3D route visualisation – Kilimanjaro

I will show here how to create an interactive 3D visualisation of geospatial data, using rgl library, that allows export of the results into HTML.

The dataset to visualize, is a 7 day hike to Kilimajaro mountain (5895 metres) in Tanzania. 
Dataset contains latitude, longitude and elevation at sequence of timestamps.
route <- readr::read_delim("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mvhurban/kilimanjaro/master/Kilimanjaro_ascent.csv", ";", escape_double = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE)
The elevation gain of hiker in meters can be plotted simply:
When visualizing small areas, such as cities, mountains or parts of countries, distortion due to Geoid projection on 2D surface is insignificant and it is sufficient to set the projection center to the visualized area. 
 Our dataset falls into this category and therefore can be bounded by:
max_lat = max(route$lat)
min_lat = min(route$lat)
max_lon = max(route$lon)
min_lon = min(route$lon)
To create a 3D surface, units must match altitude units (meters). This can be achieved by scaling coordinates by factor corresponding to the arclength of 
latitude or longitude degree:

We can use function distGeo (this calculates great circle distance between two points on Earth) to obtain conversion scales.
lon_scale = geosphere::distGeo(c(min_lon, (min_lat+max_lat)/2), c(max_lon,(min_lat+max_lat)/2))/(max_lon-min_lon) 
lat_scale = geosphere::distGeo(c(min_lon, min_lat), c(min_lon, max_lat))/(max_lat-min_lat)
By hving conversion scales for latitude and logitude, we can convert GPS coordinates to cartesian coordinates in the plane tangent to the Earth at the center of the dataset. One can see it as placing a sheet of paper on the scrutinized spot on Earth. 
route$lon_m <- route$lon * lon_scale
route$lat_m <- route$lat * lat_scale
To obtain the elevation data surrounding the track we define a polygon (rectangle) enclosing the track. Note, that the polygon ends and begins with same point.
y_coord <- c(min_lat, min_lat, max_lat, max_lat, min_lat) # latitude
x_coord <- c(min_lon, max_lon, max_lon, min_lon, min_lon) # longitude
Geospatial polygons can be handled by sp library. Such a polygon must contain a projection string prj_sps defining how to interpret coordinates:
polygon_border <- cbind(x_coord, y_coord)
p <- sp::Polygon(polygon_border)
ps <- sp::Polygons(list(p), 1)
sps <- sp::SpatialPolygons(list(ps))
prj_sps <- sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")
sp::proj4string(sps) <- prj_sps
spdf = sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(sps, data.frame(f=99.9))
We define grid with points at which elevation data will be requested. Then we define projection string for a grid object:
grid_data <- sp::makegrid(spdf, cellsize = 0.001) # cellsize in map units (here meters)!
grid <- sp::SpatialPoints(grid_data, proj4string = prj_sps)
The Elevation data for raster object can be downloaded using elevatr library by to accessing the Terrain Tiles on AWS.
elevation_df <- elevatr::get_elev_raster(grid, prj = prj_sps, z = 12)
Transforming raster object to dataframe:
kili_map <- as.data.frame(raster::rasterToPoints(elevation_df))
Since we have equidistant rectangular grid, we can rearrange points into matrix and project to the plane:
lenX = length(unique(kili_map$x))
lenY = length(unique(kili_map$y))
z_full = matrix(kili_map$layer, nrow=lenX, ncol =lenY, byrow = FALSE )
x_full = lon_scale * matrix(kili_map$x, nrow=lenX, ncol =lenY, byrow = FALSE ) # longitude
y_full = lat_scale * matrix(kili_map$y, nrow=lenX, ncol =lenY, byrow = FALSE ) # latitude
At this stage, it is possible to generate 3D model of route, but depending on the dataset, additional problems may occur. 
Here we address mismatch of Track altitudes and of the altitude dowloaded using elevatr library. 

I our case elevations do not match and some points of Kilimanjaro dataset are above and some below elevatr altitudes and this overlap makes the display ugly. 
We solve this problem by discarding provided elevations and projecting GPS coordinates to dowloaded grid. (Another option would be to use elevatr::get_elev_point(), which returns altitude for the dataframe.)

