Hackathon sponsored by NanoString Technologies

NanoString Technologies is sponsoring a hackathon with DevPost to spur development of tools and methods in the form of R packages for its GeoMx Spatial Biology platform.  GeoMx allows measurement of protein and RNA expression within selected regions of a tissue slide versus having to measure the slide as a whole.  This allows you to compare expression between tumor and non-tumor cells within a tumor biopsy slide, for example.

A dataset from a collection of kidney biopsy samples is available for use in the hackathon and packages that either create new and insightful graphs or data analysis methods are encouraged.  NanoString has developed some infrastructure packages based on ExpressionSets that are available on Bioconductor to allow developers to focus more on graphs and methods versus data input.

A top prize of $10,000 is available to the top winner with other prizes for second and third place winners.  Details can be found at the hackathon website.

