SurvCART: Constructing Survival Tree in R

[Author: Madan G. Kundu]

In practice, survival times may be influenced by a combination of baseline variables. Survival trees (i.e., trees with survival data) offer a relatively flexible approach to understanding the effects of covariates, including their interaction, on survival times when the functional form of the association is unknown, and also have the advantage of easier interpretation. This blog presents the construction of a survival tree following the SurvCART algorithm (Kundu and Ghosh 2021).  Usually, a survival tree is constructed based on the heterogeneity in time-to-event distribution. However, in some applications with marker dependent censoring (e.g., less education or better prognosis might lead to early censoring) ignorance of censoring distribution might lead to inconsistent survival tree (Cui, Zhou and Kosorok, 2021).  Therefore, the SurvCART algorithm is flexible to construct a survival tree based on heterogeneity both in time-to-event and censoring distribution. However, it is important to emphasize that the use of censoring heterogeneity in the construction of survival trees is optional.  In this blog, the construction of a survival tree is illustrated with an R dataset in step by step approach and the results are explained using the functions available in the LongCART package

Installing and Loading LongCART package
R> install.packages("LongCART")
R> library(LongCART)
The GBSG2 dataset
We will illustrate the SurvCART algorithm with GBSG2 data to analyze recurrence-free survival (RFS) originated from a prospective randomized clinical trial conducted by the German Breast Cancer Study Group. The purpose is to evaluate the effect of prognostic factors on RFS among node-positive breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy in the adjuvant setting. RFS is time-to-event endpoint which was defined as the time from mastectomy to the first occurrence of either recurrence, contralateral or secondary tumor, or death. This GBSG2 dataset is included in the LongCART package in R. The dataset contains the information from 686 breast cancer patients with the following variables: time (RFS follow-up time in days), cens (censoring indicator: 0[censored], 1[event]), horTH (hormonal therapy: yes, no), age (age in years), menostat (menopausal status: pre, post), tsize (tumour size in mm), tgrade (tumour grade: I, II, III), pnodes (number of positive nodes), progrec (level of progesterone receptor[PR] in fmol), and estrec (level of the estrogen receptor in fmol). For details about the conduct of the study, please refer to Schumacher et al.

Let’s first explore the dataset. 
R> library(speff2trial)
R> data("ACTG175", package = "speff2trial")
R> adata<- reshape(data=ACTG175[,!(names(ACTG175) %in% c("cd80", "cd820"))],
+ varying=c("cd40", "cd420", "cd496"), v.names="cd4",
+ idvar="pidnum", direction="long", times=c(0, 20, 96))
R> adata<- adata[order(adata$pidnum, adata$time),]
The median RFS time based on the entire 686 patients was 60 months with a total of 299 reported RFS events.  Does any baseline covariate influence the median RFS time and if yes then how? A survival tree is meant to find this answer.

Impact of individual categorical baseline variables on RFS
We would like to start with understanding the impact of individual baseline covariates on the median RFS time. There could be two types of baseline covariates: categorical (e.g., horTH [hormonal therapy]) and continuous (e.g., age).  The impact of an individual categorical variable can be statistically assessed using StabCat.surv() [Note: StabCat.surv() performs a statistical test as described in Section 2.2.1 of Kundu and Ghosh 2021].

Let’s focus only on the heterogeneity in RFS (assuming exponential underlying distribution for RFS), but not on the censoring distribution. 
R> out1<- StabCat.surv(data=GBSG2, timevar="time", censorvar="cens", 
R>                     splitvar="horTh", time.dist="exponential", 
R>                     event.ind=1) 
Stability Test for Categorical grouping variable 
Test.statistic= 8.562, Adj. p-value= 0.003 
Greater evidence of heterogeneity in time-to-event distribution 
R> out1$pval
[1] 0.003431809
The p-value is 0.00343 suggesting the influence of hormonal therapy on RFS. Here we considered Exponential distribution for RFS, but the following distributions can be specified as well: "weibull""lognormal" or "normal"