The projection is done by finding the closest point on a grid to the route point and assigning the elevation, the search of closest neighbour is done by a function provided in data.table library:
dt_route = data.table::data.table(route)
N = nrow(dt_route)
data.table::setkeyv(dt_route, c('lon_m','lat_m'))
coor_x = data.table::data.table(ind_x=c(1:lenX), lon_m=x_full[ , 1])
coor_y = data.table::data.table(ind_y=c(1:lenY),lat_m=y_full[1, ])
dt_route$ind_y = coor_y[dt_route, on = 'lat_m', roll='nearest']$ind_y
dt_route$ind_x = coor_x[dt_route, on = 'lon_m', roll='nearest']$ind_x
for (i in c(1:N)){
dt_route$altitude[i]<-z_full[dt_route$ind_x[i], dt_route$ind_y[i]]}
For our purposes, the size of grid object is too big and we can skip few points:
Note that skipping every 5 grid points makes a reduction of the size by 96%!
skip_cell = 5
x = x_full[seq(1, lenX, by=skip_cell), seq(1, lenY, by=skip_cell)]
y = y_full[seq(1, lenX, by=skip_cell), seq(1, lenY, by=skip_cell)]
z = z_full[seq(1, lenX, by=skip_cell), seq(1, lenY, by=skip_cell)]
Colors can be assigned to a particular altitude by color pallet, for obvious reasons we have choosen terrain.colors. But since Kilimanjaro has snow above 5300 m, we added the snowline. 
snowline <- 5300 # above this line color will be white
colorlut <- terrain.colors(snowline-0, alpha = 0)
# maping altitude to color: minimum is 0 - green, maximum 5300 - white
z_col[z_col>snowline] <- snowline
col <- colorlut[z_col]
Calculating relative time spent on the hike:
dt_route = dt_route[order(time), ]
time <- as.POSIXlt(dt_route$time, format='%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')
start_time = time[1]
end_time = time[N]
dt_route$relative_time <- as.numeric(difftime(time, start_time, units ='hours'))/as.numeric(difftime(end_time, start_time, units='hours'))
Here we add some additional perks to the map:
#### CAMPS
camp_index<-c(1, 2897, 4771, 7784, 9275, 10396,15485, 17822)
camp_lon <- dt_route[camp_index, lon_m]
camp_lat <- dt_route[camp_index, lat_m]
camp_alt <- dt_route[camp_index, altitude]
camp_names <- c('Machame gate','Machame camp', 'Shira cave', 'Baranco camp', 'Karanga camp', 'Barafu camp', 'Mweka camp', 'Mweka gate')
#### PEAKS
peak_lon <- lon_scale*c( 37.3536381, 37.4561200, 37.3273936, 37.2370328)
peak_lat <- lat_scale*c(-3.0765783, -3.0938911, -3.0679128, -3.0339558)
peak_alt <- c(5895, 5149, 4689, 2962)-50
peak_names<-c("Uhuru peak (5895)", "Mawenzi (5149)", "Lava Tower (4689)", "Shira (2962)")

#### Hike
skip_points <- 10
aux_index <- seq(1, N, by=skip_points)
time <- dt_route[aux_index, relative_time]
hike <- cbind(dt_route[aux_index, lon_m], dt_route[aux_index, lat_m], dt_route[aux_index, altitude])
Finally, plotting using rgl library. It is important, that rgl window initialized by rgl::open3d() is open while objects are created. Each object created is loaded to html element within rgl scene3d, and at any moment can be saved as scene object by command: kilimanjaro_scene3d <- scene3d() (which assigns current status of rgl window). Note, that the importance of parameter alpha, where alpha=1 corresponds to non-transparent objects, while for display of texts the transparency is allowed, which smoothes imaging of edges (alpha=0.9).
hike_path <- rgl::plot3d(hike, type="l", alpha = 1, lwd = 4, col = "blue", xlab = "latitude", ylab='longitude', add = TRUE)["data"]
rgl::aspect3d("iso") # set equilateral spacing on axes
camp_shape <- rgl::spheres3d(camp_lon, camp_lat, camp_alt, col="green", radius = 150)
rgl::rgl.surface(x, z, y, color = col, alpha=1)
hiker <- rgl::spheres3d(hike[1, , drop=FALSE], radius = 200, col = "red")
camp_text<-rgl::rgl.texts(camp_lon, camp_lat, camp_alt+400,camp_names
, font = 2, cex=1, color='black', depth_mask = TRUE, depth_test = "always", alpha =0.7)
peak_shape <- rgl::spheres3d(peak_lon, peak_lat, peak_alt, col="black", radius = 150)
peak_text <- rgl::rgl.texts(peak_lon,peak_lat,peak_alt+400,peak_names
,font = 2, cex=1, color='black', depth_mask = TRUE, depth_test = "always", alpha =0.9)
To generate an interactive HTML, rgl library provides the rglwidget function, that can be used to display the motion of a hiker in real time. It is worth to mention how agecontrol object works: it generates a set of objects with predefined life cycle, where birth defines the time of spawn, age defines the vector of time periods (in object age) at which value of object changes like the transparency (alpha).
rgl::rglwidget() %>%
ageControl(births = 0, ages = time, vertices = hike, objids = hiker),step = 0.01, start = 0, stop=1, rate = 0.01, components = c("Reverse", "Play", "Slower", "Faster","Reset", "Slider", "Label"), loop = TRUE) %>%
toggleWidget(ids = c(camp_shape, camp_text), label="Camps") %>%
toggleWidget(ids = hike_path, label="Route") %>%
toggleWidget(ids = c(peak_shape, peak_text), label="Peaks") %>%
asRow(last = 3)
And that’s it!
Version modified to satisfy requirements of Shiny apps is posted here:

