 1”)
    # See the code below for nested if else statement
    if(x>1 & x<7){
    print(“x is between 1 and 7”)} else if(x>8 & x< 15){
    print(“x is between 8 and 15”)
    # For loops:
    # Below code shows for loop implementation
    x = c(1,2,3,4,5)
    for(i in 1:5){
    # While loop :
    # Below code shows while loop in R
    x = 2.987
    while(x <= 4.987) {
    x = x + 0.987
    # Repeat Loop:
    # The repeat loop is an infinite loop and used in association with a break statement.
    # Below code shows repeat loop:
    a = 1
    a = a+1
    if (a > 4) {
    # Break statement:
    # A break statement is used in a loop to stop the iterations and flow the control outside of the loop.
    #Below code shows break statement:
    x = 1:10
    for (i in x){
    if (i == 6){
    # Next statement:
    # Next statement enables to skip the current iteration of a loop without terminating it.
    #Below code shows next statement
    x = 1: 4
    for (i in x) {
    if (i == 2){
    # function
    words = c(“R”, “datascience”, “machinelearning”,”algorithms”,”AI”)
    words.names = function(x) {
    for(name in x){
    words.names(words) # Calling the function
    # extract the elements above the main diagonal of a (square) matrix
    # example of a correlation matrix
    cor_matrix <- matrix(c(1, -0.25, 0.89, -0.25, 1, -0.54, 0.89, -0.54, 1), 3,3)
    rownames(cor_matrix) <- c(“A”,”B”,”C”)
    colnames(cor_matrix) <- c(“A”,”B”,”C”)
    rho <- list()
    name <- colnames(cor_matrix)
    var1 <- list()
    var2 <- list()
    for (i in 1:ncol(cor_matrix)){
    for (j in 1:ncol(cor_matrix)){
    if (i != j & i<j){
    rho <- c(rho,cor_matrix[i,j])
    var1 <- c(var1, name[i])
    var2 <- c(var2, name[j])
    d <- data.frame(var1=as.character(var1), var2=as.character(var2), rho=as.numeric(rho))
    var1 var2 rho
    1 A B -0.25
    2 A C 0.89
    3 B C -0.54

    As programming is the best way to learn and think, have fun programming awesome functions!

    This post is also shared in R-bloggers and LinkedIn

    Introduction to mebootSpear() Function

    In the latest version of meboot (v 1.4-8) on CRAN, the function mebootSpear was introduced.  Below is a gentle introduction to its capabilities and a link to a reference paper with further applications to improved Monte Carlo simulations.

    The desired properties from the original maximum entropy bootstrap function meboot were retained, while incorporating the additional argument setSpearman.  The original function created bootstrap replicates with unit rank-correlations to the original time-series, setSpearman relaxes this condition.

    The following example will demonstrate the mebootSpear rank-correlation results from the average of 1,000 bootstrap replicates of the AirPassengers dataset.

    output <- mebootSpear(AirPassengers, setSpearman = 0, xmin = 0)$rowAvg

    cor(output, AirPassengers, method = "spearman")
    [1] 0.01695065

    The following paper is available with additional examples and R-code:

    Vinod, Hrishikesh D. and Viole, Fred, Arbitrary Spearman’s Rank Correlations in Maximum Entropy Bootstrap and Improved Monte Carlo Simulations (June 7, 2020). Available at SSRN: 

    3D route visualisation – Kilimanjaro

    I will show here how to create an interactive 3D visualisation of geospatial data, using rgl library, that allows export of the results into HTML.