Now we illustrate the use of StabCat.surv() considering heterogeneity both in RFS time and censoring time.
R> out1<- StabCat.surv(data=GBSG2, timevar="time", censorvar="cens", 
R>                     splitvar="horTh", time.dist="exponential", 
R>                     cens.dist="exponential", event.ind=1) 
Stability Test for Categorical grouping variable 
Test.statistic= 8.562 0.013, Adj. p-value= 0.007 0.909 
Greater evidence of heterogeneity in time-to-event distribution 
> out1$pval
[1] 0.006863617
Note the two Test.statistic values (8.562 and 0.013): the first one corresponds to for heterogeneity in RFS time and the second one corresponds to heterogeneity in censoring distribution.  Consequently, we also see the two p-values (adjusted).  The overall p-value 0.006863617. In comparison to the earlier p-value of 0.00343, this p-value is greater due to the multiplicity adjustment.

Impact of individual continuous baseline variables on RFS
Similarly, we can assess the impact of an individual continuous variable by performing a statistical test as described in Section 2.2.2 of Kundu and Ghosh 2021 which is implemented in StabCont.surv()
R> out1<- StabCont.surv(data=GBSG2, timevar="time", censorvar="cens",
R>                      splitvar="age", time.dist="exponential",
R>                      event.ind=1)
Stability Test for Continuous grouping variable 
Test.statistic= 0.925, Adj. p-value= 0.359 
Greater evidence of heterogeneity in time-to-event distribution 
> out1$pval
[1] 0.3591482
The p-value is 0.3591482 suggesting no impact of age on RFS. Heterogeneity in censoring distribution can be considered here as well by specifying cens.dist as shown with StabCat.surv().

Construction of survival tree
A survival tree can be constructed using SurvCART(). Note that the SurvCART() function currently can handle the categorical baseline variables with numerical levels only. For nominal variables, please create the corresponding numerically coded dummy variable(s) as has been done below for horTh, trade and menostat  
R> GBSG2$horTh1<- as.numeric(GBSG2$horTh)
R> GBSG2$tgrade1<- as.numeric(GBSG2$tgrade)
R> GBSG2$menostat1<- as.numeric(GBSG2$menostat)
We also have to add the subject id if that is not already there.
R> GBSG2$subjid<- 1:nrow(GBSG2)
In the SurvCART(), we have to list out all the baseline variables of interest and declare whether it is categorical or continuous. Further, we also have to specify the RFS distribution "exponential"(default), "weibull""lognormal" or "normal". The censoring distribution could be "NA"(default: i.e., no censoring heterogeneity), "exponential" "weibull""lognormal" or "normal"

Let’s construct the survival tree with heterogeneity in RFS only (i.e., ignoring censoring heterogeneity)
R> out.tree<- SurvCART(data=GBSG2, patid="subjid", 
R>                censorvar="cens", timevar="time", 
R>                gvars=c('horTh1', 'age', 'menostat1', 'tsize',          
R>                        'tgrade1', 'pnodes', 'progrec', 'estrec'),  
R>                tgvars=c(0,1,0,1,0,1, 1,1), 
R>                time.dist="exponential", 
R>                event.ind=1, alpha=0.05, minsplit=80, minbucket=40, 
R>                print=TRUE)
All the baseline variables are listed in gvars argument. The tgvars argument is accompanied with the gvars argument which indicates type of the partitioning variables (0=categorical or 1=continuous). Further, we have considered exponential distribution for RFS time. 

Within SurvCART(), at any given tree-node, each of the baseline variables is tested for heterogeneity using eitherStabCat.surv() or StabCont.surv() and the corresponding p-value is obtained. Further, these p-values are adjusted according to the Hochberg procedure and subsequently, the baseline variable with the smallest p-value is selected. These details would be printed if print=TRUE. This procedure keeps iterating until we hit the terminal node (i.e., no more statistically significant baseline variable, node size is smaller than the minsplit or further splitting results in a node size smaller than  minbucket).

