An Open Source Framework for Choice Based Conjoint Experiments in R workshop

Join our workshop on An Open Source Framework for Choice Based Conjoint Experiments in R, which is a part of our workshops for Ukraine series! 

Here’s some more info: 

Title:An Open Source Framework for Choice Based Conjoint Experiments in R

Date: Thursday, August 10th, 18:00 – 20:00 CEST (Rome, Berlin, Paris timezone)

Speaker: John Paul Helveston, John Paul (JP) is an Assistant Professor at George Washington University in the Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering. His research focuses on understanding how consumer preferences, market dynamics, and policy affect the emergence and adoption of low-carbon technologies, such as electric vehicles and renewable energy technologies. He also studies the critical relationship between the US and China in developing and mass producing these technologies. He has expertise in discrete choice modeling, conjoint analysis, exploratory data analysis, interview-based research methods, and the R programming language. He speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese and has conducted extensive fieldwork in China. He is also an accomplished violinist and swing dancer. John holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in Engineering and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University and a B.S. in Engineering Science and Mechanics (ESM) from Virginia Tech.

Description: Choice based conjoint (CBC) experiments are a critical tool for measuring preferences, yet most practitioners rely on closed source enterprise software to design and implement their survey experiments. This presentation will demonstrate an open source framework for implementing CBC experiments in R. The framework includes designing and testing the experiment with the cbcTools package, implementing the survey with the survey platform, and modeling results with the logitr package. Combined, the three tools offer a free and fully open source approach to the entire CBC experiment workflow. The framework is also quite flexible and can be integrated into workflows that use enterprise software with relative ease.

Minimal registration fee: 20 euro (or 20 USD or 800 UAH)

How can I register?

  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)

  • Fill in the registration form, attaching a screenshot of a donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after donation).

If you are not personally interested in attending, you can also contribute by sponsoring a participation of a student, who will then be able to participate for free. If you choose to sponsor a student, all proceeds will also go directly to organisations working in Ukraine. You can either sponsor a particular student or you can leave it up to us so that we can allocate the sponsored place to students who have signed up for the waiting list.

How can I sponsor a student?

  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)

  • Fill in the sponsorship form, attaching the screenshot of the donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after the donation). You can indicate whether you want to sponsor a particular student or we can allocate this spot ourselves to the students from the waiting list. You can also indicate whether you prefer us to prioritize students from developing countries when assigning place(s) that you sponsored.

If you are a university student and cannot afford the registration fee, you can also sign up for the waiting list here. (Note that you are not guaranteed to participate by signing up for the waiting list).

You can also find more information about this workshop series,  a schedule of our future workshops as well as a list of our past workshops which you can get the recordings & materials here.

Looking forward to seeing you during the workshop!

Using Spatial Data with R Shiny workshop

Join our workshop on Using Spatial Data with R Shiny, which is a part of our workshops for Ukraine series! 

Here’s some more info: 

Title: Using Spatial Data with R Shiny

Date: Thursday, August 3rd, 18:00 – 20:00 CEST (Rome, Berlin, Paris timezone)

Speaker: Michael C. Rubin, is an Engineer, MIT Data Scientist and Co-Founder of Open Digital Agriculture (former ODAPES), a Start-up with the mission of democratizing Digital Agriculture. Open Digital Agriculture leverages R-Shiny, along with GIS technology and Artificial Intelligence to include the overlooked 540 Million smallholder farmers into the digital transformation. Michael was a 2 times speaker at the global R-Shiny conference.

Description: This workshop is about how to use R-Shiny in the context of geographic information systems (GIS). We will initially cover the R Leaflet package and learn how geographic information, from points to raster files, can be displayed in an R-Shiny app. During the work, we will develop a nice R-Shiny App, which allows us not only to display, but also to manipulate GIS related data. On the way there, we will touch some interesting Geostatistical concepts. Knowledge in R is required to follow the course and previous exposure to R-Shiny and some GIS techniques would be helpful, but you can follow the course even without it.

Minimal registration fee: 20 euro (or 20 USD or 800 UAH)

How can I register?

  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)

  • Fill in the registration form, attaching a screenshot of a donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after donation).