Beginners guide to Bubble Map with Shiny

Map Bubble
Map bubble is type of map chart where bubble or circle position  indicates geoghraphical location and bubble size is used to show differences in magnitude of quantitative variables like population.

We will be using
Highcharter package to show earthquake magnitude and depth . Highcharter is a versatile charting library to build interactive charts, one of the easiest to learn and for shiny integration.

Bubble Map


About dataset
Dataset used here is from US Geological survey website of recent one week earthquake events. There are about 420 recorded observation with magnitude more than 2.0 globally. Dataset has 22 variables, of which we will be using time, latitude, longitude, depth, magnitude(mag) and nearest named place of event.

Shiny Application
This application has single app.R file and earthquake dataset. Before we start with UI function, we will load dataset  and fetch world json object from highcharts map collection with hcmap function. See the app here

edata <- read.csv('earthquake.csv') %>% rename(lat=latitude,lon = longitude)
wmap <- hcmap()
Using dplyr package latitude and longitude variables are renamed as lat and lon with rename verb. Column names are important. 

It has sidebar panel with 3 widgets and main panel for displaying map.

  • Two sliders, one for filtering out low magnitude values and other for adjusting bubble  size.
  • One select widget for bubble size variable. User can select magnitude or depth of earthquake event. mag and depth are columns in dataset.
  • Widget output function highchartOutput for use in shiny.
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("MapBubble"), # Application title
   sliderInput('mag','Magnitude more than(Richter Scale)', min = 1,max = 6,step = 0.5,value = 0),
   selectInput('bubble','Bubble Size indicates',choices = c('Magnitude'= 'mag','Depth(in Km)' = 'depth')),

   sliderInput('bublesize','Adjust bubble Size',min = 2,max = 10,step = 1,value = 6)      
      # Display a Map Bubble
        highchartOutput('eqmap',height = "500px")         
Before rendering, we will filter the dataset within reactive context. Any numeric column that we want to indicate with bubble size should be named z. input$bubble comes from select widget. 

renderHighchart is render function for use in shiny. We will pass the filtered data and chart type as mapbubble in hc_add_series function. Place, time and z variable are displayed in the tooltip with “point” format. 
Sub-title is used to show no. of  filtered observation  in the map

  server <- function(input, output) { 
  data <- reactive(edata %>% 
               filter(mag >= input$mag) %>%
               rename(z = input$bubble))

output$eqmap <-renderHighchart(
 wmap %>% hc_legend(enabled = F) %>%

  hc_add_series(data = data(), type = "mapbubble", name = "", maxSize = paste0(input$bublesize,'%')) %>% #bubble size in perc %

 hc_tooltip(useHTML = T,headerFormat='',pointFormat = paste('Location :{point.place} 
 Time: {point.time} 
',input$bubble,': {point.z}')) %>%

 hc_title(text = "Global Seismic Activity") %>%
 hc_subtitle(text = paste('No of obs:', nrow(data()),sep = '')) %>%
 hc_mapNavigation(enabled = T)%>%

# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Shiny R file can be found here at the github repository