
DataCamp Launches DataLab: An AI-Enabled Data Notebook

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DataCamp is launching DataLab, an AI-enabled data notebook to make it easier and faster than ever before to go from data to insight, regardless of technical ability.

The challenge DataLab Solves

DataCamp’s mission to democratize data skills has translated into its leading online data and AI learning platform. 

Alongside learning, intuitive data tooling is vital for modern professionals to feel empowered to make data-driven decisions. But more often than not, tools today are getting in the way rather than helping us. Depending on your skill set, you need different tools (Excel, a SQL editor, a Python notebook). 

As a result, insights are scattered across functions and collaboration becomes a drag. And, insights are often separated by technical skills or needing to go through specialist data teams to get answers.

The solution: Democratized insights

DataLab is an AI-powered chat interface specifically tailored for data analytics. The steps are simple: attach a data source, ask a question, and iterate your way to the insight you need, just like you would with a technically skilled colleague.

DataLab is an AI-powered data notebook to chat with your data

DataLab’s key features:

DataLab’s chat interface looks similar to ChatGPT, and that’s the point! OpenAI managed to package extremely sophisticated technology into an intuitive interface. 

Just because technology is complex, doesn’t mean the interface needs to be.

DataLab’s path so far

DataLab is the next iteration of DataCamp Workspace, an online data notebook with more than 50,000 monthly active users and support for SQL, Python, and R. 

With the breakthrough of GPT-3.5 and many other LLMs in early 2023, DataCamp saw the opportunity to make their users even more effective and Workspace accessible to a bigger user base, both for study and work.

DataCamp added powerful AI features to write, update, fix, and explain code. The built-in Workspace AI Assistant is smarter than ChatGPT: it takes more context into account (variables, table names, and column types), leading to higher-quality suggestions and a faster workflow. 

DataLab is Workspace’s notebook environment plus an intuitive AI-powered chat interface. This means you’re getting the power of AI and a fully-fledged coding environment without switching tools. Real-time collaboration, scheduling, version history, role-based access control, you name it: you’re tapping into years of work building a data notebook that is intuitive and delightful to use, whether you’re learning on DataCamp or working through your unique projects.

I have used Workspace in the past, what happens to my work?

All your workspaces (now workbooks) you created in the past will stay available and continue to function. You can continue using DataLab for free (three workbooks, 20 AI Assistant prompts, basic hardware); all you need is your DataCamp account. 

Users on an existing Workspace Premium subscription can access DataLab Premium, featuring unlimited workbooks, unlimited AI Assistant prompts, powerful hardware, and more.

Try it out for free

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