Computation time of loops — for, *apply, map

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It is usually said, that for– and while-loops should be avoided in R. I was curious about just how the different alternatives compare in terms of speed.

The first loop is perhaps the worst I can think of – the return vector is initialized without type and length so that the memory is constantly being allocated.
use_for_loop <- function(x){
  y <- c()
  for(i in x){
    y <- c(y, x[i] * 100)
The second for loop is with preallocated size of the return vector.
use_for_loop_vector <- function(x){
  y <- vector(mode = "double", length = length(x))
  for(i in x){
    y[i] <- x[i] * 100
I have noticed I use sapply() quite a lot, but I think not once have I used vapply() We will nonetheless look at both
use_sapply <- function(x){
  sapply(x, function(y){y * 100})

use_vapply <- function(x){
  vapply(x, function(y){y * 100}, double(1L))
And because I am a tidyverse-fanboy we also loop at map_dbl().
use_map_dbl <- function(x){
  map_dbl(x, function(y){y * 100})
We test the functions using a vector of random doubles and evaluate the runtime with microbenchmark.
x <- c(rnorm(100))
mb_res <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  `for_loop()` = use_for_loop(x),
  `for_loop_vector()` = use_for_loop_vector(x),
  `purrr::map_dbl()` = use_map_dbl(x),
  `sapply()` = use_sapply(x),
  `vapply()` = use_vapply(x),
  times = 500
The results are listed in table and figure below.
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
for_loop() 8.440 9.7305 10.736446 10.2995 10.9840 26.976 500
for_loop_vector() 10.912 12.1355 13.468312 12.7620 13.8455 37.432 500
purrr::map_dbl() 22.558 24.3740 25.537080 25.0995 25.6850 71.550 500
sapply() 15.966 17.3490 18.483216 18.1820 18.8070 59.289 500
vapply() 6.793 8.1455 8.592576 8.5325 8.8300 26.653 500

  The clear winner is vapply() and for-loops are rather slow. However, if we have a very low number of iterations, even the worst for-loop isn’t too bad:
x <- c(rnorm(10))
mb_res <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  `for_loop()` = use_for_loop(x),
  `for_loop_vector()` = use_for_loop_vector(x),
  `purrr::map_dbl()` = use_map_dbl(x),
  `sapply()` = use_sapply(x),
  `vapply()` = use_vapply(x),
  times = 500
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
for_loop() 5.992 7.1185 9.670106 7.9015 9.3275 70.955 500
for_loop_vector() 5.743 7.0160 9.398098 7.9575 9.2470 40.899 500
purrr::map_dbl() 22.020 24.1540 30.565362 25.1865 27.5780 157.452 500
sapply() 15.456 17.4010 22.507534 18.3820 20.6400 203.635 500
vapply() 6.966 8.1610 10.127994 8.6125 9.7745 66.973 500

17 thoughts on “Computation time of loops — for, *apply, map”

    1. Thanks for the link. I think the mantra that for-loops should be avoided still holds. They might be slightly faster with few iterations, but the effect is not big, and will not affect the overall runtime.

  1. Interesting (and possibly useful) results. However, your first table & graph seem to be inconsistent when it comes to the for loop results: As I try to look carefully at the numbers in the table and the resulting graph, it seems that, according to the table, for loops aren’t that bad; according to the graph, they are quite bad. I’m having trouble reconciling the two.

      1. I don’t think so. Your table shows a mean time for for_loop() of 11ms, with a max time of 71ms. Your figure looks like the minimum times are 700ms. It’s close to a two orders of magnitude difference.

  2. to keep apples, apples you might want to re-run the sapply() one with USE.NAMES = FALSE (it shaves off some CPU cycles); also note that sapply() is rly just lapply() followed by a call to simplify2array() so another benchmark to possibly run is lapply() followed by unlist() with recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE.