If you are not personally interested in attending, you can also contribute by sponsoring a participation of a student, who will then be able to participate for free. If you choose to sponsor a student, all proceeds will also go directly to organisations working in Ukraine. You can either sponsor a particular student or you can leave it up to us so that we can allocate the sponsored place to students who have signed up for the waiting list.

How can I sponsor a student?

  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)

  • Fill in the sponsorship form, attaching the screenshot of the donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after the donation). You can indicate whether you want to sponsor a particular student or we can allocate this spot ourselves to the students from the waiting list. You can also indicate whether you prefer us to prioritize students from developing countries when assigning place(s) that you sponsored.

If you are a university student and cannot afford the registration fee, you can also sign up for the waiting list here. (Note that you are not guaranteed to participate by signing up for the waiting list).

You can also find more information about this workshop series,  a schedule of our future workshops as well as a list of our past workshops which you can get the recordings & materials here.

Looking forward to seeing you during the workshop!

Introduction to Supervised Text Classification in R workshop

Learn how to use supervised text classification in R! Join our workshop on Introduction to Supervised Text Classification in R which is a part of our workshops for Ukraine series. 

Here’s some more info: 

Title: Introduction to Supervised Text Classification in R

Date: Thursday, July 13th, 18:00 – 20:00 CEST (Rome, Berlin, Paris timezone)

Speaker: Marius Sältzer is a Professor of Digital Social Science at the University of Oldenburg. He works on party competition and political communication, in particular on social media, using large-scale data collection and text analysis methods.

Description: Text analysis is a staple method in the social sciences and is increasingly influencing other areas in times of large language models. while transformers are very effective they are computationally expensive and lack intepretability. This course introduces supervised machine learning on textual data, including theoretical foundations of human annotation, distributional semantics and word embeddings. Based on quanteda, we apply text classification like Naïve Bayes and Neural Networks in R on a CPU-only laptop.

Minimal registration fee: 20 euro (or 20 USD or 800 UAH)

How can I register?

  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)

  • Fill in the registration form, attaching a screenshot of a donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after donation).

If you are not personally interested in attending, you can also contribute by sponsoring a participation of a student, who will then be able to participate for free. If you choose to sponsor a student, all proceeds will also go directly to organisations working in Ukraine. You can either sponsor a particular student or you can leave it up to us so that we can allocate the sponsored place to students who have signed up for the waiting list.

How can I sponsor a student?

  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)

  • Fill in the sponsorship form, attaching the screenshot of the donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after the donation). You can indicate whether you want to sponsor a particular student or we can allocate this spot ourselves to the students from the waiting list. You can also indicate whether you prefer us to prioritize students from developing countries when assigning place(s) that you sponsored.

If you are a university student and cannot afford the registration fee, you can also sign up for the waiting list here. (Note that you are not guaranteed to participate by signing up for the waiting list).

You can also find more information about this workshop series,  a schedule of our future workshops as well as a list of our past workshops which you can get the recordings & materials here.

Looking forward to seeing you during the workshop!

Introduction to Mixed-effects Models in R workshop

Learn how to use mixed-effects models in R! Join our workshop on Introduction to Mixed-effects Models in R which is a part of our workshops for Ukraine series. 

Here’s some more info: 

Title: Introduction to Mixed-effects Models in R

Date: Thursday, June 22nd, 18:00 – 20:00 CEST (Rome, Berlin, Paris timezone)

Speaker: Philip Leftwich is an Associate Professor of Genetics and Data Science at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. He teaches R programming and statistics on various modules and workshops at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. His research interests include genetics, genomics and synthetic biology as tools to help combat agricultural and disease-carrying insect pests.

Description: Mixed-effects models are indispensable in analyzing data with hierarchical or nested structures. Unlike traditional linear regression models, mixed-effects models account for both fixed effects (applying to the entire population) and random effects (varying across groups). This unique capability allows researchers to examine how individual and group-level factors work together simultaneously, providing a comprehensive understanding of the data. In fields like social sciences, education, biology, and economics, where hierarchical data is prevalent, mixed-effects models significantly enhance the precision and reliability of statistical analyses. Mastering these models empowers researchers to extract valuable insights from complex datasets effectively.

In this introductory workshop, we will cover the basics of analyzing hierarchical data. Participants will learn about the difference between fixed and random effects, model formulation, estimation, and interpretation. We will discuss assumptions, model comparison and selection, practical implementation with R, and model validation. We will work through real-world examples to showcase the applications and benefits of mixed-effects models in various fields.

