R code for removing Bias in Covid-19 data Using Econometric Tools

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A version of our detailed paper with all the theory is submitted to a journal called Econometrica. It is entitled “A Novel Solution to Biased Data in Covid-19 Incidence Studies” and is available at vinod/virus1.pdf and also at ssrn.com/abstract=3637682 The paper solves the bias in data arising from non-random testing of entire population for Covid-19. A two-equation model overcomes the bias by using the inverse Mills ratio and improves forecasts of new deaths in all nine out of nine weekly out-of-sample comparisons. We identify the political party of the governors of states with desirable negative and undesirable positive trends.
##Pull Data
Cumulative_Deaths=read.csv("Cumulative Deaths.csv")
Cumulative_Infections=read.csv("Cumulative Infections.csv")
##clean data
2020/06/15: First Step Probit Model

myprobit<-glm(TI~HES+CPT+UI+HR+HI, family=binomial(link="probit"),data=Data)
##TI is Testing Indicator (i.e. 1 for tested and 0 for not tested)
##HES is Hospital Employee Share
##CPT is portion of population that Commutes on Public Transit
##UI in Uninsured Population
##HR is Hypertension Rate (one of the leading comorbidities)
#HI is Household Income

## Call:
## glm(formula = TI ~ HES + CPT + UI + HR + HI, family = binomial(link = "probit"), 
##     data = Data)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -0.7296  -0.3849  -0.3553  -0.3376   2.5180  
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept) -2.4319390  0.0636110 -38.231  < 2e-16 ***
## HES          0.0663127  0.0081659   8.121 4.64e-16 ***
## CPT          0.0193450  0.0004345  44.523  < 2e-16 ***
## UI          -0.0070335  0.0009966  -7.058 1.69e-12 ***
## HR           0.0198518  0.0011021  18.012  < 2e-16 ***
## HI           0.0021614  0.0004608   4.690 2.73e-06 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 254187  on 499999  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 250590  on 499994  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 250602
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5
2020/06/15: Probit Model Marginal Effects

#Marginal Effects of probit model
effects_pro=margins(myprobit) #print(effects_pro)

1   CPT 0.0025685341    5.801388e-05    44.274475   0.000000e+00    0.0024548290    0.0026822392
2   HES 0.0088046672    1.084429e-03    8.119170    4.693813e-16    0.0066792246    0.0109301098
3   HI  0.0002869787    6.119577e-05    4.689519    2.738481e-06    0.0001670372    0.0004069203
4   HR  0.0026358250    1.465264e-04    17.988742   2.387156e-72    0.0023486386    0.0029230114
5   UI  -0.0009338730   1.323531e-04    -7.055923   1.714593e-12    -0.0011932802   -0.0006744657
5 rows
2020/06/15: Extract inverse Mills ratio from probit model

##Compute inverse Mills ratio from probit model usine 'invMillsRatio' command from the 'sampleSelection' package.
##create table of IMR values by state
2020/06/15: Second Step Heckman Equation (i.e. with IMR)

##GLM with Poisson distribution to estimate cumulative deaths based on the log of cumulative infections from the previous week, as well as the IMR. 
##Use 'glm' command with 'family=poisson(link="log")'
##Only ran the model on individuals who were tested (i.e. TI = 1).
##CD is "Cumulative Deaths"
##CI is "Cumulative Infections"


#Compute fitted values for each state


#Pull fitted value for each state

Assessing Nation-wide Forecast

#Compare fitted values with in-sample (2020/06/15) and out-of-sample (2020/06/22) actual deaths




##                                       [,1]
## Actual_Deaths_In_Sample       1.098220e+05
## In_sample_per_diff_CD_IMR     4.064085e-03
## In_sample_per_diff_CD_no_IMR -4.705036e-02
print(rbind(Actual_Infections_Out_Sample,Actual_Deaths_Out_Sample,Predict_Deaths_no_IMR, Out_of_sample_per_diff_CD_IMR,Out_of_sample_per_diff__CD_no_IMR))
##                                            [,1]
## Actual_Infections_Out_Sample       2.290489e+06
## Actual_Deaths_Out_Sample           1.139440e+05
## Predict_Deaths_no_IMR              1.046548e+05
## Out_of_sample_per_diff_CD_IMR     -3.225860e-02
## Out_of_sample_per_diff__CD_no_IMR -8.152394e-02

In all nine cases using IMR bias correction improves out-of-sample forecasts of Covid-19 deaths in US as a whole

##       Week IMR_Perc_Diff Without_IMR_Perc_Diff
##  [1,]    1        -25.27                -26.96
##  [2,]    2        -21.61                -22.50
##  [3,]    3        -17.66                -18.73
##  [4,]    4        -12.14                -13.78
##  [5,]    5         -9.38                -11.28
##  [6,]    6         -7.25                 -9.70
##  [7,]    7         -5.53                 -9.01
##  [8,]    8         -3.94                 -8.03

Published by

Hrihikesh Vinod

Ph. D (Harvard) Economics, Professor of Economics, Fordham University. Author of two R packages meboot and generalCorr

4 thoughts on “R code for removing Bias in Covid-19 data Using Econometric Tools”

  1. In order to replicate this, can you be clearer on where you get your input files? They don’t match the COVID Tracking Project CSVs referred to in the paper.

    1. Dear Stephen: Thanks for your interest in our paper. Yes we get the input files from COVID Tracking Project, but they
      require a lot of work to get into a usable format.

  2. Hrihikesh, would it be possible to see the replication data-set? If not that, then perhaps the code you used to process the data before commencing analysis?

    Thanks, and looking forward to learning from your work!

    1. Dear Ani
      Thanks for your interest in our research.

      Initial number crunching was done by my coauthor K Theiss in excel workbooks.
      The regressions are described in the paper. Our methodology is somewhat new
      but very similar to Heckman’s methods known in econometric literature under selection probelem.
      We are using R software
      The inverse mills ratio is estimated from the probit eqution
      the standard function glm with poisson link was used for predicting deaths
      Hope this helps

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