    The dataset to visualize, is a 7 day hike to Kilimajaro mountain (5895 metres) in Tanzania. 
    Dataset contains latitude, longitude and elevation at sequence of timestamps.
    route <- readr::read_delim("", ";", escape_double = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE)
    The elevation gain of hiker in meters can be plotted simply:
    When visualizing small areas, such as cities, mountains or parts of countries, distortion due to Geoid projection on 2D surface is insignificant and it is sufficient to set the projection center to the visualized area. 
     Our dataset falls into this category and therefore can be bounded by:
    max_lat = max(route$lat)
    min_lat = min(route$lat)
    max_lon = max(route$lon)
    min_lon = min(route$lon)
    To create a 3D surface, units must match altitude units (meters). This can be achieved by scaling coordinates by factor corresponding to the arclength of 
    latitude or longitude degree:

    We can use function distGeo (this calculates great circle distance between two points on Earth) to obtain conversion scales.
    lon_scale = geosphere::distGeo(c(min_lon, (min_lat+max_lat)/2), c(max_lon,(min_lat+max_lat)/2))/(max_lon-min_lon) 
    lat_scale = geosphere::distGeo(c(min_lon, min_lat), c(min_lon, max_lat))/(max_lat-min_lat)
    By hving conversion scales for latitude and logitude, we can convert GPS coordinates to cartesian coordinates in the plane tangent to the Earth at the center of the dataset. One can see it as placing a sheet of paper on the scrutinized spot on Earth. 
    route$lon_m <- route$lon * lon_scale
    route$lat_m <- route$lat * lat_scale
    To obtain the elevation data surrounding the track we define a polygon (rectangle) enclosing the track. Note, that the polygon ends and begins with same point.
    y_coord <- c(min_lat, min_lat, max_lat, max_lat, min_lat) # latitude
    x_coord <- c(min_lon, max_lon, max_lon, min_lon, min_lon) # longitude
    Geospatial polygons can be handled by sp library. Such a polygon must contain a projection string prj_sps defining how to interpret coordinates:
    polygon_border <- cbind(x_coord, y_coord)
    p <- sp::Polygon(polygon_border)
    ps <- sp::Polygons(list(p), 1)
    sps <- sp::SpatialPolygons(list(ps))
    prj_sps <- sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")
    sp::proj4string(sps) <- prj_sps
    spdf = sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(sps, data.frame(f=99.9))
    We define grid with points at which elevation data will be requested. Then we define projection string for a grid object:
    grid_data <- sp::makegrid(spdf, cellsize = 0.001) # cellsize in map units (here meters)!
    grid <- sp::SpatialPoints(grid_data, proj4string = prj_sps)
    The Elevation data for raster object can be downloaded using elevatr library by to accessing the Terrain Tiles on AWS.
    elevation_df <- elevatr::get_elev_raster(grid, prj = prj_sps, z = 12)
    Transforming raster object to dataframe:
    kili_map <-
    Since we have equidistant rectangular grid, we can rearrange points into matrix and project to the plane:
    lenX = length(unique(kili_map$x))
    lenY = length(unique(kili_map$y))
    z_full = matrix(kili_map$layer, nrow=lenX, ncol =lenY, byrow = FALSE )
    x_full = lon_scale * matrix(kili_map$x, nrow=lenX, ncol =lenY, byrow = FALSE ) # longitude
    y_full = lat_scale * matrix(kili_map$y, nrow=lenX, ncol =lenY, byrow = FALSE ) # latitude
    At this stage, it is possible to generate 3D model of route, but depending on the dataset, additional problems may occur. 
    Here we address mismatch of Track altitudes and of the altitude dowloaded using elevatr library. 

    I our case elevations do not match and some points of Kilimanjaro dataset are above and some below elevatr altitudes and this overlap makes the display ugly. 
    We solve this problem by discarding provided elevations and projecting GPS coordinates to dowloaded grid. (Another option would be to use elevatr::get_elev_point(), which returns altitude for the dataframe.)

