R Expands to Machine Learning and Deep Learning at ODSC East

For many, R is the go-to language when it comes to data analysis and predictive analytics. However many data scientists are also expanding their use of R to include machine learning and deep learning.

These are exciting new topics, and ODSC East — where thousands of data scientists will gather this year in Boston — has several speakers scheduled to lead trainings in R from April 30 to May 3.

Can’t make it to Boston? Sign up now to Livestream the conference in its entirety so as not to miss out on the latest methodologies and newest developments.

Some of the most anticipated talks this year at the conference include “Mapping Geographic Data in R” and “Modeling the tidyverse,” which will be further discussed, below. For a full list of speakers, click here.

Highlighted R-Specific Talks: In “Machine Learning in R” Part 1 and Part 2, with Jared Lander of the Columbia Business School, you will learn everything ranging from the theoretical backing behind ML up through the nitty-gritty technical side of implementation.

Jared will also present “Introduction to R-Markdown in Shiny,” where he will cover everything from formatting and integrating R, to reactive expressions and outputs like text, tables, and plots. He will also give an “Intermediate R-Markdown in Shiny” presentation to go a bit deeper into the subject.

With everything Jared is presenting on, you definitely have quite a lot to work with for R and Shiny. Why not take it a step further and be able to communicate your findings? Alyssa Columbus of Pacific Life will present “Data Visualization with R Shiny,” where she will show you how to build simple yet robust Shiny applications and how to build data visualizations. You’ll learn how to use R to prepare data, run simple analyses, and display the results in Shiny web applications as you get hands-on experience creating effective and efficient data visualizations.

For many businesses, non-profits, educational institutions, and more, location is important in developing the best products, services, and messages. In “Data Visualization with R Shiny” with Joy Payton of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, you will use R to take public data from various sources and combine them to find statistically interesting patterns and display them in static and dynamic, web-ready maps.

The “tidyverse” collects some of the most versatile R packages: ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr, readr, purrr, and tibble, all working in harmony to clean, process, model, and visualize data. In “Modeling in the tidyverse” author and creator of the Caret R package, Max Kuhn, Phd, will provide a concise overview of the system and will provide examples and context for implementation.

Factorization machines are a relatively new and powerful tool for modeling high-dimensional and sparse data. Most commonly they are used as recommender systems by modeling the relationship between users and items. Here, Jordan Bakerman, PhD and Robert Blanchard of SAS will present “Building Recommendation Engines and Deep Learning Models Using Python, R and SAS,” where you will use recurrent neural networks to analyze sequential data and improve the forecast performance of time series data, and use convolutional neural networks for image classification. Connecting it All R isn’t siloed language; new machine and deep learning packages are being added monthly and data scientists are finding new ways to utilize it in machine learning, deep learning, data visualization, and more. Attend ODSC East this April 30 to May 3 and learn all there is to know about the current state of R, and walk away with tangible experience!

Save 30% off ticket prices for a limited time when you use the code RBLOG10 today.

Register Here

More on ODSC: ODSC East 2019  is one of the largest applied data science conferences in the world. Speakers include some of the core contributors to many open source tools, libraries, and languages. Attend ODSC East in Boston this April 30 to May 3 and learn the latest AI & data science topics, tools, and languages from some of the best and brightest minds in the field.

Benchmarking cast in R from long data frame to wide matrix

In my daily work I often have to transform a long table to a wide matrix so accommodate some function. At some stage in my life I came across the reshape2 package, and I have been with that philosophy ever since – I find it makes data wrangling easy and straight forward. I particularly like the tidyverse philosophy where data should be in a long table, where one row is an observation, and a column a parameter. It just makes sense.

However, I quite often have to transform the data into another format, a wide matrix especially for functions of the vegan package, and one day I wondering how to do that in the fastest way.

The code to create the test sets and benchmark the functions is in section ‘Settings and script’ at the end of this document.

I created several data sets that mimic the data I usually work with in terms of size and values. The data sets have 2 to 10 groups, where each group can have up to 50000, 100000, 150000, or 200000 samples. The methods xtabs() from base R, dcast() from data.table, dMcast() from Matrix.utils, and spread() from tidyr were benchmarked using microbenchmark() from the package microbenchmark. Each method was evaluated 10 times on the same data set, which was repeated for 10 randomly generated data sets.

After the 10 x 10 repetitions of casting from long to wide it is clear the spread() is the worst. This is clear when we focus on the size (figure 1).
Figure 1. Runtime for 100 repetitions of data sets of different size and complexity.
And the complexity (figure 2).
Figure 2. Runtime for 100 repetitions of data sets of different complexity and size.

Close up on the top three methods

Casting from a long table to a wide matrix is clearly slowest with spread(), where as the remaining look somewhat similar. A direct comparison of the methods show a similarity in their performance, with dMcast() from the package Matrix.utils being better — especially with the large and more complex tables (figure 3).
Figure 3. Direct comparison of set size.
I am aware, that it might be to much to assume linearity, between the computation times at different set sizes, but I do believe it captures the point – dMcast() and dcast() are similar, with advantage to dMcast() for large data sets with large number of groups. It does, however, look like dcast() scales better with the complexity (figure 4).
Figure 4. Direct comparison of number groups.

