
Zoom talk on “Organising exams in R” from the Grenoble R user group

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Due to the current sanitary situation, the Grenoble (France) R user group has decided to switch 100% online. The advantage to this is that our talks will now open for anybody around the globe 🙂

The next talk will be on October 22nd, 2020 at 5PM (FR):

Organising exams in R
Package {exams} enables creating questionnaires that combine program output, graphs, etc in an automatised and dynamic fashion. They may be exported in many different formats: html, pdf, nops and most intresting xml. Xml is compatible with moodle which allows to reproducibly generate random questions in R and create a great number of different exams and make them an online moodle exam.

Link to the event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/organising-exams-in-r-tickets-125308530187 Link to Zoom: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76885441433?pwd=bUhvejdUb2sxa29saEk5M3NlMldBdz09

Link to the Grenoble R user group 2020/2021 calendar:  https://r-in-grenoble.github.io/sessions.html

Hope to see you there!

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