    The projection is done by finding the closest point on a grid to the route point and assigning the elevation, the search of closest neighbour is done by a function provided in data.table library:
    dt_route = data.table::data.table(route)
    N = nrow(dt_route)
    data.table::setkeyv(dt_route, c('lon_m','lat_m'))
    coor_x = data.table::data.table(ind_x=c(1:lenX), lon_m=x_full[ , 1])
    coor_y = data.table::data.table(ind_y=c(1:lenY),lat_m=y_full[1, ])
    dt_route$ind_y = coor_y[dt_route, on = 'lat_m', roll='nearest']$ind_y
    dt_route$ind_x = coor_x[dt_route, on = 'lon_m', roll='nearest']$ind_x
    for (i in c(1:N)){
    dt_route$altitude[i]<-z_full[dt_route$ind_x[i], dt_route$ind_y[i]]}
    For our purposes, the size of grid object is too big and we can skip few points:
    Note that skipping every 5 grid points makes a reduction of the size by 96%!
    skip_cell = 5
    x = x_full[seq(1, lenX, by=skip_cell), seq(1, lenY, by=skip_cell)]
    y = y_full[seq(1, lenX, by=skip_cell), seq(1, lenY, by=skip_cell)]
    z = z_full[seq(1, lenX, by=skip_cell), seq(1, lenY, by=skip_cell)]
    Colors can be assigned to a particular altitude by color pallet, for obvious reasons we have choosen terrain.colors. But since Kilimanjaro has snow above 5300 m, we added the snowline. 
    snowline <- 5300 # above this line color will be white
    colorlut <- terrain.colors(snowline-0, alpha = 0)
    # maping altitude to color: minimum is 0 - green, maximum 5300 - white
    z_col[z_col>snowline] <- snowline
    col <- colorlut[z_col]
    Calculating relative time spent on the hike:
    dt_route = dt_route[order(time), ]
    time <- as.POSIXlt(dt_route$time, format='%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')
    start_time = time[1]
    end_time = time[N]
    dt_route$relative_time <- as.numeric(difftime(time, start_time, units ='hours'))/as.numeric(difftime(end_time, start_time, units='hours'))
    Here we add some additional perks to the map:
    #### CAMPS
    camp_index<-c(1, 2897, 4771, 7784, 9275, 10396,15485, 17822)
    camp_lon <- dt_route[camp_index, lon_m]
    camp_lat <- dt_route[camp_index, lat_m]
    camp_alt <- dt_route[camp_index, altitude]
    camp_names <- c('Machame gate','Machame camp', 'Shira cave', 'Baranco camp', 'Karanga camp', 'Barafu camp', 'Mweka camp', 'Mweka gate')
    #### PEAKS
    peak_lon <- lon_scale*c( 37.3536381, 37.4561200, 37.3273936, 37.2370328)
    peak_lat <- lat_scale*c(-3.0765783, -3.0938911, -3.0679128, -3.0339558)
    peak_alt <- c(5895, 5149, 4689, 2962)-50
    peak_names<-c("Uhuru peak (5895)", "Mawenzi (5149)", "Lava Tower (4689)", "Shira (2962)")
    #### Hike
    skip_points <- 10
    aux_index <- seq(1, N, by=skip_points)
    time <- dt_route[aux_index, relative_time]
    hike <- cbind(dt_route[aux_index, lon_m], dt_route[aux_index, lat_m], dt_route[aux_index, altitude])
    Finally, plotting using rgl library. It is important, that rgl window initialized by rgl::open3d() is open while objects are created. Each object created is loaded to html element within rgl scene3d, and at any moment can be saved as scene object by command: kilimanjaro_scene3d <- scene3d() (which assigns current status of rgl window). Note, that the importance of parameter alpha, where alpha=1 corresponds to non-transparent objects, while for display of texts the transparency is allowed, which smoothes imaging of edges (alpha=0.9).
    hike_path <- rgl::plot3d(hike, type="l", alpha = 1, lwd = 4, col = "blue", xlab = "latitude", ylab='longitude', add = TRUE)["data"]
    rgl::aspect3d("iso") # set equilateral spacing on axes
    camp_shape <- rgl::spheres3d(camp_lon, camp_lat, camp_alt, col="green", radius = 150)
    rgl::rgl.surface(x, z, y, color = col, alpha=1)
    hiker <- rgl::spheres3d(hike[1, , drop=FALSE], radius = 200, col = "red")
    camp_text<-rgl::rgl.texts(camp_lon, camp_lat, camp_alt+400,camp_names
    , font = 2, cex=1, color='black', depth_mask = TRUE, depth_test = "always", alpha =0.7)
    peak_shape <- rgl::spheres3d(peak_lon, peak_lat, peak_alt, col="black", radius = 150)
    peak_text <- rgl::rgl.texts(peak_lon,peak_lat,peak_alt+400,peak_names
    ,font = 2, cex=1, color='black', depth_mask = TRUE, depth_test = "always", alpha =0.9)
    To generate an interactive HTML, rgl library provides the rglwidget function, that can be used to display the motion of a hiker in real time. It is worth to mention how agecontrol object works: it generates a set of objects with predefined life cycle, where birth defines the time of spawn, age defines the vector of time periods (in object age) at which value of object changes like the transparency (alpha).
    rgl::rglwidget() %>%
    ageControl(births = 0, ages = time, vertices = hike, objids = hiker),step = 0.01, start = 0, stop=1, rate = 0.01, components = c("Reverse", "Play", "Slower", "Faster","Reset", "Slider", "Label"), loop = TRUE) %>%
    toggleWidget(ids = c(camp_shape, camp_text), label="Camps") %>%
    toggleWidget(ids = hike_path, label="Route") %>%
    toggleWidget(ids = c(peak_shape, peak_text), label="Peaks") %>%
    asRow(last = 3)
    And that’s it!
    Version modified to satisfy requirements of Shiny apps is posted here:

    R code for removing Bias in Covid-19 data Using Econometric Tools

    A version of our detailed paper with all the theory is submitted to a journal called Econometrica. It is entitled “A Novel Solution to Biased Data in Covid-19 Incidence Studies” and is available at vinod/virus1.pdf and also at The paper solves the bias in data arising from non-random testing of entire population for Covid-19. A two-equation model overcomes the bias by using the inverse Mills ratio and improves forecasts of new deaths in all nine out of nine weekly out-of-sample comparisons. We identify the political party of the governors of states with desirable negative and undesirable positive trends.
    ##Pull Data
    Cumulative_Deaths=read.csv("Cumulative Deaths.csv")
    Cumulative_Infections=read.csv("Cumulative Infections.csv")
    ##clean data
    2020/06/15: First Step Probit Model
    myprobit<-glm(TI~HES+CPT+UI+HR+HI, family=binomial(link="probit"),data=Data)
    ##TI is Testing Indicator (i.e. 1 for tested and 0 for not tested)
    ##HES is Hospital Employee Share
    ##CPT is portion of population that Commutes on Public Transit
    ##UI in Uninsured Population
    ##HR is Hypertension Rate (one of the leading comorbidities)
    #HI is Household Income
    ## Call:
    ## glm(formula = TI ~ HES + CPT + UI + HR + HI, family = binomial(link = "probit"), 
    ##     data = Data)
    ## Deviance Residuals: 
    ##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
    ## -0.7296  -0.3849  -0.3553  -0.3376   2.5180  
    ## Coefficients:
    ##               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
    ## (Intercept) -2.4319390  0.0636110 -38.231  < 2e-16 ***
    ## HES          0.0663127  0.0081659   8.121 4.64e-16 ***
    ## CPT          0.0193450  0.0004345  44.523  < 2e-16 ***
    ## UI          -0.0070335  0.0009966  -7.058 1.69e-12 ***
    ## HR           0.0198518  0.0011021  18.012  < 2e-16 ***
    ## HI           0.0021614  0.0004608   4.690 2.73e-06 ***
    ## ---
    ## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    ## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
    ##     Null deviance: 254187  on 499999  degrees of freedom
    ## Residual deviance: 250590  on 499994  degrees of freedom
    ## AIC: 250602
    ## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5
    2020/06/15: Probit Model Marginal Effects
    #Marginal Effects of probit model
    effects_pro=margins(myprobit) #print(effects_pro)
    1   CPT 0.0025685341    5.801388e-05    44.274475   0.000000e+00    0.0024548290    0.0026822392
    2   HES 0.0088046672    1.084429e-03    8.119170    4.693813e-16    0.0066792246    0.0109301098
    3   HI  0.0002869787    6.119577e-05    4.689519    2.738481e-06    0.0001670372    0.0004069203
    4   HR  0.0026358250    1.465264e-04    17.988742   2.387156e-72    0.0023486386    0.0029230114
    5   UI  -0.0009338730   1.323531e-04    -7.055923   1.714593e-12    -0.0011932802   -0.0006744657
    5 rows
    2020/06/15: Extract inverse Mills ratio from probit model
    ##Compute inverse Mills ratio from probit model usine 'invMillsRatio' command from the 'sampleSelection' package.
    ##create table of IMR values by state
    2020/06/15: Second Step Heckman Equation (i.e. with IMR)