Settings and script

Session info

 ## ─ Session info ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
 ## setting value 
 ## version R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20)
 ## os Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS 
 ## system x86_64, linux-gnu 
 ## ui X11 
 ## language en_GB:en_US 
 ## collate en_DE.UTF-8 
 ## ctype en_DE.UTF-8 
 ## tz Europe/Berlin 
 ## date 2019-02-03 
 ## ─ Packages ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
 ## package * version date lib source 
 ## assertthat 0.2.0 2017-04-11 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## bindr 0.1.1 2018-03-13 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## bindrcpp * 0.2.2 2018-03-29 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## cli 1.0.1 2018-09-25 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## colorspace 1.4-0 2019-01-13 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## crayon 1.3.4 2017-09-16 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## digest 0.6.18 2018-10-10 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## dplyr * 0.7.8 2018-11-10 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## evaluate 0.12 2018-10-09 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## ggplot2 * 3.1.0 2018-10-25 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## glue 1.3.0 2018-07-17 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## gtable 0.2.0 2016-02-26 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## highr 0.7 2018-06-09 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## htmltools 0.3.6 2017-04-28 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## knitr 1.21 2018-12-10 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## labeling 0.3 2014-08-23 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## lazyeval 0.2.1 2017-10-29 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## magrittr 1.5 2014-11-22 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## munsell 0.5.0 2018-06-12 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## packrat 0.5.0 2018-11-14 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## pillar 1.3.1 2018-12-15 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## pkgconfig 2.0.2 2018-08-16 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## plyr 1.8.4 2016-06-08 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## purrr 0.2.5 2018-05-29 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## R6 2.3.0 2018-10-04 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## Rcpp 1.0.0 2018-11-07 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## rlang 0.3.1 2019-01-08 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## rmarkdown 1.11 2018-12-08 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## scales 1.0.0 2018-08-09 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## sessioninfo 1.1.1 2018-11-05 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## stringi 1.2.4 2018-07-20 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## stringr * 1.3.1 2018-05-10 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## tibble 2.0.1 2019-01-12 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## tidyselect 0.2.5 2018-10-11 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## viridisLite 0.3.0 2018-02-01 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## withr 2.1.2 2018-03-15 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## xfun 0.4 2018-10-23 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)
 ## yaml 2.2.0 2018-07-25 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2)


# settings.yml
set_size: [50000, 100000, 150000, 200000]
num_groups: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
benchmark_repetitions: 10
num_test_sets: 10
max_value: 500
word_length: 10

Data creation and benchmarking scripts

# main.R
# Global variables ----------------------------------------------
# Set this to FALSE if you want to run the complete analysis
running_test <- TRUE
vars <- yaml::read_yaml("./settings.yml")
set_size <- vars$set_size
num_groups <- vars$num_groups
benchmark_repetitions <- vars$benchmark_repetitions
num_test_sets <- vars$num_test_sets
max_value <- vars$max_value
word_length <- vars$word_length

# Test variables ------------------------------------------------
set_size <- seq.int(0L, 60L, 30L)
num_groups <- c(2L:3L)
benchmark_repetitions <- 2L
num_test_sets <- 2L

# Libraries ----------------------------------------------------- 

# Setup parallel ------------------------------------------------
num_cores <- detectCores() - 1

these_cores <- makeCluster(num_cores, type = "PSOCK")

# Functions -----------------------------------------------------
run_benchmark <- function(as){
num_groups <- as["num_groups"]
set_size <- as["set_size"]
num_test_sets <- as["num_test_sets"]
word_length <- as["word_length"]
max_value <- as["max_value"]
test_data <- prepare_test_data(set_size, num_groups, word_length, max_value)
perform_benchmark(test_data, benchmark_repetitions)

# Setup and run tests -------------------------------------------
set_size <- set_size[set_size > 0]

analysis_comb <- expand.grid(num_groups, set_size)
analysis_settings <- vector("list", length = nrow(analysis_comb))

for(i in seq_len(nrow(analysis_comb))){
analysis_settings[[i]] <- c(num_groups =analysis_comb[i, "Var1"],
set_size = analysis_comb[i, "Var2"],
word_length = word_length,
max_value = max_value,
benchmark_repetitions = benchmark_repetitions)

for(as in analysis_settings){
num_groups <- as["num_groups"]
set_size <- as["set_size"]

report_str <- paste("ng:", num_groups,
"- setsize:", set_size, "\n")
rds_file_name <- paste0("./output/benchmark_setsize-", set_size,
"_ng-", num_groups, ".rds")
bm_res <- foreach(seq_len(num_test_sets), .combine = "rbind") %dopar% {
bm_res <- dplyr::mutate(bm_res, `Number groups` = num_groups,
 `Set size` = set_size)
saveRDS(bm_res, rds_file_name)
# test_cast.R
setup <- function(){

prepare_test_data <- function(set_size, num_groups, word_length, sample_int_n){
calc_subset_size <- function(){
subset_size <- 0
while(subset_size == 0 | subset_size > set_size){
subset_size <- abs(round(set_size - set_size/(3 + rnorm(1))))
words <- stringi::stri_rand_strings(set_size, word_length)
subset_sizes <- replicate(num_groups, calc_subset_size())
 purrr::map_df(subset_sizes, function(subset_size){
 tibble::tibble(Variable = sample(words, subset_size),
Value = sample.int(sample_int_n, subset_size, replace = TRUE),
Group = stringi::stri_rand_strings(1, word_length))

test_tidyr <- function(test_df){
test_df %>% 
spread(Variable, Value, fill = 0L) %>% 
 tibble::column_to_rownames(var = "Group") %>% 

test_xtabs <- function(test_df){
xtabs(Value ~ Group + Variable, data = test_df) 

test_dMcast <- function(test_df){
class(test_df) <- "data.frame"
dMcast(test_df, Group ~ Variable, value.var = "Value")

test_dcast <- function(test_df){
test_df_dt <- data.table(test_df)
dcast(test_df_dt, Group ~ Variable, value.var = "Value", fill = 0) %>% 
 tibble::column_to_rownames(var = "Group") %>% 

perform_benchmark <- function(test_df, benchmark_repetitions){
bm_res <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
Spread = test_tidyr(test_df = test_df), 
Xtabs = test_xtabs(test_df = test_df), 
dMcast = test_dMcast(test_df = test_df), 
dcast = test_dcast(test_df = test_df), 
times = benchmark_repetitions
class(bm_res) <- "data.frame"
bm_res %>% 
mutate(time = microbenchmark:::convert_to_unit(time, "ms")) %>% 
rename(Method = expr, `Time (ms)` = time)

How GPL makes me leave R for Python :-(

Being a data scientist in a startup I can program with several languages, but often R is a natural choice.
Recently I wanted my company to build a product based on R. It simply seemed like a perfect fit.