Now let’s view the tree result

In the above output, each row corresponds to a single node including the 7  terminal nodes identified by TERMINAL=TRUE.  Now let’s visualize the tree result
R> par(xpd = TRUE)
R> plot(out.tree, compress = TRUE)
R> text(out.tree, use.n = TRUE)
The resultant tree is as follows:

We can also plot KM plot for sub-groups identified by survival tree as follows:
KMPlot.SurvCART(out.tree, scale.time=365.25, type=1)

Last but not least, we can consider heterogeneity in censoring distribution in SurvCART() by specifying cens.dist .


1. Kundu, M. G., & Ghosh, S. (2021). Survival trees based on heterogeneity in time‐to‐event and censoring distributions using parameter instability test. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal14(5), 466-483. [link]
2. Y. Cui, R. Zhu, M. Zhou, and M. Kosorok, Consistency of survival tree and forest models: Splitting bias and correction. Statistica Sinica Preprint No: SS-2020-0263, 2021.
3. Schumacher, M., Bastert, G., Bojar, H., Hübner, K., Olschewski, M., Sauerbrei, W., … & Rauschecker, H. F. (1994). Randomized 2 x 2 trial evaluating hormonal treatment and the duration of chemotherapy in node-positive breast cancer patients. German Breast Cancer Study Group. Journal of Clinical Oncology12(10), 2086-2093. [link]
4. LongCART package v 3.1 or higher,

Steps to Perform Survival Analysis in R

Another way of analysis?

When there are so many tools and techniques of prediction modelling, why do we have another field known as survival analysis? As one of the most popular branch of statistics, Survival analysis is a way of prediction at various points in time. This is to say, while other prediction models make predictions of whether an event will occur, survival analysis predicts whether the event will occur at a specified time. Thus, it requires a time component for prediction and correspondingly, predicts the time when an event will happen. This helps one in understanding the expected duration of time when events occur and provide much more useful information. One can think of natural areas of application of survival analysis which include biological sciences where one can predict the time for bacteria or other cellular organisms to multiple to a particular size or expected time of decay of atoms. Some interesting applications include prediction of the expected time when a machine will break down and maintenance will be required

How hard does it get..

It is not easy to apply the concepts of survival analysis right off the bat. One needs to understand the ways it can be used first. This includes Kaplan-Meier Curves, creating the survival function through tools such as survival trees or survival forests and log-rank test. Let’s go through each of them one by one in R. We will use the survival package in R as a starting example. The survival package has the surv() function that is the center of survival analysis.
# install.packages("survival")
# Loading the package
The package contains a sample dataset for demonstration purposes. The dataset is pbc which contains a 10 year study of 424 patients having Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (pbc) when treated in Mayo clinic. A point to note here from the dataset description is that out of 424 patients, 312 participated in the trial of drug D-penicillamine and the rest 112 consented to have their basic measurements recorded and followed for survival but did not participate in the trial. 6 of these 112 cases were lost. We are particularly interested in ‘time’ and ‘status’ features in the dataset. Time represents the number of days after registration and final status (which can be censored, liver transplant or dead). Since it is survival, we will consider the status as dead or not-dead (transplant or censored). Further details about the dataset can be read from the command:
#Dataset description
We start with a direct application of the Surv() function and pass it to the survfit() function. The Surv() function will take the time and status parameters and create a survival object out of it. The survfit() function takes a survival object (the one which Surv() produces) and creates the survival curves.
#Fitting the survival model
survival_func=survfit(Surv(pbc$time,pbc$status == 2)~1)

Call: survfit(formula = Surv(pbc$time, pbc$status == 2) ~ 1)

        n   events      median  0.95LCL     0.95UCL 
        418         161         3395        3090        3853
The function gives us the number of values, the number of positives in status, the median time and 95% confidence interval values. The model can also be plotted.
#Plot the survival model

As expected, the plot shows us the decreasing probabilities for survival as time passes. The dashed lines are the upper and lower confidence intervals. In the survfit() function here, we passed the formula as ~ 1 which indicates that we are asking the function to fit the model solely on the basis of survival object and thus have an intercept. The output along with the confidence intervals are actually Kaplan-Meier estimates. This estimate is prominent in medical research survival analysis. The Kaplan – Meier estimates are based on the number of patients (each patient as a row of data) from the total number who survive for a certain time after treatment. (which is the event). We can represent the Kaplan – Meier function by the formula:
Ŝ(t)=∏(1-di/ni) for all i where ti≤t
Here, di the number of events and ni is the total number of people at risk at time ti

What to make of the graph?

