R-Ladies Remote is kicking off and we want YOU! Do you want to be part of the R community but can’t attend meetups? There are many R-Ladies across the globe who love the idea of the organisation, but aren’t able to connect with it easily due to their distance, their work or their caring responsibilities. If child care ends at 6pm, ducking out to a chapter meeting at 6:30 isn’t always easy.
What do you need to join in? An interest in R and to be part of a gender minority in tech, that’s all. We are open to all R users, from new starters to experienced users. Sign up here.
What will RLadies Remote be doing? We’ll be hosting a variety of online events and speakers. We’ll be covering introductions to basic R and more advanced topics, discussions about remote working, independent consulting and seminars from our members.
Do you have an idea for an event, would you like to give a talk or would you like to come along to learn? If so we’d love to hear from you. Please show your interest by filling in our initial survey.