Minimal registration fee: 20 euro (or 20 USD or 800 UAH)

How can I register?

  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)
  • Fill in the registration form, attaching a screenshot of a donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after donation).

If you are not personally interested in attending, you can also contribute by sponsoring a participation of a student, who will then be able to participate for free. If you choose to sponsor a student, all proceeds will also go directly to organisations working in Ukraine. You can either sponsor a particular student or you can leave it up to us so that we can allocate the sponsored place to students who have signed up for the waiting list.

How can I sponsor a student?

  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)
  • Fill in the sponsorship form, attaching the screenshot of the donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after the donation). You can indicate whether you want to sponsor a particular student or we can allocate this spot ourselves to the students from the waiting list. You can also indicate whether you prefer us to prioritize students from developing countries when assigning place(s) that you sponsored.

If you are a university student and cannot afford the registration fee, you can also sign up for the waiting list here. (Note that you are not guaranteed to participate by signing up for the waiting list).

You can also find more information about this workshop series,  a schedule of our future workshops as well as a list of our past workshops which you can get the recordings & materials here.

Looking forward to seeing you during the workshop!

A toolbox for debugging and refactoring in R workshop

Learn how to debug and refactor in R! Join our workshop on  A toolbox for debugging and refactoring in R which is a part of our workshops for Ukraine series. 

Here’s some more info: 

Title: A toolbox for debugging and refactoring in R

Date: Thursday, June 8th, 18:00 – 20:00 CEST (Rome, Berlin, Paris timezone)

Speaker: Antoine Fabri is a data scientist, R consultant, R developper and teacher/coach at Cynkra in Zurich, Switzerland. Through his experience in the open source community, as an employee in various industries and as a consultant he had the opportunity to witness a lot of R code of varying context and quality, and write a fair amount on the way. The recurrent issues he faced led him to grow a collection of tools that he shares with the community.

Description: Debugging and refactoring are some of the most time consuming tasks a developper or data scientist encounter. They’re also not always pleasant. With the right approach and the right tools the experience can be much improved however and I intend to show we can soothe the pain a little, and hopefully even make it fun sometimes. I’d like to talk first a bit about my general approach to debugging and refactoring, review common issues and general tools, then show a glimpse of some of my own packages can be used to respectively understand and visualize the logic of your code (using {flow}), the structure of your objects (using {constructive}), and monitor the execution of your code (using {boomer}).

Minimal registration fee: 20 euro (or 20 USD or 800 UAH)

How can I register?

  • Go to or and donate at least 20 euro. Feel free to donate more if you can, all proceeds go directly to support Ukraine.
  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)
  • Fill in the registration form, attaching a screenshot of a donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after donation).

If you are not personally interested in attending, you can also contribute by sponsoring a participation of a student, who will then be able to participate for free. If you choose to sponsor a student, all proceeds will also go directly to organisations working in Ukraine. You can either sponsor a particular student or you can leave it up to us so that we can allocate the sponsored place to students who have signed up for the waiting list.

How can I sponsor a student?

  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)
  • Fill in the sponsorship form, attaching the screenshot of the donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after the donation). You can indicate whether you want to sponsor a particular student or we can allocate this spot ourselves to the students from the waiting list. You can also indicate whether you prefer us to prioritize students from developing countries when assigning place(s) that you sponsored.

If you are a university student and cannot afford the registration fee, you can also sign up for the waiting list here. (Note that you are not guaranteed to participate by signing up for the waiting list).

You can also find more information about this workshop series,  a schedule of our future workshops as well as a list of our past workshops which you can get the recordings & materials here.

Looking forward to seeing you during the workshop!

RMarkdown and Quarto – Mastering the Basics workshop

Learn how to use RMarkdown and Quarto! Join our workshop on RMarkdown and Quarto – Mastering the Basics which is a part of our workshops for Ukraine series. 

Here’s some more info: 

Title: RMarkdown and Quarto – Mastering the Basics

Date: Thursday, May 25th, 18:00 – 20:00 CEST (Rome, Berlin, Paris timezone)

Speaker: Indrek Seppo, a seasoned R programming expert, brings over 20 years of experience from the academic, private, and public sectors to the table. With more than a decade of teaching R under his belt, Indrek’s passionate teaching style has consistently led his courses to top the student feedback charts and has inspired hundreds of upcoming data analysts to embrace R (and Baby Shark).