Unlike other machine learning techniques where one uses test samples and makes predictions over them, the survival analysis curve is a self – explanatory curve. From the curve, we see that the possibility of surviving about 1000 days after treatment is roughly 0.8 or 80%. We can similarly define probability of survival for different number of days after treatment. At the same time, we also have the confidence interval ranges which show the margin of expected error. For example, in case of surviving 1000 days example, the upper confidence interval reaches about 0.85 or 85% and goes down to about 0.75 or 75%. Post the data range, which is 10 years or about 3500 days, the probability calculations are very erratic and vague and should not be taken up. For example, if one wants to know the probability of surviving 4500 days after treatment, then though the Kaplan – Meier graph above shows a range between 0.25 to 0.55 which is itself a large value to accommodate the lack of data, the data is still not sufficient enough and a better data should be used to make such an estimate.

Alternative models: Cox Proportional Hazard model

The survival package also contains a cox proportional hazard function coxph() and use other features in the data to make a better survival model. Though the data has untreated missing values, I am skipping the data processing and fitting the model directly. In practice, however, one needs to study the data and look at ways to process the data appropriately so that the best possible models are fitted. As the intention of this article is to get the readers acquainted with the function rather than processing, applying the function is the shortcut step which I am taking.
# Fit Cox Model
Cox_model = coxph(Surv(pbc$time,pbc$status==2) ~.,data=pbc)

coxph(formula = Surv(pbc$time, pbc$status == 2) ~ ., data = pbc)

  n= 276, number of events= 111 
   (142 observations deleted due to missingness)

                coef    exp(coef)       se(coef)        z   Pr(>|z|)   
id              -2.729e-03      9.973e-01   1.462e-03   -1.866  0.06203 . 
trt             -1.116e-01      8.944e-01   2.156e-01   -0.518  0.60476   
age         3.191e-02   1.032e+00   1.200e-02   2.659   0.00784 **
sexf            -3.822e-01      6.824e-01   3.074e-01   -1.243  0.21378   
ascites     6.321e-02   1.065e+00   3.874e-01   0.163   0.87038   
hepato      6.257e-02   1.065e+00   2.521e-01   0.248   0.80397   
spiders     7.594e-02   1.079e+00   2.448e-01   0.310   0.75635   
edema       8.860e-01   2.425e+00   4.078e-01   2.173   0.02980 * 
bili            8.038e-02   1.084e+00   2.539e-02   3.166   0.00155 **
chol        5.151e-04   1.001e+00   4.409e-04   1.168   0.24272   
albumin     -8.511e-01      4.270e-01   3.114e-01   -2.733  0.00627 **
copper      2.612e-03   1.003e+00   1.148e-03   2.275   0.02290 * 
alk.phos    -2.623e-05      1.000e+00   4.206e-05   -0.624  0.53288   
ast         4.239e-03   1.004e+00   1.941e-03   2.184   0.02894 * 
trig            -1.228e-03      9.988e-01   1.334e-03   -0.920  0.35741   
platelet    7.272e-04   1.001e+00   1.177e-03   0.618   0.53660   
protime     1.895e-01   1.209e+00   1.128e-01   1.680   0.09289 . 
stage       4.468e-01   1.563e+00   1.784e-01   2.504   0.01226 * 
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

                exp(coef)   exp(-coef)  lower .95   upper .95
id              0.9973      1.0027      0.9944      1.000
trt             0.8944      1.1181      0.5862      1.365
age             1.0324      0.9686      1.0084      1.057
sexf            0.6824      1.4655      0.3736      1.246
ascites         1.0653      0.9387      0.4985      2.276
hepato          1.0646      0.9393      0.6495      1.745
spiders         1.0789      0.9269      0.6678      1.743
edema           2.4253      0.4123      1.0907      5.393
bili            1.0837      0.9228      1.0311      1.139
chol            1.0005      0.9995      0.9997      1.001
albumin     0.4270      2.3422      0.2319      0.786
copper          1.0026      0.9974      1.0004      1.005
alk.phos        1.0000      1.0000      0.9999      1.000
ast             1.0042      0.9958      1.0004      1.008
trig            0.9988      1.0012      0.9962      1.001
platelet        1.0007      0.9993      0.9984      1.003
protime         1.2086      0.8274      0.9690      1.508
stage           1.5634      0.6397      1.1020      2.218