But this turned out to be a slippery slope into the open-source code licensing field, which I wasn’t really aware of before.

Bottom line: legal advice was not to use R!

Was it a single lawyer? No. The company was willing to “play along” with me, and we had a consultation with 4 different software lawyers, one after the other.
What is the issue? R is licensed as GPL 2, and most R packages are also GPL (whether 2 or 3).

GPL is not a permissive license. It is categorized as “strongly protective”.

In layman terms, if you build your work on a GPL program it may force you to license your product with a GPL license, too. In other words – it restrains you from keeping your code proprietary.

Now you say – “This must be wrong”, and “You just don’t understand the license and its meaning”, right? You may also mention that Microsoft and other big companies are using R, and provide R services.

Well, maybe. I do believe there are ways to make your code proprietary, legally. But, when your software lawyers advise to “make an effort to avoid using this program” you do not brush them off 🙁

Now, for some details.

As a private company, our code needs to be proprietary. Our core is not services, but the software itself. We need to avoid handing our source code to a customer. The program itself will be installed on a customer’s server. Most of our customers have sensitive data and a SAAS model (or a connection to the internet) is out of the question. Can we use R?

The R Core Team addressed the question “Can I use R for commercial purposes?”. But, as lawyers told us, the way it is addressed does not solve much. Any GPL program can be used for commercial purposes. You can offer your services installing the software, or sell a visualization you’ve prepared with ggplot2. But, it does not answer the question – can I write a program in R, and have it licensed with a non-GPL license (or simply – a commercial license)?

The key question we were asked was is our work a “derivative work” of R. Now, R is an interpreted programming language. You can write your code in notepad and it will run perfectly. Logic says that if you do not modify the original software (R) and you do not copy any of its source code, you did not make a derivative work.

s a matter of fact, when you read the FAQ of the GPL license it almost seems that indeed there is no problem. Here is a paragraph from the Free Software Foundation https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#IfInterpreterIsGPL:   If a programming language interpreter is released under the GPL, does that mean programs written to be interpreted by it must be under GPL-compatible licenses?(#IfInterpreterIsGPL) When the interpreter just interprets a language, the answer is no. The interpreted program, to the interpreter, is just data; a free software license like the GPL, based on copyright law, cannot limit what data you use the interpreter on. You can run it on any data (interpreted program), any way you like, and there are no requirements about licensing that data to anyone.

Problem solved? Not quite. The next paragraph shuffles the cards:

However, when the interpreter is extended to provide “bindings” to other facilities (often, but not necessarily, libraries), the interpreted program is effectively linked to the facilities it uses through these bindings. So if these facilities are released under the GPL, the interpreted program that uses them must be released in a GPL-compatible way. The JNI or Java Native Interface is an example of such a binding mechanism; libraries that are accessed in this way are linked dynamically with the Java programs that call them. These libraries are also linked with the interpreter. If the interpreter is linked statically with these libraries, or if it is designed to link dynamically with these specific libraries, then it too needs to be released in a GPL-compatible way.

Another similar and very common case is to provide libraries with the interpreter which are themselves interpreted. For instance, Perl comes with many Perl modules, and a Java implementation comes with many Java classes. These libraries and the programs that call them are always dynamically linked together.

A consequence is that if you choose to use GPLed Perl modules or Java classes in your program, you must release the program in a GPL-compatible way, regardless of the license used in the Perl or Java interpreter that the combined Perl or Java program will run on

This is commonly interpreted as “You can use R, as long as you don’t call any library”.

Now, can you think of using R without, say, the Tidyverse package? Tidyverse is a GPL library. And if you want to create a shiny web app – you still use the Shiny library (also GPL). Assume you will purchase a shiny server pro commercial license, this still does not resolve the shiny library itself being licensed as GPL.

Furthermore, we often use quite a lot of R libraries – and almost all are GPL. Same goes for a shiny app, in which you are likely to use many GPL packages to make your product look and behave as you want it to.

Is it legal to use R after all?

I think it is. The term “library” may be the cause of the confusion.   As Perl is mentioned specifically in the GPL FAQ quoted above, Perl addressed the issue of GPL licensed interpreter on proprietary scripts head on (https://dev.perl.org/licenses/ ): “my interpretation of the GNU General Public License is that no Perl script falls under the terms of the GPL unless you explicitly put said script under the terms of the GPL yourself.

Furthermore, any object code linked with perl does not automatically fall under the terms of the GPL, provided such object code only adds definitions of subroutines and variables, and does not otherwise impair the resulting interpreter from executing any standard Perl script

There may also be a hidden explanation by which most libraries are fine to use. As said above, it is possible the confusion is caused by the use of the term “library” in different ways.

Linking/binding is a technical term for what occurs when compiling software together. This is not what happens with most R packages, as may be understood when reading the following question and answer: Does an Rcpp-dependent package require a GPL license?

The question explains why (due to GPL) one should NOT use the Rcpp R library. Can we infer from it that it IS ok to use most other libraries?

“This is not a legal advice”

As we’ve seen, what is and is not legal to do with R, being GPL, is far from being clear.

Everything that is written on the topic is also marked as “not a legal advice”. While this may not be surprising, one has a hard time convincing a lawyer to be permissive, when the software owners are not clear about it. For example, the FAQ “Can I use R for commercial purposes?” mentioned above begins with “R is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2. If you have any questions regarding the legality of using R in any particular situation you should bring it up with your legal counsel”. And ends with “None of the discussion in this section constitutes legal advice. The R Core Team does not provide legal advice under any circumstances.

  In between the information is not very decisive, either. So at the end of the day, it is unclear what is the actual legal situation.

Another thing one of the software lawyers told us is that Investors do not like GPL. In other words, even if it turns out that it is legal to use R with its libraries – a venture capital investor may be reluctant. If true, this may cause delays and may also require additional work convincing the potential investor that what you are doing is indeed flawless. Hence, lawyers told us, it is best if you can find an alternative that is not GPL at all.  