    ##GLM with Poisson distribution to estimate cumulative deaths based on the log of cumulative infections from the previous week, as well as the IMR. 
    ##Use 'glm' command with 'family=poisson(link="log")'
    ##Only ran the model on individuals who were tested (i.e. TI = 1).
    ##CD is "Cumulative Deaths"
    ##CI is "Cumulative Infections"
    #Compute fitted values for each state
    #Pull fitted value for each state
    Assessing Nation-wide Forecast
    #Compare fitted values with in-sample (2020/06/15) and out-of-sample (2020/06/22) actual deaths
    ##                                       [,1]
    ## Actual_Deaths_In_Sample       1.098220e+05
    ## In_sample_per_diff_CD_IMR     4.064085e-03
    ## In_sample_per_diff_CD_no_IMR -4.705036e-02
    print(rbind(Actual_Infections_Out_Sample,Actual_Deaths_Out_Sample,Predict_Deaths_no_IMR, Out_of_sample_per_diff_CD_IMR,Out_of_sample_per_diff__CD_no_IMR))
    ##                                            [,1]
    ## Actual_Infections_Out_Sample       2.290489e+06
    ## Actual_Deaths_Out_Sample           1.139440e+05
    ## Predict_Deaths_no_IMR              1.046548e+05
    ## Out_of_sample_per_diff_CD_IMR     -3.225860e-02
    ## Out_of_sample_per_diff__CD_no_IMR -8.152394e-02
    In all nine cases using IMR bias correction improves out-of-sample forecasts of Covid-19 deaths in US as a whole
    ##       Week IMR_Perc_Diff Without_IMR_Perc_Diff
    ##  [1,]    1        -25.27                -26.96
    ##  [2,]    2        -21.61                -22.50
    ##  [3,]    3        -17.66                -18.73
    ##  [4,]    4        -12.14                -13.78
    ##  [5,]    5         -9.38                -11.28
    ##  [6,]    6         -7.25                 -9.70
    ##  [7,]    7         -5.53                 -9.01
    ##  [8,]    8         -3.94                 -8.03

    Tidy Visualization of Mixture Models in R

    We are excited to announce the release of the plotmm R package (v0.1.0), which is a suite of tidy tools for visualizing mixture model output. plotmm is a substantially updated version of the plotGMM package (Waggoner and Chan). Whereas plotGMM only includes support for visualizing univariate Gaussian mixture models fit via the mixtools package, the new plotmm package supports numerous mixture model specifications from several packages (model objects).

    This current stable release is available on CRAN, and was a collaborative effort among Fong Chan, Lu Zhang, and Philip Waggoner.

    The package has five core functions:

    • plot_mm(): The main function of the package, plot_mm() allows the user to simply input the name of the fit mixture model, as well as an optional argument to pass the number of components k that were used in the original fit. Note: the function will automatically detect the number of components if k is not supplied. The result is a tidy ggplot of the density of the data with overlaid mixture weight component curves. Importantly, as the grammar of graphics is the basis of visualization in this package, all other tidy-friendly customization options work with any of the plotmm’s functions (e.g., customizing with ggplot2’s functions like labs() or theme_*(); or patchwork’s plot_annotation()).