Concordance= 0.849  (se = 0.031 )
Rsquare= 0.462   (max possible= 0.981 )
Likelihood ratio test= 171.3  on 18 df,   p=0
Wald test            = 172.5  on 18 df,   p=0
Score (logrank) test = 286.1  on 18 df,   p=0
The Cox model output is similar to how a linear regression output comes up. The R2 is only 46% which is not high and we don’t have any feature which is highly significant. The top important features appear to be age, bilirubin (bili) and albumin. Let’s see how the plot looks like.
#Create a survival curve from the cox model
Cox_curve <- survfit(Cox_model)

With more data, we get a different plot and this one is more volatile. Compared to the Kaplan – Meier curve, the cox-plot curve is higher for the initial values and lower for the higher values. The major reason for this difference is the inclusion of variables in cox-model. The plots are made by similar functions and can be interpreted the same way as the Kaplan – Meier curve.

Going traditional : Using survival forests

Random forests can also be used for survival analysis and the ranger package in R provides the functionality. However, the ranger function cannot handle the missing values so I will use a smaller data with all rows having NA values dropped. This will reduce my data to only 276 observations.
#Using the Ranger package for survival analysis

#Drop rows with NA values
pbc_nadrop=pbc[complete.cases(pbc), ]
#Fitting the random forest
ranger_model <- ranger(Surv(pbc_nadrop$time,pbc_nadrop$status==2) ~.,data=pbc_nadrop,num.trees = 500, importance = "permutation",seed = 1)

#Plot the death times
plot(ranger_model$unique.death.times,ranger_model$survival[1,], type = "l", ylim = c(0,1),)

Let’s look at the variable importance plot which the random forest model calculates.
#Get the variable importance
data.frame(sort(ranger_model$variable.importance,decreasing = TRUE))

bili                                                    0.0762338981
copper                                                  0.0202733989
albumin                                                 0.0165070226
age                                                     0.0130134413
edema                                                   0.0122113704
ascites                                                 0.0115315711
chol                                                    0.0092889960
protime                                                 0.0060215073
id                                                      0.0055867915
ast                                                     0.0049932803
stage                                                   0.0030225398
hepato                                                  0.0029290675
trig                                                    0.0028869184
platelet                                                0.0012958105
sex                                                     0.0010639806
spiders                                                 0.0005210531
alk.phos                                                0.0003291581
trt                                                     -0.0002020952
These numbers may be different for different runs. In my example, we see that bilirubin is the most important feature.

Lessons learned: Conclusion

Though the input data for Survival package’s Kaplan – Meier estimate, Cox Model and ranger model are all different, we will compare the methodologies by plotting them on the same graph using ggplot.
#Comparing models

#Kaplan-Meier curve dataframe
#Add a row of model name
km <- rep("Kaplan Meier", length(survival_func$time))
#Create a dataframe
km_df <- data.frame(survival_func$time,survival_func$surv,km)
#Rename the columns so they are same for all dataframes
names(km_df) <- c("Time","Surv","Model")

#Cox model curve dataframe
#Add a row of model name
cox <- rep("Cox",length(Cox_curve$time))
#Create a dataframe
cox_df <- data.frame(Cox_curve$time,Cox_curve$surv,cox)
#Rename the columns so they are same for all dataframes
names(cox_df) <- c("Time","Surv","Model")