    1. Thanks. I was thinking of comparing map and lapply followed by flatten and unlist, but wanted to keep the comparison focused.

      I’ll see if I can update the post

      1. It is not a matter of simple “poor syntax”, your for loop return wrong results making wrong computation:
        Moreover they are of different length too!


        using `for (i in x)` you are running along the element of x and not along their position, i.e. let `x <- 1000`, when you call

        y[1] <- x[1] * 100

        you ara asking R to perform

        y[1000] <- x[1000] *100

        so, because of the single brackets are used to subsect and create vectors (and not to access to an element of them) R create for you the position 1000 in the vector y (if it has not already at least 1000 elements), next R create a subvector with the element in position 1000 of x, and if it not exists the result of this subsetting is NA.

        so finally, your result for the for loop return a vactor with a random length in which at random position are NA, and on the other are random numbers. And the computation go through the creation and replacement of new vectors of random length at every step. It is not surprising it is slow… but the most important fact is that the results returned by the loop is wrong. And you do not recieve any error or warning!! (and here is one of the real value of using functions in the tidyverse…)

        On the other hand, it would not been a simple metter of syntax (if you mean "style") anyway. This, because syntax matter in the computation.
        use_for_loop_good_vector <- function(x){
        y <- vector(mode = "double", length = length(x))

        for(i in seq_along(x)){
        y[[i]] <- x[[i]] * 100

        It is an order of magnitude quicker than you top winner iterator!!

        and that is only thanks to the fact you loop through a sequence spanning on the indeces of x (and not trough the element of x, but we have already discussed this problem). And, to the fact that you want replace **the** element **in** the position i of y and you want to use **the** element **at** the position i of x so you have to use double square bracket here. With a single square bracket you ask to R to create a new vector mady by the element(s) of the original one indicated inside the bracket. With the double bracket, you access to the content of a single (!!) element of a vector, i.e. its value. So, the mantra should be translated in "poor for loops should be avoided in R" if you look at the performance.

        Anyway, I would like to make a consideration: my version is ten time faster then the best one of yours…wooow, …. but I have saved 9 MICRO seconds!! How much time I would heve saved by typing `map(x, ~.*100)` instead of seven line of code? How much time I will lose whenever I will look back at the code to change a parte of it or to understand what I have coded?

        More important, all your "vectorized" (implicit for loop) versions are not wrong (even if sapply can fail without warning nor errors for other reasons,
        so I suggest to avoid it!).

        That said, I agree with the original mantra "foor loop should be avoid in R", but for different reason:
        – the execution time is not related to R but on you, mainly
        – the time you spend to code it is much higher than the alternatives
        – what you expect from the computation and how do you want to obtain it is clearer using the alternatives
        – the possibility to obtain wrong results without any wornings or errors are much higher then the alternatives (and depends on tiny syntax/style/code details often difficult to debug… expecially if you have 7 full line of code doing that stuff)

        So, please, do not "correct" your code. But, update it highlighting your tought about this for who after you will reed your post in the future.

  3. You need to be careful what you’re measuring here. After the first call to a function, R’s JIT compiler kicks in and you’ll be running compiled versions of all of the functions, in addition to adding the overhead of a function call.

    If you’re only interested in comparing how loops and apply functions compare, rather than how they compare after being byte-code compiled, you should turn off the compiler with


    before running your benchmarks.

    Even better would be to eliminate the functions altogether and just wrap each item you want to compare in a set of curly braces. This also removed the overhead of the function calls from each.

    1. Thank you for the hint, I was not aware of this.

      I will see if I can improve and update the post.

  4. As others hinted – the contents of your loop are so tiny that it’s likely that various startup and closeout tasks heavily bias all your results. I would recommend writing at least 10 or so lines of messy functions inside your loop. I would also recommend making the loop at least 10^4 cycles if not more.

    1. Hi Ulrik, I think you can update the post, and I’ll make sure to re-publish it manually to r-bloggers.

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