    • plot_cut_point(): Mixture models are often used to derive cut points of separation between groups in feature space. plot_cut_point() plots the data density with the overlaid cut point (point of greatest separation between component class means) from the fit mixture model.

    • plot_mix_comps(): A helper function allowing for expanded customization of mixture model plots. The function superimposes the shape of the components over a ggplot2 object. plot_mix_comps() is used to render all plots in the main plot_mm() function, and is not bound by package-specific objects, allowing for greater flexibility in plotting models not currently supported by the main plot_mm() function.

    • plot_gmm(): The original function upon which the package was expanded. It is included in plotmm for quicker access to a common mixture model form (univariate Gaussian), as well as to bridge between the original plotGMM package.

    • plot_mix_comps_normal(): Similarly, this function is the original basis of plot_mix_comps(), but for Gaussian mixture models only. It is included in plotmm for bridging between the original plotGMM package.
    Supported model objects/packages include:

    1. mixtools
    2. EMCluster
    3. flexmix
    Supported specifications include mixtures of:

    1. Univariate Gaussians
    2. Bivariate Gaussians
    3. Gammas
    4. Logistic regressions
    5. Linear regressions (also with repeated measures)
    6. Poisson regressions

    Take a look at the Github repo for several demonstrations.

    Note that though plotmm includes many updates and expanded functionality beyond plotGMM, it is under active development with support for more model objects and specifications forthcoming. Stay tuned for updates, and always feel free to open an issue ticket to share anything you’d like to see included in future versions of the package. Thanks and enjoy!

    Epidemiologists should consider GLM & IMR for better Covid death predictions and overcome testing bias

    Social science research network (SSRN) reviewer has posted our “A Novel Solution to Biased Data in Covid-19 Incidence Studies” written by myself (H D Vinod) and K Theiss.  It uses a new two-equation generalized linear model (glm) with Poisson link for forecasting Covid-19 deaths in the US and individual states. The first equation explicitly models the probability of being tested. It helps build an estimate of the bias using inverse mills ratio (IMR) Detailed paper is available for free download at: It uses open-source R software.  A supplement to the paper entitled “State-by-state Forecasts of Covid-19 Deaths” is available for free download at Our bias-corrected out-of-sample death forecasts for future weeks should help state governors and mayors decide on limits to opening local economies.  One can compare the performance of democratic versus republican governors using the information tabulated.

    Basic data analysis with palmerpenguins


    In June 17, nice article for introducing new trial dataset were uploaded via R-bloggers.

    iris, one of commonly used dataset for simple data analysis. but there is a little issue for using it. 

    Too good.

    Every data has well-structured and most of analysis method works with iris very well.

    In reality, most of dataset is not pretty and requires a lot of pre-process to just start. This can be possible works in pre-process

    Remove NAs.
    Select meaningful features
    Handle duplicated or inconsistent values.
    or even, just loading the dataset. if is not well-structured like Flipkart-products

    However, in this penguin dataset, you can try for this work. also there’s pre-processed data too.

    For more information, see the page of palmerpenguins

    There is a routine for me with brief data analysis. and today, I want to share them with this lovely penguins. 


    0. Load dataset and library on workspace.
    library(palmerpenguins) # for data
    library(dplyr) # for data-handling
    library(corrplot) # for correlation plot
    library(GGally) # for parallel coordinate plot
    library(e1071) # for svm
    data(penguins) # load pre-processed penguins 
    palmerpenguins have 2 data penguins, penguins_raw , and as you can see from their name, penguins is pre-processed data.  

    1. See the summary  and plot of Dataset

    It seems speciesisland  and sex is categorical features.
    and remaining for numerical features.

    2. Set the format of feature
    penguins$species <- as.factor(penguins$species)
    penguins$island <- as.factor(penguins$island)
    penguins$sex <- as.factor(penguins$sex)
    and see summary and plot again. note that result of plot is same. 

    There’s unwanted NA and . values in some features.

