
labourR 1.0.0: Automatic Coding of Occupation Titles

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Occupations classification is an important step in tasks such as labour market analysis, epidemiological studies and official statistics. To assist research on the labour market, ESCO has defined a taxonomy for occupations. Occupations are specified and organized in a hierarchical structure based on the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO). labourR is a new package that performs occupations coding for multilingual free-form text (e.g. a job title) using the ESCO hierarchical classification model.

The initial motivation was to retrieve the work experience history from a Curriculum Vitae generated from the Europass online CV editor. Document vectorization is performed using the ESCO model and a fuzzy match is allowed with various string distance metrics.

The labourR package:


You can install the released version of labourR from CRAN with,

corpus <- data.frame(
  id = 1:3,
  text = c("Data Scientist", "Junior Architect Engineer", "Cashier at McDonald's")
Given an ISCO level, the top suggested ISCO group is returned. num_leaves specifies the number of ESCO occupations used to perform a plurality vote,

classify_occupation(corpus = corpus, isco_level = 3, lang = "en", num_leaves = 5)
#>    id iscoGroup                                          preferredLabel
#> 1:  1       251       Software and applications developers and analysts
#> 2:  2       214 Engineering professionals (excluding electrotechnology)
#> 3:  3       523                              Cashiers and ticket clerks
For further information browse the vignettes.
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