What makes Python better?

Most of the “R vs. Python” articles are pure junk, IMHO. They express nonsense commonly written in the spirit of “Python is a general-purpose language with a readable syntax. R, however, is built by statisticians and encompasses their specific language.” Far away from the reality as I see it.

Most Common Licenses for Python Packages https://snyk.io/blog/over-10-of-python-packages-on-pypi-are-distributed-without-any-license/
But Python has a permissive license. You can distribute it, you can modify it, and you do not have to worry your code will become open-source, too. This truly is a great advantage.

Is there anything in between a permissive license and a GPL?

Yes there is.

For example, there is the Lesser GPL (LGPL). As described in Wikipedia: “The license allows developers and companies to use and integrate a software component released under the LGPL into their own (even proprietary) software without being required by the terms of a strong copyleft license to release the source code of their own components. However, any developer who modifies an LGPL-covered component is required to make their modified version available under the same LGPL license.” Isn’t this exactly what the R choice of a license was aiming at?

Others use an exception. Javascript, for example, is also GPL. But they added the following exception: “As a special exception to GPL, any HTML file which merely makes function calls to this code, and for that purpose includes it by reference shall be deemed a separate work for copyright law purposes. In addition, the copyright holders of this code give you permission to combine this code with free software libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL. You may copy and distribute such a system following the terms of the GNU GPL for this code and the LGPL for the libraries. If you modify this code, you may extend this exception to your version of the code, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.

R is not LGPL. R has no written exceptions.

  The fact that R and most of its libraries use a GPL license is a problem. At the very least it is not clear if it is really legal to use R to write proprietary code.

Even if it is legal, Python still has an advantage being a permissive license, which means “no questions asked” by potential customers and investors.

  It would be good if the R core team, as well as people releasing packages, were clearer about the proper use of the software, as they see it. They could take Perl as an example.

  It would be even better if the license would change. At least by adding an exception, reducing it to an LGPL or (best) permissive license.

Click HERE to leave a comment.

Does imputing model labels using the model predictions can improve it’s performance?

In some scenarios a data scientist may want to train a model for which there exists an abundance of observations, but only a small fraction of is labeled, making the sample size available to train the model rather small. Although there’s plenty of literature on the subject (e.g. “Active learning”, “Semi-supervised learning” etc) one may be tempted (maybe due to fast approaching deadlines) to train a model with the labelled data and use it to impute the missing labels.

While for some the above suggestion might seem simply incorrect, I have encountered such suggestions on several occasions and had a hard time refuting them. To make sure it wasn’t just the type of places I work at I went and asked around in 2 Israeli (sorry non Hebrew readers) machine learning oriented Facebook groups about their opinion: Machine & Deep learning Israel and Statistics and probability group. While many were referring me to methods discussed in the literature, almost no one indicated the proposed method was utterly wrong. I decided to perform a simulation study to get a definitive answer once and for all. If you’re interested in reading what were the results see my analysis on Github.

How to get the homology of a antibody using R

What is homology?

Proteins are conserved bio molecules present in all organisms. Some proteins are conserved in many similar species, making them homologues of each other, meaning that the sequence is not the same but there is a degree of similarity.

This is measured as homology in percentage.

Histone H1 homology in mammals (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sequence_homology)

What is R

R is a high level programming language with a focus on statistical analysis and machine learning. R Project

R is widely used in bioinformatics and has a huge resources library of packages, most of them developed by the top Universities to help with hard to understand data, like genomic and proteomic data.

Why this matters?

This matters because antibodies will bind to specific proteins, but many proteins have similar structure and sequence. So when performing an assay you want to know what specific protein the antibody binds to.
This is also relevant when choosing an antibody that works in many species, specially when doing research in less used species, like veterinary studies.

Getting Started

You need the sequence of the epitope used to produce the antibody, I need to know where this product will bind in the target protein. If the sequence is very conserved in mammalians for example, this will be homologue in other species; eg. actins, membrane proteins, etc.

Obtaining the data

Data for sequence can be provided by the manufacturer, in some cases it will be in the terms of region of the protein, eg. 162–199aa in C-terminal of RAB22A human.

In these cases I will need to retrieve the protein sequence from UNIPROT and then cut it according to the information I have on the immunogen, this can be done using a program sequentially, like R stringi package or using an excel sheet with MID function.

Prepare environment in R (libraries)

I will use Bioconductor packages:
#Install packages: rBLAST, Biostrings, annotate 

These libraries will help us retrieve the homology data, and then I will use simple commands to clean and present the data in a nice way.

Cleaning data

Cleaning the data is usually 80% of the work of any data scientist.

I want the homology in simple terms of aa, or in bioinformatic terms FASTA; eg.


You can have terminal places, that need to be removed, usually in terms of ‘-C’, I can remove this using a simple gsub function.

dataframe$sequenceImunogen <- gsub("\\-C", "", dataframe$sequenceImunogen)

For this case the sequence is in a column called sequenceImunogen that is why I have to make a loop so the protein blast goes through all the sequences in the data frame.

The function

I will use the function blastSequences to blast the protein and obtain the homology of this specific sequence to other species. The parameters of the function can be found in the literature. I used program = “blastp” so I perform a Protein Blast, I use a hitListSize of 50 and a timeout of 200 seconds, this is from previous experience, as I will do this for multiple sequences I prefer the data to be as = data.frame.

x <- blastSequences(x = Sequence, timeout = 200, as = "data.frame", program = "blastp", hitListSize = 50)

Making a loop in R

When creating a loop in R I always put a Start variable with the Sys.time()constant, so I know how long it takes to run this loop.

Start <- Sys.time()

I have use this in a couple of hundred sequences and the result toke a few days, so keep that in mind when you run.

I first create a function that formats my results in terms of percentage of homology and give it the term percentage.