    3. Remove not necessary datas ( in this tutorial, NA)
    penguins <- penguins %>% filter(sex == 'MALE' | sex == 'FEMALE')
    And here, I additionally defined color values for each penguins to see better plot result
    # Green, Orange, Purple
    pCol <- c('#057076', '#ff8301', '#bf5ccb')
    names(pCol) <- c('Gentoo', 'Adelie', 'Chinstrap')
    plot(penguins, col = pCol[penguins$species], pch = 19)

    Now, plot results are much better to give insights.

    Note that, other pre-process step may requires for different datasets.

    4. See relation of categorical features

    My first purpose of analysis this penguin is species
    So, I will try to see relation between species and other categorical values

    4-1. species, island
    table(penguins$species, penguins$island)
    chisq.test(table(penguins$species, penguins$island)) # meaningful difference
    ggplot(penguins, aes(x = island, y = species, color = species)) +
      geom_jitter(size = 3) + 
      scale_color_manual(values = pCol) 

    Wow, there’s strong relationship between species and island

    Adelie lives in every island
    Gentoo lives in only Biscoe
    Chinstrap lives in only Dream

    4-2 & 4.3.
    However, species and sex or sex and island did not show any meaningful relation.
    You can try following codes. 
    # species vs sex
    table(penguins$sex, penguins$species)
    chisq.test(table(penguins$sex, penguins$species)[-1,]) # not meaningful difference 0.916
    # sex vs island
    table(penguins$sex, penguins$island) # 0.9716
    chisq.test(table(penguins$sex, penguins$island)[-1,]) # not meaningful difference 0.9716
    5. See with numerical features

    I will select numerical features. 
    and see correlation plot and parallel coordinate plots.
    # Select numericals
    penNumeric <- penguins %>% select(-species, -island, -sex)
    # Cor-relation between numerics
    corrplot(cor(penNumeric), type = 'lower', diag = FALSE)
    # parallel coordinate plots
    ggparcoord(penguins, columns = 3:6, groupColumn = 1, order = c(4,3,5,6)) + 
      scale_color_manual(values = pCol)
    plot(penNumeric, col = pCol[penguins$species], pch = 19)
    and below are result of them.

    lucky, every numeric features (even only 4) have meaningful correlation and there is trend with  their combination for species (See parallel coordinate plot)

    6. Give statistical work on dataset.

    In this step, I usually do linear modeling or svm to predict

    6.1 linear modeling

    species is categorical value, so it needs to be change to numeric value
    idx <- sample(1:nrow(penguins), size = nrow(penguins)/2)
    # as. numeric
    speciesN <- as.numeric(penguins$species)
    penguins$speciesN <- speciesN
    train <- penguins[idx,]
    test <- penguins[-idx,]
    fm <- lm(speciesN ~ flipper_length_mm + culmen_length_mm + culmen_depth_mm + body_mass_g, train)

    It shows that, body_mass_g is not meaningful feature as seen in plot above ( it may explain gentoo, but not other penguins )

    To predict, I used this code. however, numeric predict generate not complete value (like 2.123 instead of 2) so I added rounding step.
    predRes <- round(predict(fm, test))
    predRes[which(predRes>3)] <- 3
    predRes <- sort(names(pCol))[predRes]
    test$predRes <- predRes
    ggplot(test, aes(x = species, y = predRes, color = species))+ 
      geom_jitter(size = 3) +
      scale_color_manual(values = pCol)
    table(test$predRes, test$species)

    Accuracy of basic linear modeling is 94.6%

    6-2 svm

    using svm is also easy step.
    m <- svm(species ~., train)
    predRes2 <- predict(m, test)
    test$predRes2 <- predRes2
    ggplot(test, aes(x = species, y = predRes2, color = species)) +
      geom_jitter(size = 3) +
      scale_color_manual(values = pCol)
    table(test$species, test$predRes2)
    and below are result of this code.

    Accuracy of svm is 100%. wow.


    Today I introduced simple routine for EDA and statistical analysis with penguins.
    That is not difficult that much, and shows good performances.

    Of course, I skipped a lot of things like processing raw-dataset.
    However I hope this trial gives inspiration for further data analysis.
