
Hitting web APIs with {httr2} in R workshop

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Join our workshop on Hitting web APIs with {httr2} in R , which is a part of our workshops for Ukraine series! 

Here’s some more info: 

Title: Hitting web APIs with {httr2} in R 

Date: Thursday, March 13th, 18:00 – 20:00 CET (Rome, Berlin, Paris timezone) 

Speaker: Ted Laderas is the Director of Training and Community at the Data Science Lab at Fred Hutch Cancer Center. He has taught R and Python for over 10 years.  He believes that research should not be lonely, and building communities of practice in science and research that are psychologically safe and inclusive are the key to doing better, more robust science.

Description: Do the words “Web API” sound intimidating to you? This talk is a gentle introduction to what Web APIs are and how to get data out of them using the {httr2}, {jsonlite}. and {tidyjson} packages. You’ll learn how to request data from an endpoint and get the data out. We’ll do this using an API that gives us facts about cats. By the end of this talk, web APIs will seem much less intimidating and you will be empowered to access data from them.

Minimal registration fee: 20 euro (or 20 USD or 800 UAH)

Please note that the registration confirmation is sent 1 day before the workshop to all registered participants rather than immediately after registration

How can I register?

If you are not personally interested in attending, you can also contribute by sponsoring a participation of a student, who will then be able to participate for free. If you choose to sponsor a student, all proceeds will also go directly to organisations working in Ukraine. You can either sponsor a particular student or you can leave it up to us so that we can allocate the sponsored place to students who have signed up for the waiting list.

How can I sponsor a student?

If you are a university student and cannot afford the registration fee, you can also sign up for the waiting list here. (Note that you are not guaranteed to participate by signing up for the waiting list).

You can also find more information about this workshop series,  a schedule of our future workshops as well as a list of our past workshops which you can get the recordings & materials here.

Looking forward to seeing you during the workshop!


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