#Create a percent function
percent <- function(x, digits = 1, format = "f", ...) {
paste0(formatC(100 * x, format = format, digits = digits, ...), "%")

Cleaning the result data

Once the blastP results come, the 1st step is to clean unwanted information so it is not confusing, I used the base functions subset, grepl, gsub to get only information with results verified, and remove annoying characters. The objective is to have a nice table result with the best homologues.

#Remove what I do not want
x <- subset(x, grepl("_A", x$Hit_accession) == FALSE)
x <- subset(x, grepl("XP_", x$Hit_accession) == FALSE)
x <- subset(x, grepl("unnamed", x$Hit_def) == FALSE)

#Removing characters that do not 
x$Species <- sub(".*\\[(.*)\\].*", "\\1", x$Hit_def, perl=TRUE)
x$Species <- gsub("/].*","", x$Species)
x$Hit_def <- gsub("[[:punct:]].*", "", x$Hit_def)

Retrieving the results above 80% identical

After I get all the results and clean a bit of the results, I want to subset the homologues to above 80%. To do this I count the total characters of the sequence using nchar function and divide the total number of hit results by this number of character, ie. for a 100 aa sequence if I hit 80 I get a 80% homology.

x$Hsp_identity <- as.numeric(x$Hsp_identity)
n <- nchar(dataframe$sequenceImunogen[i])
x$percentage <- as.numeric(x$Hsp_identity/n)
x<- x[order(-x$percentage), ]
x<- x[x$percentage > 0.8, ]
x$percentage <- percent(x$percentage)

I then clean the result to show as percentage.

Format nice output

I want this to be able to be presented in HTML, so I use HTML tags to create a visually pleasing table.

Because this is to be online I want to add hyperlinks to the results so my customers can see the result and analyse the data.

x$link <- paste0("https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein/",x$Hit_accession)
    x$final <- paste(x$Hit_def, x$Species, x$percentage, sep = " - ")
    x <- subset(x,!duplicated(x$final))
    x$TOTAL <- paste0("<a href='",x$link,"'target='_blank'>",x$final,"</a>")

I Remove also any duplicated information from our table, and paste all the result into a new column, with all results separated by 
(line break in HTML), to do this I use the function paste, with the option collapse = “<br>”

This will create hopefully a table like following:

All the code

All the code can be seen bellow: Use TryCatch for error management, sometimes the functions times out and you need to rerun, you get a prompt asking to skip or run again, a simple Y is enough.

Start <- Sys.time()
    for (i in 1:nrow(dataframe)) {
          percent <- function(x, digits = 1, format = "f", ...) { paste0(formatC(100 * x, format = format, digits = digits, ...), "%")
            x <- blastSequences(x = dataframe$sequenceImunogen[i], timeout = 200, as = "data.frame", program = "blastp", hitListSize = 50)

#Remove what I do not want
      x <- subset(x, grepl("_A", x$Hit_accession) == FALSE)
      x <- subset(x, grepl("XP_", x$Hit_accession) == FALSE)
      x <- subset(x, grepl("unnamed", x$Hit_def) == FALSE)

#Removing characters that do not 
      x$Species <- sub(".\\[(.)\\].*", "\\1", x$Hit_def, perl=TRUE)
      x$Species <- gsub("/].*","", x$Species)
      x$Hit_def <- gsub("[[:punct:]].*", "", x$Hit_def)
      x$Hsp_identity <- as.numeric(x$Hsp_identity)
      n <- nchar(masterir2$sequenceImunogen[i])
      x$percentage <- as.numeric(x$Hsp_identity/n)
      x<- x[order(-x$percentage), ]
      x<- x[x$percentage > 0.8, ]
      x$percentage <- percent(x$percentage)

      x$link <- paste0("https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein/",x$Hit_accession)
      x$final <- paste(x$Hit_def, x$Species, x$percentage, sep = " - ")
      x <- subset(x,!duplicated(x$final))
      x$TOTAL <- paste0("<a href='",x$link,"'target='_blank'>",x$final,"</a>")

  dataframe$Homology[i] <- paste(unlist(x$TOTAL), collapse ="</br>")                
}, error=function(e{cat("ERROR :",conditionMessage(e), "\n")})
end <- Sys.time()
print(end - Start)


I can use R and the Bioinformatics packages in Bioconductor to retrieve the homology of known epitopes, this help us provide more valuable information to researchers.

Homology is important in the niche world of antibodies, there is a limited amount of money for validation and a limited amount of species that the antibodies can be tested on. With this simple program a homology can be check in a click of a button, instead of using

What next?

This can be incorporated into a small web application that can provide the homology for a specific selected product with a click off a button, saving time to search and blast on the NCBI website.

I am very new to the world of R and coding, so any comment is appreciated.

automl package: part 2/2 first steps how to

first steps: how to

For those who will laugh at seeing deep learning with one hidden layer and the Iris data set of 150 records, I will say: you’re perfectly right 🙂
The goal at this stage is simply to take the first steps

fit a regression model manually (hard way)

Subject: predict Sepal.Length given other Iris parameters
1st with gradient descent and default hyper-parameters value for learning rate (0.001) and mini batch size (32)

xmat <- cbind(iris[,2:4], as.numeric(iris$Species))
ymat <- iris[,1]
amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat)
(cost: mse)
cost epoch10: 20.9340400047156 (cv cost: 25.205632342013) (LR:  0.001 )
cost epoch20: 20.6280923387762 (cv cost: 23.8214521197268) (LR:  0.001 )
cost epoch30: 20.3222407903838 (cv cost: 22.1899741289456) (LR:  0.001 )
cost epoch40: 20.0217966054298 (cv cost: 21.3908446693146) (LR:  0.001 )
cost epoch50: 19.7584058034009 (cv cost: 20.7170232035934) (LR:  0.001 )
   dim X: ...
res <- cbind(ymat, automl_predict(model = amlmodel, X = xmat))
colnames(res) <- c('actual', 'predict')
     actual   predict
[1,]    5.1 -2.063614
[2,]    4.9 -2.487673
[3,]    4.7 -2.471912
[4,]    4.6 -2.281035
[5,]    5.0 -1.956937
[6,]    5.4 -1.729314
:-[] no pain, no gain ...