Description: Discover the power of RMarkdown and its next-generation counterpart, Quarto, to create stunning reports, slides, dashboards, and even entire books—all within the RStudio environment. This session will cover the fundamentals of markdown, guiding you through the process of formatting documents and incorporating R code, tables, and graphs seamlessly. If you’ve never explored these tools before, prepare to be amazed by their capabilities. Learn how to generate reproducible reports and research with ease, enhancing your productivity and efficiency in the world of data analysis.

Minimal registration fee: 20 euro (or 20 USD or 800 UAH)

How can I register?

  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)
  • Fill in the registration form, attaching a screenshot of a donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after donation).

If you are not personally interested in attending, you can also contribute by sponsoring a participation of a student, who will then be able to participate for free. If you choose to sponsor a student, all proceeds will also go directly to organisations working in Ukraine. You can either sponsor a particular student or you can leave it up to us so that we can allocate the sponsored place to students who have signed up for the waiting list.

How can I sponsor a student?

  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)
  • Fill in the sponsorship form, attaching the screenshot of the donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after the donation). You can indicate whether you want to sponsor a particular student or we can allocate this spot ourselves to the students from the waiting list. You can also indicate whether you prefer us to prioritize students from developing countries when assigning place(s) that you sponsored.

If you are a university student and cannot afford the registration fee, you can also sign up for the waiting list here. (Note that you are not guaranteed to participate by signing up for the waiting list).

You can also find more information about this workshop series,  a schedule of our future workshops as well as a list of our past workshops which you can get the recordings & materials here.

Looking forward to seeing you during the workshop!

Spatial Data Wrangling with R workshop

Learn how to wrangle spatial data in R ! Join our workshop on Spatial Data Wrangling with R: A Comprehensive Guide which is a part of our workshops for Ukraine series. 

Here’s some more info: 

Title: Spatial Data Wrangling with R: A Comprehensive Guide

Date: Thursday, April 6th, 18:00 – 20:00 CEST (Rome, Berlin, Paris timezone) 

Speaker: Long Nguyen is a PhD student at SOEP RegioHub at Bielefeld University. He likes to make pretty maps.

Description: This workshop is designed to provide a solid foundation for working with spatial data in R. Starting with fundamental concepts of spatial data types and structures, the workshop provides a systematic overview of techniques for manipulating spatial data, such as spatial aggregation, spatial joins, spatial geometry transformations, and distance calculations. With this focus, the workshop’s aim is to give participants a skill set that is easily extendable and transferable to new data and tools. The data wrangling techniques presented will be accompanied by instructions on creating maps – both static and interactive – to quickly explore and present the results of the operations performed.

Minimal registration fee: 20 euro (or 20 USD or 800 UAH)

How can I register?

  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)
  • Fill in the registration form, attaching a screenshot of a donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after donation).

If you are not personally interested in attending, you can also contribute by sponsoring a participation of a student, who will then be able to participate for free. If you choose to sponsor a student, all proceeds will also go directly to organisations working in Ukraine. You can either sponsor a particular student or you can leave it up to us so that we can allocate the sponsored place to students who have signed up for the waiting list.

How can I sponsor a student?

  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)
  • Fill in the sponsorship form, attaching the screenshot of the donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after the donation). You can indicate whether you want to sponsor a particular student or we can allocate this spot ourselves to the students from the waiting list. You can also indicate whether you prefer us to prioritize students from developing countries when assigning place(s) that you sponsored.

If you are a university student and cannot afford the registration fee, you can also sign up for the waiting list here. (Note that you are not guaranteed to participate by signing up for the waiting list as only those students who are sponsored can participate). Since the number of sponsored places is usually lower than the number of people signing up for the waitlist, we ask you to sign up via the regular registration process to ensure your participation if you can.

You can also find more information about this workshop series,  a schedule of our future workshops as well as a list of our past workshops which you can get the recordings & materials here.

Looking forward to seeing you during the workshop!

Structural Equation Modeling in R with the Lavaan package workshop

Learn how to use Structural Equation modeling in R! Join our workshop on Structural Equation Modeling in R with the Lavaan package which is a part of our workshops for Ukraine series. 

