New Version of the Package “Vecsets” is on CRAN

  The base “sets” tools follow the algebraic definition that each element of a set must be unique. Since it’s often helpful to compare all elements of two vectors, this toolset treats every element as unique for counting purposes. For ease of use, all functions in vecsets have an argument multiple which, when set to FALSE , reverts them to the base set tools functionality.
For this revision, the code for most functions was rewritten to increase processing speed dramatically.  A new function, “vperm,” generates all permutations of  all possible combinations taken N elements at a time  from an input vector.  

New version of cgwtools package is up

I’m happy to present some info about the latest version of cgwtools, my collection of handy “toys” which make everyday work in R a bit easier.   Enjoy!
The newly added functions include:
base2base – Function to convert any base to any other base (up to 36).
binit — Create histogram bins for each unique value in a sample. That is, automatically use the unique values as bin ranges, rather than dividing up the overall range by some factor.
cumfun  —  Function calculate the cumulative result of any function along an input vector.
maxn , minn   —  Functions to find the n-th maximum or minimum of a vector or array.
which.maxn ,  which.minn — Functions to find  locations of the n-th maximum or minimum of a vector or array.
polyInt  — Function to find intersection points of two polygons.
segSegInt  — Function to find intersection point between two line segments (NOT lines).

Other functions previously provided:
approxeq  — Do “fuzzy” equality and return a logical vector (rather than a single status as all.equal does).
dim  —  Function to return dimensions of arguments, or lengths if dim==NULL.
findpat  — Function to locate patterns ( sequences of strings or numerical values) in data vectors.
popd , pushd  —  Performs equivalent of ‘bash’ command with same name
getstack —  Returns the current directory stack that pushd and popd manipulate
dirdir — Wrapper function around dir() which returns only directories found in the specified location(s).
lsclass, lssize,  lstype — list all objects with the specified class, size, type .
lsdata  —  List all objects in an ‘.Rdata’ file.
maxRow, maxCol, minRow, MinCol  —  Functions which mimic ‘max.col’ to find minimum or maximum of rows or columns.
mystat —  Calculate and display basic statistics  (max, min, mean, median, std dev, skew, kurtosis) for an object.
resave —  Add some objects to an existing ‘.Rdata’ – type file.

seqle  — Extends ‘rle’ to find and encode linear sequences.
inverse.seqle — Inverse of ‘seqle’