After some manual fine tuning on learning rate, mini batch size and iterations number (epochs):
xmat <- cbind(iris[,2:4], as.numeric(iris$Species))
ymat <- iris[,1]
amlmodel = automl_train_manual(
               Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat,
               hpar = list(
                   learningrate = 0.01,
                   minibatchsize = 2^2,
                   numiterations = 30
(cost: mse)
cost epoch10: 5.55679482839698 (cv cost: 4.87492997304325) (LR:  0.01 )
cost epoch20: 1.64996951479802 (cv cost: 1.50339773126712) (LR:  0.01 )
cost epoch30: 0.647727077375946 (cv cost: 0.60142564484723) (LR:  0.01 )
   dim X: ...
res <- cbind(ymat, automl_predict(model = amlmodel, X = xmat))
colnames(res) <- c('actual', 'predict')
     actual  predict
[1,]    5.1 4.478478
[2,]    4.9 4.215683
[3,]    4.7 4.275902
[4,]    4.6 4.313141
[5,]    5.0 4.531038
[6,]    5.4 4.742847
Better result, but with human efforts!

fit a regression model automatically (easy way, Mix 1)

Same subject: predict Sepal.Length given other Iris parameters
xmat <- as.matrix(cbind(iris[,2:4], as.numeric(iris$Species)))
ymat <- iris[,1]
start.time <- Sys.time()
amlmodel <- automl_train(
                Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat,
                autopar = list(
                    psopartpopsize = 15, 
                    numiterations = 5, 
                    nbcores = 4
end.time <- Sys.time()
cat(paste('time ellapsed:', end.time - start.time, '\n'))
(cost: mse)
iteration 1 particle 1 weighted err: 22.05305 (train: 19.95908 cvalid: 14.72417 ) BEST MODEL KEPT
iteration 1 particle 2 weighted err: 31.69094 (train: 20.55559 cvalid: 27.51518 )
iteration 1 particle 3 weighted err: 22.08092 (train: 20.52354 cvalid: 16.63009 )
iteration 1 particle 4 weighted err: 20.02091 (train: 19.18378 cvalid: 17.09095 ) BEST MODEL KEPT
iteration 1 particle 5 weighted err: 28.36339 (train: 20.6763 cvalid: 25.48073 )
iteration 1 particle 6 weighted err: 28.92088 (train: 20.92546 cvalid: 25.9226 )
iteration 1 particle 7 weighted err: 21.67837 (train: 20.73866 cvalid: 18.38941 )
iteration 1 particle 8 weighted err: 29.80416 (train: 16.09191 cvalid: 24.66206 )
iteration 1 particle 9 weighted err: 22.93199 (train: 20.5561 cvalid: 14.61638 )
iteration 1 particle 10 weighted err: 21.18474 (train: 19.64622 cvalid: 15.79992 )
iteration 1 particle 11 weighted err: 23.32084 (train: 20.78257 cvalid: 14.43688 )
iteration 1 particle 12 weighted err: 22.27164 (train: 20.81055 cvalid: 17.15783 )
iteration 1 particle 13 weighted err: 2.23479 (train: 1.95683 cvalid: 1.26193 ) BEST MODEL KEPT
iteration 1 particle 14 weighted err: 23.1183 (train: 20.79754 cvalid: 14.99564 )
iteration 1 particle 15 weighted err: 20.71678 (train: 19.40506 cvalid: 16.12575 )
iteration 4 particle 3 weighted err: 0.3469 (train: 0.32236 cvalid: 0.26104 )
iteration 4 particle 4 weighted err: 0.2448 (train: 0.07047 cvalid: 0.17943 )
iteration 4 particle 5 weighted err: 0.09674 (train: 5e-05 cvalid: 0.06048 ) BEST MODEL KEPT
iteration 4 particle 6 weighted err: 0.71267 (train: 6e-05 cvalid: 0.44544 )
iteration 4 particle 7 weighted err: 0.65614 (train: 0.63381 cvalid: 0.57796 )
iteration 4 particle 8 weighted err: 0.46477 (train: 0.356 cvalid: 0.08408 )
time ellapsed: 2.65109273195267
res <- cbind(ymat, automl_predict(model = amlmodel, X = xmat))
colnames(res) <- c('actual', 'predict')
     actual  predict
[1,]    5.1 5.193862
[2,]    4.9 4.836507
[3,]    4.7 4.899531
[4,]    4.6 4.987896
[5,]    5.0 5.265334
[6,]    5.4 5.683173
It's even better, with no human efforts but machine time
Users on Windows won't benefit from parallelization, the function uses parallel package included with R base...

fit a regression model experimentally (experimental way, Mix 2)

Same subject: predict Sepal.Length given other Iris parameters
xmat <- as.matrix(cbind(iris[,2:4], as.numeric(iris$Species)))
ymat <- iris[,1]
amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(
                Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat,
                hpar = list(
                    modexec = 'trainwpso',
                    numiterations = 30,
                    psopartpopsize = 50
(cost: mse)
cost epoch10: 0.113576786377019 (cv cost: 0.0967069106128153) (LR:  0 )
cost epoch20: 0.0595472259640828 (cv cost: 0.0831404427407914) (LR:  0 )
cost epoch30: 0.0494578776185938 (cv cost: 0.0538888075333611) (LR:  0 )
   dim X: ...
res <- cbind(ymat, automl_predict(model = amlmodel, X = xmat))
colnames(res) <- c('actual', 'predict')
     actual  predict
[1,]    5.1 5.028114
[2,]    4.9 4.673366
[3,]    4.7 4.738188
[4,]    4.6 4.821392
[5,]    5.0 5.099064
[6,]    5.4 5.277315
Pretty good too, even better!
But time consuming on larger datasets: where gradient descent should be preferred in this case

fit a regression model with custom cost (experimental way, Mix 2)