Here’s some more info: 

Title: Structural Equation Modeling in R with the Lavaan package

Date: Thursday, March 30th, 18:00 – 20:00 CEST (Rome, Berlin, Paris timezone) 

Speaker: Nino Gugushvili is a post-Doc researcher at the Department of Work and Social Psychology at Maastricht University.

Description: In this workshop, we will go over the basics of structural equation modelling (SEM). We will talk about what SEM is and cover the essential steps of SEM. Next, we will learn path analysis (SEM with observed variables), confirmatory factor analysis, and full SEM (SEM with latent variables + observed variables). Along the way, we will also talk about revising our models and interpreting the results, and we’ll do all this in R, using the Lavaan package.

Minimal registration fee: 20 euro (or 20 USD or 800 UAH)

How can I register?

  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)

  • Fill in the registration form, attaching a screenshot of a donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after donation).

If you are not personally interested in attending, you can also contribute by sponsoring a participation of a student, who will then be able to participate for free. If you choose to sponsor a student, all proceeds will also go directly to organisations working in Ukraine. You can either sponsor a particular student or you can leave it up to us so that we can allocate the sponsored place to students who have signed up for the waiting list.

How can I sponsor a student?

  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)

  • Fill in the sponsorship form, attaching the screenshot of the donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after the donation). You can indicate whether you want to sponsor a particular student or we can allocate this spot ourselves to the students from the waiting list. You can also indicate whether you prefer us to prioritize students from developing countries when assigning place(s) that you sponsored.

If you are a university student and cannot afford the registration fee, you can also sign up for the waiting list here. (Note that you are not guaranteed to participate by signing up for the waiting list).

You can also find more information about this workshop series,  a schedule of our future workshops as well as a list of our past workshops which you can get the recordings & materials here.

Looking forward to seeing you during the workshop!

Generalized Additive Models in R workshop

Learn how to fit Generalized Additive Models in R! Join our workshop on Generalized Additive Models in R which is a part of our workshops for Ukraine series. 

Here’s some more info: 

Title: Generalized Additive Models in R

Date: Thursday, April 13th, 18:00 – 20:00 CEST (Rome, Berlin, Paris timezone)

Speaker: Gavin Simpson, Gavin is a statistical ecologist and freshwater ecologist/palaeoecologist. He has a B.Sc. in Environmental Geography and a Ph.D. in Geography from University College London (UCL), UK. After submitting his Ph.D. thesis in 2001, Gavin worked as an environmental consultant and research scientist in the Department of Geography, UCL, before moving, in 2013, to a research position at the Institute of Environmental Change and Society, University of Regina, Canada. Gavin moved back to Europe in 2021 and is now Assistant Professor of Applied Statistics in the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences at Aarhus University, Denmark. Gavin’s research broadly concerns how populations and ecosystems change over time and respond to disturbance, at time scales from minutes and hours, to centuries and millennia. Gavin has developed several R packages, including gratia, analogue, and cocorresp, he helps maintain the vegan package, and can often be found answering R- and GAM-related questions on StackOverflow and CrossValidated.

Description: Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) were introduced as an extension to linear and generalized linear models, where the relationships between the response and covariates are not specified up-front by the analyst but are learned from the data themselves. This learning is achieved by representing the effect of a covariate on the response as a smooth function, rather than following a fixed form (linear, quadratic, etc). GAMs are a large and flexible class of models that are widely used in applied research because of their flexibility and interpretability.

The workshop will explain what a GAM is and how penalized splines and automatic smoothness selection methods work, before focusing on the practical aspects of fitting GAMs to data using the mgcv R package, and will be most useful to people who already have some familiarity with linear and generalized linear models.

Minimal registration fee: 20 euro (or 20 USD or 750 UAH)

How can I register?

  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)

  • Fill in the registration form, attaching a screenshot of a donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after donation).

If you are not personally interested in attending, you can also contribute by sponsoring a participation of a student, who will then be able to participate for free. If you choose to sponsor a student, all proceeds will also go directly to organisations working in Ukraine. You can either sponsor a particular student or you can leave it up to us so that we can allocate the sponsored place to students who have signed up for the waiting list.

How can I sponsor a student?

