Naive Principal Component Analysis (using R)

Post from Pablo Bernabeu’s blog.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a technique used to find the core components that underlie different variables. It comes in very useful whenever doubts arise about the true origin of three or more variables. There are two main methods for performing a PCA: naive or less naive. In the naive method, you first check some conditions in your data which will determine the essentials of the analysis. In the less-naive method, you set the those yourself, based on whatever prior information or purposes you had. I will tackle the naive method, mainly by following the guidelines in Field, Miles, and Field (2012), with updated code where necessary. This lecture material was also useful. The ‘naive’ approach is characterized by a first stage that checks whether the PCA should actually be performed with your current variables, or if some should be removed. The variables that are accepted are taken to a second stage which identifies the number of principal components that seem to underlie your set of variables. I ascribe these to the ‘naive’ or formal approach because either or both could potentially be skipped in exceptional circumstances, where the purpose is not scientific, or where enough information exists in advance.

STAGE 1.  Determine whether PCA is appropriate at all, considering the variables

  • Variables should be inter-correlated enough but not too much. Field et al. (2012) provide some thresholds, suggesting that no variable should have many correlations below .30, or any correlation at all above .90. Thus, in the example here, variable Q06 should probably be excluded from the PCA.
  • Bartlett’s test, on the nature of the intercorrelations, should be significant. Significance suggests that the variables are not an ‘identity matrix’ in which correlations are a sampling error.
  • KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin), a measure of sampling adequacy based on common variance (so similar purpose as Bartlett’s). As Field et al. review, ‘values between .5 and .7 are mediocre, values between .7 and .8 are good, values between .8 and .9 are great and values above .9 are superb’ (p. 761). There’s a general score as well as one per variable. The general one will often be good, whereas the individual scores may more likely fail. Any variable with a score below .5 should probably be removed, and the test should be run again.
  • Determinant: A formula about multicollinearity. The result should preferably fall below .00001.
Note that some of these tests are run on the dataframe and others on a correlation matrix of the data, as distinguished below.
 # Necessary libraries

# Select only your variables of interest for the PCA
dataset = mydata[, c('select_var1','select_var1',

# Create matrix: some tests will require it
data_matrix = cor(dataset, use = 'complete.obs')

# See intercorrelations
round(data_matrix, 2)

# Bartlett's

# KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin)

# Determinant

STAGE 2.  Identify number of components (aka factors)

In this stage, principal components (formally called ‘factors’ at this stage) are identified among the set of variables.
  • The identification is done through a basic, ‘unrotated’ PCA. The number of components set a priori must equal the number of variables that are being tested.
 # Start off with unrotated PCA

pc1 = psych::principal(dataset, nfactors = 
length(dataset), rotate="none")
Below, an example result:
 ## Principal Components Analysis
## Call: psych::principal(r = eng_prop, nfactors = 3, rotate = "none")
## Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix
##           PC1   PC2  PC3 h2       u2 com
## Aud_eng -0.89  0.13 0.44  1 -2.2e-16 1.5
## Hap_eng  0.64  0.75 0.15  1  1.1e-16 2.0
## Vis_eng  0.81 -0.46 0.36  1 -4.4e-16 2.0
##                        PC1  PC2  PC3
## SS loadings           1.87 0.79 0.34
## Proportion Var        0.62 0.26 0.11
## Cumulative Var        0.62 0.89 1.00
## Proportion Explained  0.62 0.26 0.11
## Cumulative Proportion 0.62 0.89 1.00
## Mean item complexity =  1.9
## Test of the hypothesis that 3 components are sufficient.
## The root mean square of the residuals (RMSR) is  0 
##  with the empirical chi square  0  with prob <  NA 
## Fit based upon off diagonal values = 1 