Same subject: predict Sepal.Length given other Iris parameters
Let's try with Mean Absolute Percentage Error instead of Mean Square Error
xmat <- as.matrix(cbind(iris[,2:4], as.numeric(iris$Species)))
ymat <- iris[,1]
f <- 'J=abs((y-yhat)/y)'
f <- c(f, 'J=sum(J[!is.infinite(J)],na.rm=TRUE)')
f <- c(f, 'J=(J/length(y))')
f <- paste(f, collapse = ';')
amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(
                Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat,
                hpar = list(
                    modexec = 'trainwpso',
                    numiterations = 30,
                    psopartpopsize = 50,
                    costcustformul = f
(cost: custom)
cost epoch10: 0.901580275333795 (cv cost: 1.15936129555304) (LR:  0 )
cost epoch20: 0.890142834441629 (cv cost: 1.24167078564786) (LR:  0 )
cost epoch30: 0.886088388448652 (cv cost: 1.22756121243449) (LR:  0 )
   dim X: ...
res <- cbind(ymat, automl_predict(model = amlmodel, X = xmat))
colnames(res) <- c('actual', 'predict')
     actual  predict
[1,]    5.1 4.693915
[2,]    4.9 4.470968
[3,]    4.7 4.482036
[4,]    4.6 4.593667
[5,]    5.0 4.738504
[6,]    5.4 4.914144

fit a classification model with softmax (Mix 2)

Subject: predict Species given other Iris parameters
Softmax is available with PSO, no derivative needed 😉
xmat = iris[,1:4]
lab2pred <- levels(iris$Species)
lghlab <- length(lab2pred)
iris$Species <- as.numeric(iris$Species)
ymat <- matrix(seq(from = 1, to = lghlab, by = 1), nrow(xmat), lghlab, byrow = TRUE)
ymat <- (ymat == as.numeric(iris$Species)) + 0
amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(
                Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat,
                hpar = list(
                    modexec = 'trainwpso',
                    layersshape = c(10, 0),
                    layersacttype = c('relu', 'softmax'),
                    layersdropoprob = c(0, 0),
                    numiterations = 50,
                    psopartpopsize = 50
(cost: crossentropy)
cost epoch10: 0.373706545886467 (cv cost: 0.36117608867856) (LR:  0 )
cost epoch20: 0.267034060152876 (cv cost: 0.163635821437066) (LR:  0 )
cost epoch30: 0.212054571476337 (cv cost: 0.112664100290429) (LR:  0 )
cost epoch40: 0.154158717402463 (cv cost: 0.102895917099299) (LR:  0 )
cost epoch50: 0.141037927317585 (cv cost: 0.0864623836595045) (LR:  0 )
   dim X: ...
res <- cbind(ymat, automl_predict(model = amlmodel, X = xmat))
colnames(res) <- c(paste('act',lab2pred, sep = '_'),
 paste('pred',lab2pred, sep = '_'))
  act_setosa act_versicolor act_virginica pred_setosa pred_versicolor pred_virginica
1          1              0             0   0.9863481     0.003268881    0.010383018
2          1              0             0   0.9897295     0.003387193    0.006883349
3          1              0             0   0.9856347     0.002025946    0.012339349
4          1              0             0   0.9819881     0.004638452    0.013373451
5          1              0             0   0.9827623     0.003115452    0.014122277
6          1              0             0   0.9329747     0.031624836    0.035400439

    act_setosa act_versicolor act_virginica pred_setosa pred_versicolor pred_virginica
145          0              0             1  0.02549091    2.877957e-05      0.9744803
146          0              0             1  0.08146753    2.005664e-03      0.9165268
147          0              0             1  0.05465750    1.979652e-02      0.9255460
148          0              0             1  0.06040415    1.974869e-02      0.9198472
149          0              0             1  0.02318048    4.133826e-04      0.9764061
150          0              0             1  0.03696852    5.230936e-02      0.9107221

change the model parameters (shape ...)

Same subject: predict Species given other Iris parameters
1st example: with gradient descent and 2 hidden layers containing 10 nodes, with various activation functions for hidden layers
xmat = iris[,1:4]
lab2pred <- levels(iris$Species)
lghlab <- length(lab2pred)
iris$Species <- as.numeric(iris$Species)
ymat <- matrix(seq(from = 1, to = lghlab, by = 1), nrow(xmat), lghlab, byrow = TRUE)
ymat <- (ymat == as.numeric(iris$Species)) + 0
amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(
                Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat,
                hpar = list(
                    layersshape = c(10, 10, 0),
                    layersacttype = c('tanh', 'relu', ''),
                    layersdropoprob = c(0, 0, 0)
nb: last activation type may be left to blank (it will be set automatically)

2nd example: with gradient descent and no hidden layer (logistic regression)
xmat = iris[,1:4]
lab2pred <- levels(iris$Species)
lghlab <- length(lab2pred)
iris$Species <- as.numeric(iris$Species)
ymat <- matrix(seq(from = 1, to = lghlab, by = 1), nrow(xmat), lghlab, byrow = TRUE)
ymat <- (ymat == as.numeric(iris$Species)) + 0
amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(
                Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat,
                hpar = list(
                    layersshape = c(0),
                    layersacttype = c('sigmoid'),
                    layersdropoprob = c(0)

ToDo List

  • transfert learning from existing frameworks
  • add autotune to other parameters (layers, dropout, ...)
  • CNN
  • RNN

join the team !

automl package: part 1/2 why and how

Why & how automl package

    automl package provides:
  • Deep Learning last tricks (those who have taken Andrew NG’s MOOC on Coursera will be in familiar territory)
  • hyperparameters autotune with metaheuristic (PSO)
  • experimental stuff and more to come (you’re welcome as coauthor!)

Deep Learning existing frameworks, disadvantages

Deploying and maintaining most Deep Learning frameworks means: Python…
R language is so simple to install and maintain in production environments that it is obvious to use a pure R based package for deep learning !