  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)

  • Fill in the sponsorship form, attaching the screenshot of the donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after the donation). You can indicate whether you want to sponsor a particular student or we can allocate this spot ourselves to the students from the waiting list. You can also indicate whether you prefer us to prioritize students from developing countries when assigning place(s) that you sponsored.

If you are a university student and cannot afford the registration fee, you can also sign up for the waiting list here. (Note that you are not guaranteed to participate by signing up for the waiting list).

You can also find more information about this workshop series,  a schedule of our future workshops as well as a list of our past workshops which you can get the recordings & materials here.

Looking forward to seeing you during the workshop!

Survival Analysis with R and Python workshop

Learn more about Survival Analysis and how to apply it both in R and in Python! Join our workshop on Survival Analysis with R and Python which is a part of our workshops for Ukraine series. 
Here’s some more info: 
Title: Survival Analysis with R and Python
Date: Thursday, March 16th, 18:00 – 20:00 CET (Rome, Berlin, Paris timezone) 
Speaker: Christopher Peters is the Principal Data Scientist and ninth employee at Zapier where the mission is to make automation work for everyone. For the last decade, he’s applied survival analysis in R and Python, along with statistics and econometrics to affect positive change for people. He learned many of his skills through self-study with friends as well as during his education at Louisiana State University where he completed his terminal degree, Masters of Applied Statistics. There he was privileged to be advised by reliability analysis giant, Professor Luis A. Escobar. His committee also included co-founder of Penalized B-splines and co-author of The Joys of P-Splines, Professor Brian Marx. As well as Emeritus Professor of Econometrics R. Carter Hill, co-author of Principles of Econometrics. Christopher was recently invited to review the book Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, 2nd Edition, co-authored by Distinguished Professor William Q. Meeker, Professor Luis A. Escobar, and Emeritus Associate Professor Francis G. Pascual. He also recently reviewed Telling Stories with Data by Assistant Professor Rohan Alexander. He loves being in nature and his interests lie in the interactions of technology and nature and span a wide variety of topics related to business, economics and causal inference. You can find him on Twitter at: @statwonk or at
Description: How can we speed up growth? Bring about or prevent important events? Design technology and human processes for high-reliability? Survival Analysis (time-to-event) allows us to wisely answer these questions by allowing us to accurately and precisely allocate credibility among their possible answers. Our interest in future events is insatiable for many serious reasons. Through the benefit of systemization, we can use time-to-event analysis to better understand the possibilities of future events and how they can be reconfigured for the benefit of people and ourselves. Whether it’s causing or preventing important events, or just better understanding them, time-to-event analysis (aka survival or reliability analysis) affords us these abilities through the benefits of systemization. In this two hour workshop, I’ll give a gentle introduction to industrial and commercial application of time-to-event analysis technology in R and Python side-by-side. The workshop will focus on how you can best get started with these technologies and begin to answer these questions yourself on a deeper-level for the purpose of innovation. As part of that, I’ll share what I’ve learned over a decade of applying this high-technology in the SaaS software industry.
Minimal registration fee: 20 euro (or 20 USD or 750 UAH)

How can I register?

  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)

  • Fill in the registration form, attaching a screenshot of a donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after donation).

If you are not personally interested in attending, you can also contribute by sponsoring a participation of a student, who will then be able to participate for free. If you choose to sponsor a student, all proceeds will also go directly to organisations working in Ukraine. You can either sponsor a particular student or you can leave it up to us so that we can allocate the sponsored place to students who have signed up for the waiting list.
How can I sponsor a student?
  • Save your donation receipt (after the donation is processed, there is an option to enter your email address on the website to which the donation receipt is sent)

  • Fill in the sponsorship form, attaching the screenshot of the donation receipt (please attach the screenshot of the donation receipt that was emailed to you rather than the page you see after the donation). You can indicate whether you want to sponsor a particular student or we can allocate this spot ourselves to the students from the waiting list. You can also indicate whether you prefer us to prioritize students from developing countries when assigning place(s) that you sponsored.

If you are a university student and cannot afford the registration fee, you can also sign up for the waiting list here. (Note that you are not guaranteed to participate by signing up for the waiting list).

You can also find more information about this workshop series,  a schedule of our future workshops as well as a list of our past workshops which you can get the recordings & materials here.
Looking forward to seeing you during the workshop!