Among the columns, there are first the correlations between variables and components, followed by a column (h2) with the ‘communalities‘. If less factors than variables had been selected, communality values would be below 1. Then there is the uniqueness column (u2): uniqueness is equal to 1 minus the communality. Next is ‘com’, which reflects the complexity with which a variable relates to the principal components. Those components are precisely found below. The first row contains the sums of squared loadings, or eigenvalues, namely, the total variance explained by each linear component. This value corresponds to the number of units explained out of all possible factors (which were three in the above example). The rows below all cut from the same cloth. Proportion var = variance explained over a total of 1. This is the result of dividing the eigenvalue by the number of components. Multiply by 100 and you get the percentage of total variance explained, which becomes useful. In the example, 99% of the variance has been explained. Aside from the meddling maths, we should actually expect 100% there because the number of factors equaled the number of variables. Cumulative var: variance added consecutively up to the last component. Proportion explained: variance explained over what has actually been explained (only when variables = factors is this the same as Proportion var). Cumulative proportion: the actually explained variance added consecutively up to the last component. Two sources will determine the number of components to select for the next stage:
  • Kaiser’s criterion: components with SS loadings > 1. In our example, only PC1.

A more lenient alternative is Joliffe’s criterion, SS loadings > .7.

  • Scree plot: the number of points after point of inflexion. For this plot, call:
 plot(pc1$values, type = 'b') 
Imagine a straight line from the first point on the right. Once this line bends considerably, count the points after the bend and up to the last point on the left. The number of points is the number of components to select. The example here is probably the most complicated (two components were finally chosen), but normally it’s not difficult. Based on both criteria, go ahead and select the definitive number of components.

STAGE 3.  Run definitive PCA

Run a very similar command as you did before, but now with a more advanced method. The first PCA, a heuristic one, worked essentially on the inter-correlations. The definitive PCA, in contrast, will implement a prior shuffling known as ‘rotation’, to ensure that the result is robust enough (just like cards are shuffled). Explained variance is captured better this way. The go-to rotation method is the orthogonal, or ‘varimax’ (though others may be considered too).
 # Now with varimax rotation, Kaiser-normalized 
# by default:
pc2 = psych::principal(dataset, nfactors=2, 
rotate = "varimax", scores = TRUE)

# Healthcheck
We would want:
  • Less than half of residuals with absolute values > 0.05
  • Model fit > .9
  • All communalities > .7
If any of this fails, consider changing the number of factors. Next, the rotated components that have been ‘extracted’ from the core of the set of variables can be added to the dataset. This would enable the use of these components as new variables that might prove powerful and useful (as in this research).
 dataset = cbind(dataset, pc2$scores)
summary(dataset$RC1, dataset$RC2) 

STAGE 4.  Determine ascription of each variable to components

Check the main summary by just calling pc2, and see how each variable correlates with the rotated components. This is essential because it reveals how variables load on each component, or in other words, to which component a variable belongs. For instance, the table shown here belongs to a study about meaning of words. These results suggest that the visual and haptic modalities of words are quite related, whereas the auditory modality is relatively unique. When the analysis works out well, a cut-off point of r = .8 may be applied for considering a variable as part of a component.

STAGE 5.  Enjoy the plot

The plot is perhaps the coolest part about PCA. It really makes an awesome illustration of the power of data analysis.
  aes(RC1, RC2, label = as.character(main_eng))) +
  aes (x = RC1, y = RC2, by = main_eng) + stat_density2d(color = "gray87")+
  geom_text(size = 7) +
    ggtitle ('English properties') +
    theme_bw() +
    plot.background = element_blank()
   ,panel.grid.major = element_blank()
   ,panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
   ,panel.border = element_blank()
  ) +
  theme(axis.line = element_line(color = 'black')) + 
    theme(axis.title.x = element_text(colour = 'black', size = 23, 
         axis.title.y = element_text(colour = 'black', size = 23, 
         axis.text.x  = element_text(size=16),
       axis.text.y  = element_text(size=16)) +
  labs(x = "", y = "Varimax-rotated Principal Component 2") +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 32, face = "bold",

Below is an example combining PCA plots with code similar to the above. These plots illustrate something further with regard to the relationships among modalities. In property words, the different modalities spread out more clearly than they do in concept words. This makes sense because in language, properties define concepts (
see more).

An example of this code is use is available here (with data here). References
Field, A. P., Miles, J., & Field, Z. (2012). Discovering statistics using R. London: Sage. Feel free to comment below or on the original post.