Neural Network – Deep Learning, disadvantages

  • 1st disadvantage: you have to test manually different combinations of parameters (number of layers, nodes, activation function, etc …) and then also tune manually hyper parameters for training (learning rate, momentum, mini batch size, etc …)
  • 2nd disadvantage: only for those who are not mathematicians, calculating derivative in case of new cost or activation function, may by an issue.

Metaheuristic – PSO, benefits

The Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm is a great and simple one.
In a few words, the first step consists in throwing randomly a set of particles in a space and the next steps consist in discovering the best solution while converging.

video tutorial from Yarpiz is a great ressource

Birth of automl package

automl package was born from the idea to use metaheuristic PSO to address the identified disadvantages above.
And last but not the least reason: use R and R only 🙂
    3 functions are available:
  • automl train manual: the manual mode to train a model
  • automl train: the automatic mode to train model
  • automl predict: the prediction function to apply a trained model on datas

Mix 1: hyperparameters tuning with PSO

Mix 1 consists in using PSO algorithm to optimize the hyperparameters: each particle corresponds to a set of hyperparameters.
The automl train function was made to do that.

nb: parameters (nodes number, activation functions, etc…) are not automatically tuned for the moment, but why not in the futur

Mix 2: PSO instead of gradient descent

Mix 2 is experimental, it consists in using PSO algorithm to optimize the weights of Neural Network in place of gradient descent: each particle corresponds to a set of neural network weights matrices.
The automl train manual function do that too.

Next post

We will see how to use it in the next post.

Feel free to comment or join the team being formed

Statistics Challenge Invites Students to Tackle Opioid Crisis Using Real-World Data

In 2016, 2.1 million Americans were found to have an opioid use disorder (according to SAMHSA), with drug overdose now the leading cause of injury and death in the United States. But some of the country’s top minds are working to fight this epidemic, and statisticians are helping to lead the charge. 

In This is Statistics’ second annual fall data challenge, high school and undergraduate students will use statistics to analyze data and develop recommendations to help address this important public health crisis. 

The contest invites teams of two to five students to put their statistical and data visualization skills to work using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s Multiple Cause of Death (Detailed Mortality) data set, and contribute to creating healthier communities. Given the size and complexity of the CDC dataset, programming languages such as R can be used to manipulate and conduct analysis effectively.

Each submission will consist of a short essay and presentation of recommendations. Winners will be awarded for best overall analysis, best visualization and best use of external data. Submissions are due November 12, 2018.

If you or a student you know is interested in participating, get full contest details here

Teachers, get resources about how to engage your students in the contest here.

Time Series with Matrix Profile

Recently I began to look further into Time Series(TS). During the course of my Master’s degree, I used the forecast package quite a bit (Thanks to Prof. Hyndman), and TS got my attention. So, after reading lots of publications about everything you can imagine about TS, I came across one publication from Prof. Eamonn, of the University of California, that made me contact him to ask a few questions. After receiving a considerable amount of information from him, one particular subject caught my attention: Matrix Profile. I was so much impressed that I started to write the TSMP R Package.

Enough talking, so what is a Matrix Profile? Why should you care about it?

Matrix Profile

If you are here, you are likely aware of what a Distance Matrix (DM) is. If not, think about those tables that used to be on maps with the distance between cities. It is widely used in TS for clustering, classification, motif search, etc. However, even for modestly sized datasets, the algorithms can take months to compute it and even with speed-up techniques (i.e., indexing, lower-bounding, early abandoning) they can be, at best, one or two orders of magnitude faster. Matrix Profile it’s like a DM but faster (much faster) to compute. Figure 1 shows a DM and a Matrix Profile. As you can see, in the Matrix Profile, as the name suggests, you see the Profile of a DM. It stores the minimum Euclidean distance of every subset of one TS (think of a Sliding Window) with another (or itself, called Self-Join). It also stores a companion vector called Profile Index, that gives us the index of each nearest neighbor.
Distance Matrix
Figure 1: Distance Matrix and its Matrix Profile
And is this good?

Why should you care?

DM usually stores redundant information, useless for most TS applications. The Matrix Profile has a host of interesting and exploitable properties. For example, the highest point on the Matrix Profile corresponds to the TS discord, the (tied) lowest points correspond to the locations of the best TS motif pair, and the variance can be seen as a measure of the TS complexity. Moreover, the histogram of the values in the Matrix Profile is the exact answer to the TS density estimation. Particularly, it has implications for TS motif discovery, TS joins, shapelet discovery (classification), density estimation, semantic segmentation, visualization, rule discovery, clustering, etc.1

This method has the following advantages/features:

  • It is exact, providing no false positives or false dismissals.
  • It is simple and parameter-free. In contrast, the more general metric space APSS2 algorithms require building and tuning spatial access methods and/or hash functions.
  • It requires an inconsequential space overhead, just O(n) with a small constant factor.
  • It is extremely scalable, and for massive datasets, we can compute the results in an anytime fashion, allowing ultra-fast approximate solutions.
  • Having computed the similarity join for a dataset, we can incrementally update it very efficiently. In many domains, this means we can effectively maintain exact joins on streaming data forever.
  • It provides full joins, eliminating the need to specify a similarity threshold, which is a near-impossible task in this domain.
  • It is embarrassingly parallelizable, both on multicore processors and in distributed systems.

Performance on an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz using a random walk dataset

data <- cumsum(sample(c(-1, 1), 40000, TRUE))

Elapsed Time3 Data size Window size Threads
scrimp() 45.30s 40000 1000 1
stomp_par() 52.72s 40000 1000 8
stomp() 136.01s 40000 1000 1
stamp_par() 140.25s 40000 1000 8
stamp() 262.03s 40000 1000 1

Further readings

All information you need to get started with Matrix Profiles is available at the UCR Matrix Profile webpage. Papers, Slides, examples, are available there. Once become more familiar with this concept, you can start reading the TSMP R Package documentation.
  1. For pure similarity search, it is suggested you see MASS for Euclidean Distance and the UCR Suite for DTW.
  2. All Pairs Similarity Search.
  3. These are results using only R code, no low-level C code optimizations.

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