#Dataframe for ranger
#Add a row of model name
rf <- rep("Survival Forest",length(ranger_model$unique.death.times))
#Create a dataframe
rf_df <- data.frame(ranger_model$unique.death.times,sapply(data.frame(ranger_model$survival),mean),rf)
#Rename the columns so they are same for all dataframes
names(rf_df) <- c("Time","Surv","Model")

#Combine the results
plot_combo <- rbind(km_df,cox_df,rf_df)

#Make a ggplot
plot_gg <- ggplot(plot_combo, aes(x = Time, y = Surv, color = Model))
plot_gg + geom_line() + ggtitle("Comparison of Survival Curves")

We see here that the Cox model is the most volatile with the most data and features. It is higher for lower values and drops down sharply when the time increases. The survival forest is of the lowest range and resembles Kaplan-Meier curve. The difference might be because of Survival forest having less rows. The essence of the plots is that there can be different approaches to the same concept of survival analysis and one may choose the technique based on one’s comfort and situation. A better data with processed data points and treated missing values might fetch us a better R2 and more stable curves. At the same time, they will help better in finding time to event cases such as knowing the time when a promotion’s effect dies down, knowing when tumors will develop and become significant and lots of other applications with a significant chunk of them being from medical science. Survival, as the name suggests, relates to surviving objects and is thus related to event occurrence in a completely different way than machine learning. It is important to know this technique to know more and more ways data can help us in solving problems, with time involved in this particular case. Hope this article serves the purpose of giving a glimpse of survival analysis and the feature rich packages available in R.

Here is the complete code for the article:

# install.packages("survival")
# Loading the package

#Dataset description

#Fitting the survival model
survival_func=survfit(Surv(pbc$time,pbc$status == 2)~1)

#Plot the survival model

# Fit Cox Model
Cox_model = coxph(Surv(pbc$time,pbc$status==2) ~.,data=pbc)

#Create a survival curve from the cox model
Cox_curve <- survfit(Cox_model)

#Using the Ranger package for survival analysis

#Drop rows with NA values
pbc_nadrop=pbc[complete.cases(pbc), ]
#Fitting the random forest
ranger_model <- ranger(Surv(pbc_nadrop$time,pbc_nadrop$status==2) ~.,data=pbc_nadrop,num.trees = 500, importance = "permutation",seed = 1)

#Plot the death times
plot(ranger_model$unique.death.times,ranger_model$survival[1,], type = "l", ylim = c(0,1),)

#Get the variable importance
data.frame(sort(ranger_model$variable.importance,decreasing = TRUE))

#Comparing models

#Kaplan-Meier curve dataframe
#Add a row of model name
km <- rep("Kaplan Meier", length(survival_func$time))
#Create a dataframe
km_df <- data.frame(survival_func$time,survival_func$surv,km)
#Rename the columns so they are same for all dataframes
names(km_df) <- c("Time","Surv","Model")

#Cox model curve dataframe
#Add a row of model name
cox <- rep("Cox",length(Cox_curve$time))
#Create a dataframe
cox_df <- data.frame(Cox_curve$time,Cox_curve$surv,cox)
#Rename the columns so they are same for all dataframes
names(cox_df) <- c("Time","Surv","Model")

#Dataframe for ranger
#Add a row of model name
rf <- rep("Survival Forest",length(ranger_model$unique.death.times))
#Create a dataframe
rf_df <- data.frame(ranger_model$unique.death.times,sapply(data.frame(ranger_model$survival),mean),rf)
#Rename the columns so they are same for all dataframes
names(rf_df) <- c("Time","Surv","Model")

#Combine the results
plot_combo <- rbind(km_df,cox_df,rf_df)

#Make a ggplot
plot_gg <- ggplot(plot_combo, aes(x = Time, y = Surv, color = Model))
plot_gg + geom_line() + ggtitle("Comparison of Survival Curves")

Author Bio:

This article was contributed by Perceptive Analytics. Madhur Modi, Chaitanya Sagar, Vishnu Reddy and Saneesh Veetil contributed to this article.

Perceptive Analytics provides data analytics, data visualization, business intelligence and reporting services to e-commerce, retail, healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. Our client roster includes Fortune 500 and NYSE listed companies in the USA and India.