Shiny: data presentation with an extra

A Shiny app with three tabs presenting different sections of the same data.
is an application based on R/RStudio which enables an interactive exploration of data through a dashboard with drop-down lists and checkboxes—programming-free. The apps can be useful for both the data analyst and the public.

Shiny apps are based on the Internet: This allows for private consultation of the data on one’s own browser as well as for online publication. Free apps can handle quite a lot of data, which can be increased with a subscription.

The target user of Shiny is extremely broad. Let’s take science—open science. At a time when openly archiving all data is becoming standard practice (e.g.,,,, Shiny can be used to walk the extra mile by letting people tour the data at once without programming. It’s the right tool for acknowledging all aspects of the data. Needless to say, these apps do not replace raw data archiving.

The apps simply add. For instance, the data in the lower app is a little noisy, right? Indeed it shows none of the succession of waves that characterizes word reading. The app helped me in identifying this issue. Instead of running along a host of participants and electrodes through a heavy code score, I found that the drop-down lists of the app let me seamlessly surf the data. By Participant 7, though, my wave dropped me…

Those data were very poor—systematically poorer than those of any other participants. I then checked the EEG preprocessing logs, and confirmed that those data had to be discarded. So much for the analysis utility of such an app. On the open science utility, what I did on discovering the fault was maintain the discarded data in the app, with a note, so that any colleagues and reviewers could consider it too. Now, although this example of use concerns a rather salient trait in the data, some other Shiny app might help to spot patterns such as individual differences, third variables.

Building a Shiny app is not difficult. Apps basically draw on some data presentation code (tables, plots) that you already have. Then just add a couple of scripts into the folder: one for the user interface (named iu.R), one for the process (named server.R), and perhaps another one compiling the commands for deploying the app and checking any errors.

The steps to start a Shiny app from scratch are:

1: Tutorials. Being open-source software, the best manuals are available through a Google search.

2: User token. Signing up and reading in your private key—just once.

3: GO. Plunge into the ui and server scripts, and deployApp().

4: Bugs and logs. They are not bugs in fact—rather fancies. For instance, some special characters have to get even more special (technically, UTF-8 encoding). For a character such as μ, Shiny prefers Âμ. Just cling to error logs by calling:

showLogs(appPath = getwd(), appFile = NULL, appName = NULL, account = NULL, entries = 50, streaming = FALSE)

The log output will mention any typos and unaccepted characters, pointing to specific lines in your code.

It may take a couple of intense days to get a first app running. As usual with programming, it’s easy to run into the traps which are there to spice up the way. The app’s been around for years, so tips and tricks abound on the Internet. For greater companionship, there are dedicated Google groups, and then there’s StackExchange etc., where you can post any needs/despair. Post your code, log, and explanation, and you’ll be rescued out in a couple of days. Long live those contributors.

It will often be enough to upload a bare app, but you might then think it can look better.

5 (optional): Pro up.
Use tabs to combine multiple apps in one, use different widgets, etc. Tutorials like this one on Youtube can take you there, especially those that provide the code, as in the description of that video. Use those scripts as templates. For example, see this script in which the function conditionalPanel() is used to modify the app’s sidebar based on which tab is selected. The utility of tabs is illustrated in the upper cover of this article and in the app shown in the text: When having multiple data sections, the tabs allow you to have all in one (cover screenshot), instead of linking to other apps in each (screenshot in text).

Time for logistics. You can include any text in your app’s webpage, such as explanations of any length, web links, and author information. Oh, also importantly: the Shiny application allows for the presentation of data in any of the forms available in R—notably, plots and tables. Costs: Shiny is free to use, in principle. You may only have to pay if you use your app(s) a lot—first month, commonly—, in which case you may pay 9 euros a month. There are different subscription plans. The free plan allows 25 hours of use per month, distributed among up to five apps.

There do exist alternatives to Shiny. One is fairly similar: It’s called Tableau. A nice comparison of the two apps is available here. Then, there’s a more advanced application called D3.js, which allows for lush graphics but proves more restrictive to newbies.

In sum, if you already program in R or even in Python, but have not tried online data presentation yet, consider it.

Feel free to share your ideas, experiences, or doubts in a comment on the original post.